I’m so so tired and I can’t remember what’s harder, being pregnant in the third trimester or having a newborn?
I’m so so tired and I can’t remember what’s harder, being pregnant in the third trimester or having a newborn?
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
For me it is 100% third tri. I’ve had fairly easy vaginal recoveries (esp from #2 and #3) so that may make a difference, but I did every wakeup and STILL felt better than being super pregnant! I feel like there’s a lot of love and adrenaline that gets you through early baby days. Hang in there!!
persimmon / 1310 posts
I think I was technically more sleep deprived with a newborn, but I didn't mind it nearly as much! I was definitely not as grumpy with a newborn.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@Iced Tea: I agree!
I was so grumpy at the end of my second pregnancy. I had a preschooler to take care of, my stomach was huge, it was hard to move around. Once the baby was born it was so much easier even though I was getting less sleep. Cuddling a newborn definitely helps!
grape / 87 posts
For me I am definitely more tired with a newborn! My daughter is only 10 weeks old so I'm still in the midst of it. I luckily had an easy pregnancy and felt pretty normal and comfortable throughout the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. My belly also never got too huge so I think that helped keep me more comfortable. Having a newborn has been tough and I'm still getting used to the sleep deprivation.
nectarine / 2436 posts
Newborn but I was sleeping pretty well through my pregnancies. Actually newborn is the most tiring if you have another kid at home. 1 was nothing, 2 kids was absolutely 10000% soul sucking every single second of every single day (and most nights). I mean, I couldn't even nurse without tending to my 3 year old. It was tough.
apricot / 469 posts
For me third trimester for sure. My kids always slept well. Idk if this baby will but we will see
persimmon / 1381 posts
I have a 4 yo, a 17 month old and a 3 week old newborn. I was more tired, worn out and grumpy 3 weeks ago at the end of my 3rd trimester than I am right now. My fuse and patience might be a little shorter right now, but I’m not as exhausted and uncomfortable as I was at the end of my 3rd tri.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
Definitely newborn. But it's a low bar...as my son wouldn't sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time...
pear / 1703 posts
@LadyDi: ohmygosh that sounds like a lot! And you’re still feeling better now than pg, amazing
@Littlebit7: waaahhh. I’ll have a 3 (and a 10) and a nb, is it is hard as I imagine?
nectarine / 2243 posts
TBh, no. I found the newborn phase a lot harder with my first kid. The sleep deprivation was such a shock and I just had a harder time. With the second, I think I was already primed for some sleep deprivation and was already a bit sleep deprived haha. But having an older one forced me to get out and on with the day, so into the carrier the baby went and we just soldiered on. Plus they sleep so much; so I could take advantage of any downtime and didn’t put so much pressure on myself. But I found it super helpful to get the 3 yo out of the house (I had her in a mini prek program 2 days a week in the mornings. This was HUGE and a game changer. So highly recommend that or just a mother’s helper for a few hours, etc). Plus she also decided to potty train 10 days after I had my baby so there was that. And our washer broke. Lolllllz
pomegranate / 3809 posts
Definitely newborn. My newborn woke up every 2 hours, and took an hour to get back down... and he pretty much did this for 3 months. I slept all night and slept in on the weekends all through my pregnancy.
nectarine / 2262 posts
Newborn 10000% worse. Y'all must have some magical babies (or I was cursed with bad ones). My first son never slept and screamed non stop day and night.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@Autumnmama79: there is definitely hope! My kids were 3.5 and 6.5 when #3 came and an older kid is definitely helpful! But third pregnancy wore me down so much I got shingles at 38 weeks pregnant ...
pear / 1703 posts
@bhbee: I am hoping that Dd will be helpful. Her and DS squabble more than they play nicely so maybe the baby will be more novel and fun for her to help with.
pomelo / 5621 posts
Definitely more tired third tri with DS2. But it was summer and I was huge and uncomfortable plus working and taking care of DS1.
Newborn I was till tired but I knew how to handle the sleep deprivation the second time around. And DS1 was at school in the afternoon so I could nap with the baby.
With DS1 I would say that newborn was definitely harder than third tri but I think mostly because I didn’t know what to expect.
apricot / 271 posts
I would rather take care of two newborns than go through the third tri ever again! Although my issue isn’t so much being tired (I had weird energy throughout my pregnancies) but being in such intense discomfort/pain. I had an easier time healing from my c section and taking care of a newborn and 2 year old than dealing with the 2 year old during third tri!
pear / 1599 posts
3rd trimester. Still working full time while tired vs maternity leave where I would get to nap occasionally.
apricot / 275 posts
It totally depends on the newborn, but for me, the last few weeks of pregnancy were worse!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
Newborn for sure for me. My 1st was a horrible sleeper. My 2nd was better, but I slept pretty well throughout my pregnancies.
pear / 1565 posts
I stand by my experience 2x so far that having the baby OUTSIDE of my body is WAY better than inside. Yes, more sleep deprived for sure but I just found it more manageable; or at least the reason for no sleep is right in front of me vs just all kinds of uncomfortable.
kiwi / 529 posts
Oh man newborn for sure! I went back to work 4 weeks later too. She's still waking at night too so I am a zombie without coffee. I never had the dreaded pregnancy insomnia.
kiwi / 529 posts
@MrsADS: This made me laugh out loud! Me for sure! Mine both are not great sleepers as babies and LOVE to be held constantly.
pomelo / 5220 posts
Third trimester... hands down more tiring for me. I felt tired after DS2 was born, but I was so less exhausted by merely existing in my third tri.
nectarine / 2641 posts
With my first, the newborn days for sure. I was incredibly sleep deprived. Can't remember with my second. With my third, the third trimester by huge margins.
nectarine / 2262 posts
@paigeface yeah and I had horrible insomnia in my 3rd tri, back pain, barely slept, etc. Still soooo much worse with a newborn!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@MrsADS: Right?! I also had awful insomnia and was up every two hours to pee...but it's still nothing compared to the emotional load that goes along with the sleeplessness of the newborn days. Being awake nursing throughout the night is way more tiring to me then just being awake!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@MrsADS: @MrsSCB: I found the nb days way more difficult, this post is making me wonder whether I had a difficult newborn/just didn't cope with the newborn very effectively, or if I was even luckier than I realized third tri If the latter it's making me nervous for how third tri will be this pregnancy!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Third trimester for sure. At least when they're a newborn you can put them down!!
I was basketball shaped with 30-40 extra pounds and on my feet all the time as a teacher. So tiresome.
nectarine / 2797 posts
Third tri for sure! Especially with my second, since my first was still in FT daycare and I was on maternity leave, so even with the newborn sleep deprivation there was less overall on my plate.
pear / 1703 posts
Made it to the other side and wanted to update. 1000% the third trimester was more tiring and difficult than having a newborn at home. I am thankful every single day that I’m no longer pregnant. So happy to have baby on the outside!
pear / 1565 posts
@Autumnmama79: Haha I looked at my response to you and that's exactly how I feel! I just feel like at least there is a physical object that's the source of your sleep deprivation once they're out!
persimmon / 1082 posts
@Autumnmama79: Home with newborn. 0-1 was easy but 1-2 has been hard and adjustment. Being pregnant in the third trimester i’ll take any day!
pear / 1703 posts
@cake2017: agreed that it’s an adjustment alright! Multiple kids is bananas. Trying to decide what’s currently scarier with 3 kids, bedtime or morning time?
kiwi / 624 posts
@Autumnmama79: bedtime! I have three and while mornings are stressful, I find bedtime solo is much more challenging than morning solo. :). 11 weeks in.
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