hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
(1) How much weight would you like to lose? (tangible goal of maybe three months)
Within 3 months, I would like to lose 10 lbs.
By September, I'd like to lose 20.
(2) How are you planning to achieve that goal?
Still figuring that out, but I need to start some sort of workout routine.
(3) What exercise/diet are you currently doing?
(4) Which part of your body would you like to focus on the most?
All over toning/fat loss. My midsection is probably my biggest problem area. I also want to tone up my thighs/butt.
(5) How are you planning to treat/reward yourself for achieving your goal?
Some new clothes!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Boogs: ha I hear you there on the scary stomach! ugh. She's had some pretty incredible transformations from moms with stretch marks so I'm crossing my fingers I see some good results I know my stretch marks will never go away, but at least a flat/toned stomach will help the overall appearance.
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
1. How much weight do you want to lose? I have about 40lbs to lose before I'm totally happy, but my short term goal is 15lbs.
2. How are you planning on achieving that goal? Through exercise and diet- I need to get active and stop relying on carbs and sugar to give me energy!
3. What exercise/diet are you currently doing? None! Just breastfeeding
4. Which part of your body would you like to focus on the most? Definitely my stomach/hips
5. How are you planning to treat/reward yourself? I'll buy new, nice jeans!
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
@Mrs. Pen: Exactly! But we don't plan on more kids, so no more excuses for me.
persimmon / 1259 posts
(1) How much weight would you like to lose? (tangible goal of maybe three months) 15 pounds! But at least 40 overall, as a start, then I can reevaluate my ultimate goal.
(2) How are you planning to achieve that goal? Weight Watchers to kick start, then probably switch to MFP for tracking. I also plan to slowly start increasing activity after my postpartum checkup.
(3) What exercise/diet are you currently doing? Zilch! Well, occasional light walking, but it just got real cold here... So yeah, nothing.
(4) Which part of your body would you like to focus on the most? Obviously, post-baby belly, but also, I'd like smaller thighs and toned arms.
(5) How are you planning to treat/reward yourself for achieving your goal? New clothes! We're going to Vegas this summer sometime, so definitely a couple new dresses!
pomegranate / 3845 posts
@Crystal: I just joined WW (haha January joiner here!) after a 4 month hiatus. I lost a substantial amount of weight from January 2015 - September 2015 so I missed the initial transition period. I'm hoping things go as well on this new iteration. So far, my points allocation is slightly less but not significantly less and while I've noticed sugary things being a bit higher, I haven't found anything totally unreasonable yet. I'm only a couple days in though! One thing that is kind of different is that they really seem to discourage swapping points earned through exercising for more food. On the old plan, I was really motivated to work out to be able to have more flexibility for a glass of wine after dinner or whatever. You can still swap, it's just discouraged.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
So my birthday was on Friday and I've been sick, so today is my first real day starting!! Brought breakfast, lunch, and snacks to work today, so hopefully that works. I'm hoping that saving money will also be a good motivator for me so that I don't end up just buying something bad to eat when I'm feeling bored of what I brought in.
Also, now that our tree is gone and our living room is back to normal, I can break out the treadmill again, so I'm going to try to start working out again too.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@Applesandbananas: January joiner here too! Signed up online last night, just need to go attend a meeting sometime this week. I am breastfeeding, so at first, my daily points allocation seemed so high...and then I put in my sugary cereal for breakfast and realized this is going to be tough! Haha. I'm about to sit down and hammer out a protein-rich, low sugar meal plan that I can HOPEFULLY stick to! As for swapping exercise points...I'm totally going to once I get the OK to start exercising again. That is the only way for me to realistically have the energy I need to keep up with baby and keep working out when I can!
coconut / 8079 posts
I went to my first spin class in months yesterday afternoon. It was tough, but I did it!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
1. How much weight do you want to lose? 7 lbs, 9 lbs ideally
2. How are you planning on achieving that goal? I'm almost 6 months pp and was really active and fit in my clothes early on, but my body tends to hold onto some weight while nursing and I'd like to lose it all prior to weaning! And I'd like to tone up and just in general be active again.
3. What exercise/diet are you currently doing? Everything in moderation I'll be eating clean and I'm in the midst of figuring out a new gym/workout routine. Probably a mix of BBG and gym time.
4. Which part of your body would you like to focus on the most? decrease and tighten stomach and triceps. build my bootay!
5. How are you planning to treat/reward yourself? a new wardrobe refresh!
pomelo / 5132 posts
I just started using my fitness pal to track. I managed to work out on Saturday, but work started again yesterday after break, and between that and a five month old and a two year old that we are potty training, I have no idea when to fit it in.
clementine / 777 posts
Well, I planned to try and lose some weight during 2016 but it doesn't look like that will happens since I found out I'm pregnant! My goal is now going to be to try not to gain weight during the first trimester and just maintain my overall health. I am really interested in mixing in some different video/Youtube workouts - maybe some pilates, etc.
pomegranate / 3845 posts
@mrsjd: haha I'm in the same boat. I'd just rejoined WW I'm kind of thinking of keeping WW. I think it's a well rounded way of eating and I feel like I eat a lot on WW! Definitely going to ask my OB.
clementine / 777 posts
@Applesandbananas: Oh no! I've done WW before (a long time ago) and loved it. I lost about 18 lbs on it. I definitely need structure to keep myself on track. I love food and I live in New Orleans, not the healthiest town. I'm fully prepared to gain weight (I even welcome it), but I just want to limit excess gain. Let's be health buddies during this time!
kiwi / 556 posts
Late to the party!
(1) How much weight would you like to lose? (tangible goal of maybe three months)
I'm on a journey to lose 60 pounds (7 down so far ), but by April 1st I'd love to lose 13 pounds, putting me at my pre-pregnancy weight.
(2) How are you planning to achieve that goal?
Calorie counting using Loseit - I'm eating around 1500-1600 net per day. I'm also working out 3-6 days each week. I've also (mostly) cut out diet cokes.
(3) What exercise/diet are you currently doing?
See above!
(4) Which part of your body would you like to focus on the most?
All over - My stomach gives me the most insecurity, but I am really focussing on everywhere.
(5) How are you planning to treat/reward yourself for achieving your goal?
New workout clothes!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@mrsjd: @Applesandbananas: wow congratulations ladies!!! That's awesome if there's something I could do over, it's being healthier during my pregnancy. I always wonder if I could have prevented some of the complications I had... Good luck and congrats
Update: I've been doing pretty well. Sticking to the BBG workout plan consistently (I'm halfway through week 3). Diet has been pretty good too. Just the occasionally bit of chocolate here and there, but I'm fine with that
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Applesandbananas: @mrsjd: congrats!!!
@Mrs. Pen: that's awesome you are on week 3! Have you noticed any changes? And life's too short to forgo chocolate
Between the Dietbet and getting a nasty bout of the flu, I'm down 10lbs! I'm sure a lot of it is just water weight from being sick but I'm hoping to keep at least some of it off. I'm in 2 diet bets right now so the prospect of making money in both is really keeping me motivated.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Charm54: right! That's my philosophy. I've done the no sugar challenged a few times and it's nice to kind of reset once in awhile, but I decided that even if I could give up chocolate and coffee, I don't think it's worth it. I'm not gorging on them- just a sweet treat a few times a week.
So far I haven't noticed any changes... But it's not like I JUST oicked up working out I've been a fairly avid exerciser (off and on) for two years. My weight has just fluctuated a lot. So it takes awhile to see results...
pomegranate / 3845 posts
@Mrs. Pen: thanks! I'm really paranoid about a recurrence of high BP this pregnancy, which may have contributed to IUGR with my first. I'm overweight to begin with, so gaining little is what I was told last go round, but I know the conventional advice is not to diet while pregnant. I kind of think it's like alcohol though, they just tell everyone not to because it would be impossible to lay out for everyone what would be healthy (like with alcohol, the smaller you are, the more affected you may be, etc. and I think with weight loss it's very similar, if you are trying to lose 5lbs vs maintaining vs trying to lose 50lbs, I think those would all have varying degrees of safety during pregnancy). I don't see the OB for several weeks (boo!) so I'm just following my body and tracking, but going over if I need to (and I have, I've been ravenous!)
pomelo / 5132 posts
@Mrs. Pen: if you weren't an avid exerciser before (I used to dance, but I never did any hard core working out. I did do 30ds for a bit), would you say BBG is really hard? I've seen Kayla on IG and I'm tired watching her! I will say the before and after are amazing though...
grapefruit / 4545 posts
I will formally join later...but want to root you all on now!!!
(1) How much weight would you like to lose? (tangible goal of maybe three months) Pregnant now, so no weight loss...but I am trying to be very good these last 8w and keep the weight gain healthy but low. My Dr is fine with me not gaining as long as baby is growing fine. I had 10-20lbs to give before getting preggo. My main goal is to go into the hospital to deliver at a weight less than I delivered K (205)....I'm at 187 right now...
(2) How are you planning to achieve that goal? Up my water intake, reduce my eating out (1 lunch and 1 dinner a week) and some prenatal yoga
(3) What exercise/diet are you currently doing? Just some pre-natal yoga and some walking
(4) Which part of your body would you like to focus on the most? Tummy...ugh!
(5) How are you planning to treat/reward yourself for achieving your goal? I am going to build a full reward system once I am PP. Hitting my ultimate goal weight will ultimately earn me either a new wardrobe or my two birthstone stacking rings for my daughters!
Ultimate goal weight is 145lbs...I was 160lbs when I got preggo this time! Here's to hard work! After baby comes I'll lay low as directed for 6 weeks (with just walking) and then when I am cleared to work out it will be running and a mix of JM videos and 21 Day Fix - I love those videos!
watermelon / 14467 posts
I had my official weigh-in for the OTF weight loss challenge: 163.4. Yikes. This was at the end of the day, in the morning it's more like 159 (still, yikes). I hope I can lose about 10 pounds still!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Mrs. J: ahh so sorry I missed this before. Okay, so I was an avid exerciser prior to starting BBG. But not an avid cardio/HIIT-type workout person. I lost 15 lbs in three months over the summer and I was mostly doing weights/resistance, and very little cardio. Her program is a lot more cardio-based than other workouts I've done, and that alone made it harder. It's more explosive movements (a lot of jumping - and I'm not used to that). So I think it's hard even if you are more conditioned - ha. Just because it's different than what my body's used to. And like you said, the before/afters are pretty incredible, and that's partly what pushed me to finally just try it and stick with it. The other reason is because I actually hurt my back weight lifting several months ago and I didn't want to take time off from exercising completely. Her program doesn't hurt my back at all and it's pretty injury-proof.
Okay so an update: Yesterday was the start of Kayla's BBG week 5 for me! It's going really well, it's super hard! Since I started (December 21), I am down 2.5 lbs, and 3 inches overall (bust, arm, thigh, hip). I'm feeling really good!
How is everyone else doing?
pomegranate / 3032 posts
I'm in! I officially started working on this on 1/4...
(1) How much weight would you like to lose? (tangible goal of maybe three months) 20lbs in 2 weeks I lost 6lbs
(2) How are you planning to achieve that goal? More protein, less snacking, more moving
(3) What exercise/diet are you currently doing? Exercise is
really hard for me to fit in. I'm trying to take walks at lunch but the weather has not been cooperating. I wear a fitbit and log calories using my fitness pal.
(4) Which part of your body would you like to focus on the most? umm.. all of it... In an ideal world I would love to lose 40-60lbs but lets start small
(5) How are you planning to treat/reward yourself for achieving your goal? If I can lose 20lbs, I'll reward myself with the knowledge that while not ideal I could start a pregnancy at this weight (i'll be at my prepregnancy weight from my first) If I lose 30lbs by memorial I'm going to treat myself to a new swim suit from athleta or cameo.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
I've done SO BADLY with working out! I want to go in the mornings, and end up pushing my snooze button. I've done *way better* overall with the eating thing, but I really need to combine the two.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
I've done the opposite of lose weight... this is embarrassing. I need to buckle down and try harder!!
cherry / 155 posts
Can I join too? @chillybear, almost the same! Started on 1/4, down 3 pounds and I weigh in on Friday am.
(1) How much weight would you like to lose? (tangible goal of maybe three months)
I'd like to lose about 5ish pounds a month- so 15 lbs. Overall my goal is 30ish but we'll see. Like many ladies, I've had success on WW in the past so I know I can do it when I'm in the zone. I'm in it!
(2) How are you planning to achieve that goal?
I've been using MFP app and tracking everything I eat, Fitbit and taking all stairs all the time. No elevators!
(3) What exercise/diet are you currently doing?
Stairs, taking the dog for longer walks-- when the weather gets warmer I'm going to start running outside. Right now it is too cold! I signed up for a 5K in May.
(4) Which part of your body would you like to focus on the most?
All over, tummy and my face- I want to look better in pictures!
(5) How are you planning to treat/reward yourself for achieving your goal?
My husband's HS reunion is this year (Nov) and we are planning a family trip to Mexico in December- so I hope to get some new warm weather clothes and a bathing suit or 2.
Go us!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@RLCeigh: @Chillybear: welcome!! glad to see you ladies join in! We need to get this thread busier - I want to see everyone's progress!!
Well here's some news: I just registered for my first race! I've always hated running - even as a kid I did! I'm definitely not an endurance athlete at all, so this is going to be a huge challenge to me. I think that because I hate running so much, I feel the need to "conquer" it, per se. I registered for the Get Lucky 7k in March! I'm still only running about 1.25 miles straight, but I'm super motivated and I've already been running 3x week for the past several weeks so I know I can do it. Registering for the race was just the extra push I needed to keep training and keep motivated. Plus I'm doing the race with a couple friends - so wanting to keep up with them and not be left behind is a huge motivator too!
watermelon / 14467 posts
Hey ladies! I am down two pounds, woohoo! Up until this weekend, I was hardcore about my diet. I've been PMS-ing so badly and I'm super bloated, but I pushed through my workout last night. I need to get better about drinking water for sure.
pomelo / 5132 posts
@Mrs. Pen: that's awesome!!! I think one of my first races (that wasn't in elementary school) was an 8k.
cherry / 155 posts
@Mrs. Pen and everyone: how's it going?
I was reading through as I eat my lunch (ha!) and I'm happy to report I'm going strong- down 21 lbs so far since January. I am on week 6 on a couch to 5K training and I love it. Using My Fitness Pal app religiously and it helps keep me on track. My end goal is Mexico in December so I bought a new bathing suit and try it on once a month
Anyone have any new tips?
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@RLCeigh: yayyyy that's so awesome!! HUGE congrats on that!!
I'm doing really well! I've done two races this year (a 7k and a 5k), lost about 10 lbs, 3% BF, and lots of inches. I'm on week 22 of Kayla Itsines BBG and I like to add in a little extra weight training 1-2x a week, and I love it. It's hard and intense, but so manageable.
here's my progress pic!
watermelon / 14467 posts
@RLCeigh: I fell off the bandwagon since I got pregnant. What I thought was PMS and bloat was actually a surprise baby (we were not trying). But I did complete a 5k at 9 weeks and a 10k at 11 weeks. After that, I stopped running because it hurt too much. I also had to quit OrangeTheory because I kept getting super dizzy and almost passing out. I can't wait to get back though!
@Mrs. Pen: You look so great!
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