I don't know what is going on with my body. If you've seen any of the other threads of commented on, you'll know that I am away and can't get in for another beta test until tomorrow. I had a great progression of lines in the beginning on my FRERs. But when I went in for my first hCG test, I was only at a 40 at 14 DPO. At 16 DPO it only went up to 51. They said it's probably either a chemical or an ectopic pregnancy. I'm now 5 weeks 2 days and no bleeding, spotting, pain etc. I have sore boobs, mild nausea and my linea nigra is starting to show. Took hpt again and it's dark! Wondering if it's even medically possible for my HCG to have only risen so slightly and then take off and start doubling. Anyone know? Really not trying to get false hopes up but I'm so confused. These tests are 21 and 23 dpo.
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