Hellobee Boards


nursery porn on a Thursday morn

  1. Redmini1

    cherry / 163 posts

    @petunia354: I love it, thank you for the link!

  2. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @petunia354: what stencil did you use? I love it! Where are those prints from?
    @mrskc: where are those adorable baskets /tags from ?

  3. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @petunia354: yes I remember you had said in a previous thread that you found the prints through me. We all take inspiration from others. My nursery isn't all original ideas.

    @googly-eyes: thank you!

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: The prints above the crib I just stumbled upon searching on Etsy for wall decals and I just loved them so much so it was an easy decision. The other prints, I had found through Etsy too. For me, when I find something I love, I just go with it and stop searching. Otherwise I'll drive myself crazy searching.

    @Mrs. J: I made them! I just bought the little craft wood elephants from Michaels and spray painted them yellow. Then I just hot glued some ribbon on the back.

  4. petunia354

    pomegranate / 3863 posts

    @Mrs. J: the stencil is this one - http://tinyurl.com/mn38hv8

    But, I would suggest getting the "Fuji" stencil from Cuttingedgestencils.com because they give you a stencil specifically made for the edges of the walls, and that is where I struggled!


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