Hellobee Boards


"Morning" sickness stories--lemme hear 'em

  1. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @Anagram I used to have to take Zofran on a regular basis for some stomach/digestive issues I had so unfortunately I am well too familiar with the Zofran constipation. My doctor gave the OK to take Miralax so that is what I am doing. Colace doesn't touch it for me. I also have enemas at the ready Buuut... I guess this is better than being super sick!

  2. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    @MrsADS: you might think about trying Unisom tabs (Diclegis is the Rx, delayed release version)... it actually worked better for me than Zofran without the constipation issues. It did make me tired at first, but I adjusted and felt better. It was truly a lifesaver for me. Unisom is cat B, but Diclegis is cat A (because they did studies specifically on pregnant women that did not find any increased risk... I think Unisom would get the same rating if they actually did the studies).

  3. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts


    I have hyperemesis and with that extreme and intense morning sickness since week 8. I'm 18 weeks now, and my latest layer of dignity to disappear way throwing up while in the bathtub two nights ago. I've thrown up on the metro on my way home to work, walking made me throw up, breathing too hard made me throw up. I've been on medical telework since November. I was prescribed 8mg Zofran four times a day, and Diclegis four times a day, and given orders to go to ER for fluids if I feel weak. How does throwing up that much NOT make one feel weak!?! I hope you feel much better.

  4. AprilK

    apricot / 391 posts

    My worst story was that I was sick the whole time I was pregnant and had the worst gag reflex. I went to slip my prenatal during a meeting and it got stuck in my throat- I bolted out of the room, lost my cookies in a conveniently placed trash can outside of the conference room and then ran for the bathroom. I made it as far as the kitchen before throwing up ALL over the fronts of the kitchen cabinets and finishing up in the sink. I stepped back and surveyed the scene in pure misery before I just started cleaning up the whole mess. so awful!!

  5. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    Hyperemesis and a wicked gag reflex have been the story of this pregnancy. I'm 11 weeks tomorrow and I've lost 8 lbs since thanksgiving because I feel like shit constantly and puke pretty much all the time. The zofran helps most of the time but I've really been slacking at home (and I'm pretty sure DH thinks im being lazy). It is all I can do to go to work, watch DD when I get home, and go to bed.


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