Post your morning sickness stories--if it was awful, if it wasn't, if it was your first or subsequent children. I want to hear it all!

I'm newly pregnant with LO #2--I haven't even been to the doctor yet because they don't let you make an appointment till you are 8 weeks (which I am on Monday). morning sickness this time around arrived bright and early at 5.5 weeks. My doctor called in a zofran prescription, since I was on it last time, and I've put myself on a high dosage of b6/unisom along with the zofran without even consulting my doctor, although I will discuss it at my first appointment. I have a friend who has severe HG who told me max dosages for Unisom so I'm just going pill-crazy.

So far it's "working", in that I'm sick 24/7 but can move around somewhat and can eat slightly more normally than my last pregnancy. BUT.....I'm still constantly nauseous, can't smell anything remotely "off" or I spiral, and I am constantly fixated on how nauseous I feel. All I think about all day is how sick I feel. So that's fun.

And I know I have many more weeks of this, if my pregnancy is like last time. Part of me thinks I should suck it up and still attempt to be normal. But the other part of me just glances at my husband feeding my LO red sauce on pasta and wants to vomit, so I just continue laying on the couch.

SHARE YOUR STORIES, ladies. Did you take meds? Were you active? Did you have melodramatic moments where you wanted to die, as I state a dozen times a day? Did you ban your husband from opening the fridge while you were in the same room> (kidding about that last one...sort of). Where you still married at the end of it?