I had really terrible morning sickness (all day, 24 hours a day sickness) for the first 4 months of my pregnancy last time. I was MISERABLE. I did continue going to work, but I didn't actually *do* much work there, I kind of just sat and suffered with a barf bag on my lap and laid in bed every second I was home. I couldn't grocery shop or run errands for months. I was on the highest pill dosage for Zofran, which gave me all the regular side effects like horrendous constipation. Plus, it stopped my throwing up but didn't stop the horrible constant nausea.

But now I have a toddler and we are TTC #2. So my questions.

-was your morning sickness the second time around the same, worse, better?
-How did you handle taking care of your older child while being sick? How did you feed them, cook for them, change diapers, etc?
-how did you divide the labor with your spouse/partner?

any tips for me? I'm really, really dreading going through all of this again, but this time with a toddler to take care of.

Words of experience?