As soon as I got my first-ever BFP, I had all sorts of visions of preparing beautiful healthy dinners every night, and packing the leftovers for lunch at work the next day. The first week, this was successful. However, I’ve been SO BUSY these past weeks that I haven’t had the chance to do grocery shopping. And I’ve developed food aversions. Cooking also has become a nightmare for me, since I can’t stand the smell of food, or the sight it sizzling, etc. Many of my easy go-to’s are also revolting to me right now, making it a little harder.

So far, I’ve been having the following items for lunches/dinners: Lipton noodle soup (easy on the stomach) with a little milk. PB&J on whole wheat. Amy’s Organic lasagna. Tuna on whole wheat (not more than twice per week). I’ve also been buying lunch out a lot during lunch break at work, and have felt so guilty for doing this. Subway roasted chicken, or roast chicken on a whole wheat wrap from Sebastian’s Catering, or a grilled chicken sandwich no mayo from Wendy’s for example. I keep reading that getting salads from restaurants is iffy, because you don’t know how well they wash the lettuce, etc. Do you abide by this? (I haven’t gotten a salad not due to this “fear” but to my stomach not feeling up to it, however.)

I feel so guilty about buying my lunches almost every day, but I just don’t have the time or energy right now to prepare dinners after evening classes. I get home at 10 on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and this after a full day at work. (Luckily semester is over next week.) My husband is more than happy to cook for me, but food is just not appealing. So I end up just eating random things like I mentioned above, and so have no leftovers for lunch the next day.

I want to be as healthy as possible and provide my growing lima bean nutritious foods. What do you working busy bees buy for lunch during your lunch break? Or , am I the only “lazy” one?