Hellobee Boards


Next baby what team will you be?

  • poll: What team? Second vote what sex children do you have?
    Pink or blue : (77 votes)
    38 %
    Green : (44 votes)
    22 %
    Other (explain) : (1 votes)
    0 %
    Girl(s) : (40 votes)
    20 %
    Boy(s) : (34 votes)
    17 %
    Both : (6 votes)
    3 %
  1. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts

    We found out the first time but I want to be team green next time.

  2. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    What did you prior team greens do at the anatomy scan when they have to look at the babies genitals?

  3. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @littleblessings: They didn't let me watch the screen for my anatomy scan anyway. She had the screen turned to the best view for her, and at the end she showed me but avoided the genital area at my request. It depends on the U/S clinic or hospital, sometimes they don't let you see anyway.

    Alternatively, if you tell them you are TG and they do let you watch the scan, they will turn the screen away when they are in that area.

  4. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    Team Find Out As Soon As Possible!

  5. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @getjazzy: at my office you get to watch the entire time

  6. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @littleblessings: Then they would just have you turn away or turn the screen when you might be able to see something.

  7. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @MsMini: Did you end up having a or ??

  8. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    Team find out as soon as humanly possible. Dh won't even talk names until he knows what we are having.

  9. Beth24

    cherry / 223 posts

    I was team green for my first (had a girl) but we're planning on finding out with our future babies. I felt like I couldn't connect to the baby as much while I was pregnant. I'm thinking that if I know the gender I'll feel closer to the baby while pregnant. I dont regret being TG the first time around though because everything is neutral and it was great hearing my DH tell me we had a daughter

  10. Chaosmaven

    apricot / 315 posts

    I want to be Team Green for our next pregnancy! We found out for our daughter, but mostly because my DH and seemingly every family member wanted to know. I'm really superstitious about naming a baby before it is born, so I think it will be easier to stay slightly detached if we don't know. I also would like to have that moment to find out at birth, just to change it up!

  11. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    We have a boy & will find out ASAP if we have another.

  12. renee

    cherry / 181 posts

    We found out as soon as it was possible! We'll do the same next time! I am just too impatient, and finding out the sex made the whole pregnancy feel more real for some reason. Plus, I wanted to name him!

  13. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    We found out with our first son and we were team green for our second son. If we have a third I would like to find out asap. I didn't feel as connected to DS 2 in utero as I was for DS 1.

  14. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @lawbee11: a girl! So my intuition was right each time and now we have 1 of each! So much fun!

  15. Oliviapope

    cherry / 243 posts

    We are team green now, and I think we'd do it again. I like the guesses about boy/girl and I think it keeps conversations more fun!

  16. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    We plan to find out with the first and be team green for our second.

  17. mrsbubbletea

    nectarine / 2821 posts

    Green for sure! I am about to have my first, a son, in a few weeks, and while I am so excited and happy to know he is a he, I always wanted to be surprised. However, his dad REAALLLY wanted to know, and I was trying to start off our family with not making all baby decisions myself : )

  18. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Chaosmaven: Finding out at birth was insanely cool. DH loved being able to tell me we were having a son (he took some convincing to get on board). It was a lovely moment.

    We were TG for LO #1, and will be again for LO #2!

  19. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @MrsTiz: bahahaha

  20. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    DH has already put his foot down about being team green this time and we haven't even started TTC! I am very anti team green but I'm sure I will respect his wishes. We have a 15 month old son.

  21. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    We were team green with our first, and loved it!!! Now that we are considering a second child, I see the appeal of finding out at the anatomy scan. We will likely be team green again, but it would be fun to do it differently.

  22. babynumber1

    persimmon / 1396 posts

    We are about to TTC our second. I will be team pink, DH will be team blue! This should be interesting!

  23. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @MsMini: Awww congrats!!!

  24. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    I'm impatient so there's no way I could wait. DH is luckily the same way. We found out with my son around 19 weeks and will do the same with the next baby.

    As far as what team we will be on next time, both of us don't really have a preference. It will be our last baby since we only want 2 kids, so it would be nice to have a girl to have one of each, but I think it would be great if my son had a brother, too. DH is convinced we're only going to have boys.


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