I'm fine and baby is fine! Gonna keep this quick so it doesn't turn into one of my novellas. I'd been having pain in my lower right hand side abdomen area for a few weeks which I was just writing off as round ligament pain. But this morning on the way to work I was nauseous and slept almost the whole way in-- usually we're chatting and sharing a breakfast sandwich. Then walking from the car to my office the pain got so bad I had to stop and bend over.

So I called my OBGYN and they told me to come in and be seen. My OBGYN was thinking three things: round ligament pain, a bladder infection, or I was passing a small kidney stone. Also, it was in the area of the appendix but I wasn't presenting any other symptoms of appendicitis. Also there was blood in my urine which is a symptom for an infection or a stone, but not for appendicitis. She was about to send me home with antibiotics when she touched the area and it hurt, so she sent me over to the hospital to get some blood taken and maybe an ultrasound.

It was a little scary since I was going up to the same triage I went to when I went into labor with RJ...! Anyway, I didn't end up having an ultrasound and the doctor concluded I probably had a bladder infection and sent me home with antibiotics and instructions not to go back to work and to rest and hydrate in case it IS a kidney stone.

I just took the first antibiotic pill and I'm resting now... but we're still picking up our babysitter and going to our friends' house for a game night. It's just the four of us and we're just playing board games, and we already booked our babysitters, so I don't want to cancel. The doctor said I'd probably start feeling better in 12 hours so it's definitely not serious or anything.

Just wanted to share with you guys!!! Oh, and both doctors said my cervix is definitely closed, "like a rock" said the one at the hospital and we heard baby's heartbeat and she sounds just fine. But all the kicking she's been doing that's been hurting my bladder will hopefully be less uncomfy now that I'm treating the infection!! To think all this time she's been kicking and poking an infected bladder... no wonder I was so uncomfortable!!