My 3.5 year old daughter has always had a little bit of an intense energy. Even as an infant, if something made her uncomfortable, she’d let you know immediately. One thing that has always made her uncomfortable is when she’s expected to “perform” whether that means an actual recital or preschool concert or just having to show a few moves in her little dance class. She’s gotten better - she doesn’t (usually) tear up and is generally able to do what she is asked to do but she can appear reluctant or anxious, and often gets very fidgety (hands in her mouth, lots of body swaying, seems inattentive). It makes her seem more “babyish” occasionally compared to other kids in her class and has made my husband (who is a teacher, albeit with much older kids) concerned that she has some underlying anxiety based behavioral issues. Overall, I haven’t seen much to personally concern me - she is more high strung than many of the 3 year olds I’ve seen her interact with and she can really obsess over things that make her nervous but according to her teachers, she listens well in class, follows instructions, is kind to her classmates, and is where she needs to be in her learning and physical development. But to the extent that she does have some underlying anxiety issues that make it difficult for her to learn new things or focus, I would want to be aware of that so I can help her. I’m just curious if anyone with similarly aged or older children have experience with their own kids dealing with anxiety at a younger age, and how that has played out as they age. Did they grow out of it? Did you find a way to support your kids that helped? Thanks!