Just curious what team people were gonna be when they have their next baby. I have a girl and boy so I think we are gonna be team green.
Just curious what team people were gonna be when they have their next baby. I have a girl and boy so I think we are gonna be team green.
126 votes
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
We were Green for dd and will definitely be Green again! It was so much fun
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
Team waiting to find out!
If i have a boy next, we'll go TG for #3 to see what all this hoopla is about
persimmon / 1179 posts
We were team green for our first, who is a boy. We will be team green again unless it's twins, and then that's enough of a surprise for me and we will find out haha.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
We were team green for our first, which I loved, but that was my choice, Dh would have preferred to find out. So for baby #2 I may let him have his way and find out. (I mean we both find out- he suggested last time that just he find out and I be surprised- no way!)
pear / 1787 posts
we found out for this one and i always thought i might like to be team green next time just to have both experiences... but finding out made DH soooo happy and made it all very real for him and made him feel a lot more connected so i think we'll always find out. (definitely not saying parents who don't find out aren't connected, that is just how my DH felt and what works for him!)
pomelo / 5258 posts
I voted other. We found out right at the beginning of third trimester last time and we plan to do the same again. I'd like to wait even longer (35 weeks or so) but we plan to do it when we visit the in laws.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
We found out as early as possible with #1 and will again with #2! I liked being able to pick a name and buy all the boy things.
I really see the appeal of team green though. But I don't think I would ever do it!
kiwi / 597 posts
We found out with our first, and as great as it was to have our boyish nursery all decorated and ready for baby, I know that won't be a big deal for me second time around. I would love the surprise of the gender reveal at birth so I'm leaning TG for the next one (not pregnant yet).
And to be honest, I was really looking forward to finding out the gender at the Anatomy Scan, but the way the US tech announced it was a little anti-climactic. The whole "this is the spine, and oh I think it looks like a boy" just didn't do it for me. I hate that the tech can either make or break that moment for you. We had a ton of fun announcing to friends and family, but I guess I was expecting more from that actual moment.
blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts
Green. I was Team Green for my first and the only reason we found out with my daughter was because we were moving and I didnt want to unpack all my sons little clothes and things if I didnt have to. Had we not moved I would have stayed team green for her as well but I am definitely doing team green for my last since like you I also have a boy and a girl so it would be nice to be surprised
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I'm having a girl and I'm pretty sure we're gonna have another girl next time, although that's like 2+ years away!
grapefruit / 4056 posts
I was/am team green for LO #1 and 2 (second baby being born by csection today). If we go for #3, we will definitely be team green again, I it!
pomegranate / 3401 posts
We have a girl and when we are pregnant with the next one we will find out again...hoping for another girl...although I know DH secretly wants a boy....
apricot / 491 posts
I was team green for our son, who was born a year ago. I'll be team green next time (in a year or 2). I'm hoping for a girl.
clementine / 920 posts
@getjazzy: DH and I talking about this right now and are leaning towards Team Green but I said the same thing about twins. That is enough of a surprise and I would need to know so I could plan.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@MsMini: woah, today!? Hope your c-section goes well! Enjoy your surprise, mama!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
I'm pretty sure we will always find out. We did with both DS and DD. We like them to have names as soon as we find out.
pear / 1586 posts
Team Green for all
We were TG for our dd and ds and it was so fun. Makes family and friends annoyed though lol.
pear / 1547 posts
I like to plan too much so we'll always find out. My husband is convinced that we'll have only girls, so much so that we already have a second girls name picked out. So if #2 ended up a boy we need the name planning time! Took us long enough to name DD Although I'm tempted to keep the news a secret next time like my SIL is doing right now. Despite my requests we got way too much pink and it would be nice to force people into neutral colors!
pomegranate / 3272 posts
I always have to know. That's pretty much how I am about everything. I need to read the episode synopsis before I watch a show. So yeah, we're finding out. And thanks to Maternity 21, I'll know in a week.
pomegranate / 3759 posts
I LOVED being team green for both of my daughters. However, IF we have another, we may find out because we would be secretly hoping for a boy. I just feel we could be better prepared for the sex that way.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
I like the idea of being team green, but I don't know if I could really do it. If I end up having twins I am definitely finding out.
pineapple / 12526 posts
Have a girl. I will totally be team pink again if we ever have another.
cherry / 147 posts
We were team green for our first (boy), but now we are planning on moving and have to declutter so would like to know the gender of the next one to better plan/pack/give away!
nectarine / 2834 posts
I think we're leaning towards Team Green for this one (#2). We were team green for #1, and it was okay. I did love that everyone was so excited for the big announcement and the look on their faces when DH announced it to them in the hospital waiting room still brings tears to my eyes. I thought with all of our losses I would want to know with this one so I could truly believe it was happening but now I kinda don't want to know again.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
We have 2 boys and I would find out again....I don't want everyone building up having a girl. I'd rather know again and nip any sort of gender disappointment in the bud
pomelo / 5524 posts
I have a son and will be team blue or pink next time around. We will just be happy to have another if we can.
grapefruit / 4355 posts
I plan to find out with this pregnancy and all future pregnancies. I honestly don't get the TG thing.
pineapple / 12053 posts
We have a girl now and would find out for the next but possibly be team green for a third.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@MsMini: good luck!!!
We were turned
last time and will be
again! I loved it!
persimmon / 1096 posts
We were Team Green for J, doing it again for this LO, and plan to for any future pregnancies as well. I love finding out at the actual moment of birth - I love that it gave DH something that was "his" to do at delivery, and hearing it from him was very special. It took a lot of convincing for him the first time, but after that experience he is all about TG.
@skipper2010: I was tempted to find out at my anatomy scan with J, but the tech was so very blah and there were unexpected concerns about a cyst on baby's brain at the time, so I feel like the moment would have been ruined for me. I totally get that.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@MsMini: Congrats!!
We haven't decided what we are going tondo with this baby, but probably the opposite of what we decided for this one lol.
coconut / 8861 posts
We found out for DS at the 20 weeks appointment. This time around, we're finding out again, hopefully soon with the Materni21 test results.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@winniebee: it is funny, for me, being TG was my way of avoiding gender disappointment. I can see how the opposite would be true, too!
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