pomegranate / 3917 posts
@TurtleDoves: This is a stretch, but I saw your post about baby legs, I went in to order some and it won't ship out of US...... would any of you (with US address) let me ship to you, and then I can email money for shipping costs from you to me? They are like $17-$23/pair in stores here, and I don't have any, but after seeing them in stores, I waaaaant.
persimmon / 1408 posts
@turtledoves- I've just pumped once in the mornin on one side for the last month.
For anyone else that pumps... Do you produce more on one side? I can get 6-7 oz on the right and only 3-4 on the left!
coconut / 8475 posts
@CarrieLouWho: I call my right the dud! It's just about as useful as a pacifier. The left side is what gets me through the day!
coconut / 8475 posts
@Beebug: I'll defiantly do it for you! But, I will let you in on my little secret. I found SUPER inexpensive leggings on Ebay that I've ordered from numerous time. I can link you to those first if you want to try that out first. If not, let me know. Shipping rates from me to you might be less since I am in MI anyways. But remember, the clearance ends tomorrow!
here are the links to Ebay sellers:
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@TurtleDoves: how do you want to exchange addresses? My email is themacisaacs at hotmail dot com if that helps! I want the real thing and don't do ebay anymore. Left negative feedback once and was threatened with a lawsuit, it got scary, so now I don't even go there
coconut / 8475 posts
@Beebug: um, scary!! I'm emanuellatouri @ gmail .com
I just emailed you my address so you could purchase before the sale ends.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
At the Urgent Care Clinic
I was feeling flu'ey yesterday, and my boobs felt like rocks. I got like no sleep last night and clued in it could be breast related and not the flu as I still had an appetite. Looked at a few of my preg/parenting books and on here.....guessing blocked duct or mastitis. The sweats and temp swings are going to be the death of me, the wait/amount of people here is seriously insane, I think I will get legit sick just being here....bleh.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
LO's name: Nolan
Gender: boy
Age: 11 weeks
Weight: 12.5 pounds at last appointment, Although I would guess closer to 13.5 now.
Key milestones: He smiles so much and he chatters so much with DH and I. He is rolling from tummy to back now too. Dh hasn't got to see him do it yet but I am sure he will soon. Nolan is also scooting across the floor to get his toy or to be closer to us. My mom laughed that he will be crawling in no time. Nolan spends a lot of time on his tummy, he still doesn't like to lay on his back though.
How's feeding going: He is a champ in terms of eating. I have been pumping pretty much since day one so he takes a bottle at every feeding. He is having some tummy trouble though and we haven't figured out what it is in my diet. Poor kid, he gets a lot of gripe water.
How's sleep going: He sleeps really well. He goes down around 10:30 and gets up around 7am. The first few times it scared me but now I just enjoy the sleep.
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? WOHM/WAHM I have a pretty flexible schedule. I still hate leaving DS though. I only work when DH is off work or if my mother is off work. My mom loves looking after him.
I will post a picture here soon as I get my computer awake and working. I love seeing all the updated pictures!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@mrskc: I'm also contemplating a career change, although I can't imagine going back to school so we will see! Good luck when you go back, I'm here if you need to vent about not liking your job! ha
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@TurtleDoves: BabyLegs = BOUGHT! So excited! Sent you email
@TurtleDoves: @MrsRcCar: I got the antibiotics, both the doc and pharmacist had it when they had babies, they were beyond helpful. One pill down, two more today. I go from freezing to dripping sweat, gross.
Has anyone else had it? I think so, but don't remember who....experiences?
What are everyone's NYE plans?
We're staying home, and babysitting the neighbours dogs while they're out partying, lol. I can guarantee we won't see midnight tonight.
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: yup I had mastitis when Lo was 2 wks old, it was terrible! The good thing is I felt so much better about 24 hours after starting the antibiotics. Just make sure to finish your round of meds so it doesn't come back. And keep nursing through it. Feel better!!
We are also just staying home tonight. It's actually my birthday today, so we usually have big nye plans, but not this year.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@hilsy85: Happy Birthday!
We are going out to eat with some friends (with Emme) & then will head home for an early night. I orginally thought I wanted to go out but I'm okay with a nice relaxing night in! Might open a bottle of wine for us after Emme goes to sleep and just relax and catch up.
nectarine / 2834 posts
you guyyyys -- HI!!! I've been peaking in but we were traveling for the holidays and just busy busy busy! Cheers to 2012 which brought us all of our amazing LOs! and boo to 2013 which makes me go back to work and leave C at daycare. @mrskc: I too am not a fan of my job which makes it so hard to go back. I promised I would, and I try not to go back on my word, but I am dreading it.
@hilsy85: Happy happy birthday lady!!
@Beebug: Ugh feel better.
nectarine / 2834 posts
Will post an update shortly, but LO got her shots today and is super fussy...and she just woke up.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: Happy Birthday! Will definitely make sure I keep up with antibiotics, and staying hydrated! LO is nursing now, little tender!
@Tidybee: Thank-you!
persimmon / 1408 posts
Just wanted to drop in and say Happy New Years!! So glad that we all became moms together this year!!! 2013 will be so much fun watching our babies grow!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
I'm a long time lurker with an October baby, hope it's ok that I join in!
LO's name: Alexis
Gender: Girl!
Age: 11 weeks today!
Weight: 5.2kg in early December so I'd say she'd be closer to six now
Key milestones: Lots of smiles and "chat", she's also starting to reach and grab for toys
Milestone looking forward to most: Sitting up and grabbing / holding toys and her first proper laugh
How's feeding going: We're EBF but still having some issues including lip and tongue tie and thrush, A makes a clicking noise when she eats and has just had a rough couple of days.
How's sleep going: Pretty good! A sleeps anywhere from 8-11 hours at night (going down at around 8pm) and is a pretty good napper during the day, we've been pretty lucky in that respect.
Bedtime Routine: Nurse, bath, nurse, swaddle and into bed
Where is baby sleeping/napping: Still in the bassinette but A is fast outgrowing it so we're hoping to get into the cot that my Dad has made for us in the next couple of days.
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? Officially on mat leave until October but hoping to not need to go back to work.
And here's a pic of my wee smiler, hope it's not to massive!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Kemma: I'm glad you joined in!! Welcome, and hope you stay around
Just nursed C, I woke up soaked though, these damn sweats, I won't miss them, had to fully change to get dry and warm. C wore sleep sack for the first time.......I'm happy with it (and certainly more confident safety wise), but what about her hands? I know overall she's not cold, and her room is proper temperature, but they feel so cold!
DH and I lazed on couch to ring in midnight, he said thank-you and a few sweet things to me about 2012, how proud of me he is, great Mom to C and it was unexpected and super nice.
Hope everyone has a great New Years Day (hope no one has to work, or think about work) with their families! Think of all the milestones that will happen with our LOs in 2013
squash / 13764 posts
@jessiejo17: @Tidybee: @Beebug: @CarrieLouWho: Thanks ladies! It was a very nice birthday, my parents took me and L out to lunch and DH gave me the sweetest letter which made me cry.
@Kemma: welcome! My LO was also tongue tied and has a lip tie...did you/will you have either of them clipped? We had his tongue tie clipped at 2 weeks old and I'm now considering getting an ENT consult on the lip tie, as I've heard it could affect tooth spacing when he gets older. She is adorable!!! I love gummy baby smiles
@Tidybee: how are things going with you and C? Did the cranio-sacral stuff help you guys?
squash / 13764 posts
@Running Elley: I'm sorry that nursing didn't work out the way you wanted it to, but you should feel so proud that you're pumping (which I think is way harder and more time consuming). And thrush is AWFUL so I hope that gets cleared up soon (@Kemma, you too!).
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Stalking this thread (I'm a November momma). Love to see how many of your babies are STTN!
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: Hope you're feeling better!
@hilsy85: Happy Belated Birthday!
@jessiejo17: @Tidybee: Ok. Glad I'm not alone in my dislike of my job. I'll venting to you ladies when I have to go back.
@Kemma: Welcome! Hope you stick around.
@highwire: stalk away sister! I stalk the Nov thread, so it's all good.
So glad to see so many of you back on this thread!
bananas / 9357 posts
AJ rolled over from belly to back again a couple of days ago! He hadn't done it in over a month. And his head control is awesome. I feel like I can carry him around like a big boy.
Hope everyone had a good NYE. We spent it at home. We invited a couple over and their kids and played board games. I stayed up until 11.. couldn't make it to midnight.
coconut / 8475 posts
@hilsy85: happy belated birthday!
Day 4 of sleep training= 4th night of STTN. I'm loving these 8.5h stretches (followed by another 3.5h). And his stable nighttime sleep is doing wonders for this naps too:) so excited!
Hope everyone had a good NY! I stayed up but regretted it, was pointless! I totally should've slept at 10:)
persimmon / 1408 posts
Hey gals! Today was my last day if maternity leave Boooo! I'm doing 1/2 days for the rest of the week and then full time on Monday. LO will go to daycare on Thursday and Friday for 1/2 days for a trial run. I cant believe how fast maternity went... booo!!! Oh well! Wish me luck!
cherry / 117 posts
I have been a long time lurker, as well, and am totally excited to join the bee! I love that this site is a really supportive community to discuss parenting. I am the first out of my friends to have children and am looking forward to having a place to chat with others about this adventure!
LO's name: Joseph Michael (after our fathers)
Gender: Boy
Age: 10 weeks
Weight: 12 pounds (at appt last week)
Key milestones: Belly laughs and lots of cooing that mimics us. This is definitely the fun and exciting part of being a mom! Unfortunately, we were all sick after Christmas and Joey had his first cold! Luckily, he seems to be on the upswing now. That was not a fun milestone and I am so glad it is behind us!
Milestone looking forward to most: Being able to play in the exersaucer. I think he will really enjoy the toys on it!
How's feeding going: He loves to eat! He is formula fed. He was pretty gassy for a while but luckily it has started to calm down the last two weeks. He eats every three hours and sometimes wants it even earlier!
How's sleep going: It is so unpredictable! He slept five/six hour stretches for a while. Then had a total regression of waking every half hour. When he was sick, he was waking every four. I am hoping to get back to five hour stretches! I can totally deal with that!
Bedtime Routine: Bath every two/three nights. Bottle, swaddle, hum a song and try to remember to read a book at bedtime.
Where is baby sleeping/napping: He sleeps in a pack n' play in our bedroom. He naps in the bouncer mostly in the living room. I want to start putting him down for naps in his crib so that we make the transition to his room before I go back to work next month.
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? I'm currently on maternity leave from teaching. I go back at the end of February, work for three weeks and then have off two for Spring Break. I am dreading it already!
Thanks for allowing me to introduce myself. I am so looking forward to getting to know all of you!
coconut / 8475 posts
@CarrieLouWho: good luck!
@JoeysMama: welcome!! I can totally relate on having a sick baby with bad sleep. E was sick 2 weeks ago and he was up around the clock! Ah...
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@JoeysMama: Welcome!! So glad you joined in!
@CarrieLouWho: not happy back to work day, but I hope it goes as good as it can!
C is sleeping, I'm awake. Ugh. Woke dripping sweat, soaked. Needed to change, I've so had enough.
Do any of you have any in-crib entertainment for your LOs? Like the music/sound/light up things? If yes, what do you have, if not, why not? We don't have anything, but C I think would like it! We put her down awake and she does eventually fall asleep, but I feel like she'd like this......only thing I'm thinking of balance when to use/not use it (or not get one at all) as it would stimulate over soothe her when we want her to sleep? I'm not sure what side to take, lol.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@hilsy85: We had LO's tongue tie clipped at 7 weeks and the lip done at 8, I didn't notice any difference after the tongue but the having the lip clipped combined with a growth spurt has improved our feeding no end. LO still clicks when eating and takes in plenty of air but my comfort level is much improved and now pretty much pain free.
And yeah, thrush pretty much sucks the kumara, I've just had it back in my nipples (ow...) and I need to make an appt with our GP to get some different meds for A. I've been using Nystatin / Nilstat and it just isn't doing it so hopefully my Dr will prescribe something more effective.
@Beebug: We're still in the bassinette so no in-crib entertainment just yet but I have been given a couple of musicy / light up toys that we might use. I'm tossing up about whether to use them or not, I want the crib to be about sleeping rather than playing!.
squash / 13764 posts
@mrskc: @TurtleDoves: Thanks ladies! We also had an uneventful NYE--in bed by 11, lol.
@CarrieLouWho: I hope your first day back is going well!!
@JoeysMama: welcome! Hope your LO gets over his cold soon.
@Kemma: hmm good to know about the lip tie improving nursing...it's interesting bc I was told by 2 LCs that Lip ties don't really affect nursing, but I've heard a lot of anecdotal evidence that it does! Did they have to cauterize it or anything when they cut it? Was it an in-office procedure? As for thrush, boo! Have you tried diflucan? My doc prescribed that when I thought I had thrush. Also, I've heard genetian violet can work really well (I think Mrs Pen the blogger tried it, maybe write on her wall? It does stain things purple, like your nipple and baby's mouth, temporarily though).
@Beebug: aww boo to the sweats. Are you feeling better with the meds? And no crib entertainment for us...I don't want to give LO the idea that the crib is for playtime and not for sleeping, at least not yet. Maybe when he's older and his sleeping is really solid.
Last night, LO was up at 2:45 and 6:15...the 6:15 wakeup, he was not really hungry for but would not stay asleep. SO he came into our bed, which I hardly ever every do, because it honestly usually doesn't help him sleep, and I can't sleep well with him in there. But we both managed to doze until 7:40, although I am exhausted today from not getting really good deep sleep. Waah I wanted to go to the gym, but don't know if I have the energy...
bananas / 9357 posts
@TurtleDoves: glad the sleep training is working for you!
@CarrieLouWho: hope work is going ok.
@JoeysMama: welcome!
I have one more nanny interview today then we're picking our top 2 to do a trial run. I'm so nervous about leaving him in the care of someone else. It's funny how after the first couple of weeks, I was itching to go back to work to get a break. Now I don't want to go back and leave him.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
Today is a sad day in our household. My grandfather on my fathers side passed away this morning.
I texted my dad this morning to let him know I would be working this afternoon because LO was having a rough morning. He called me back about 30 minutes later to report that my grandpa had passed away. They think he died from a blood clot that passed through his lungs to either his heart or brain. Just this morning my grandpa had gone down to my dad's office for a chat and then returned to his room to await physical therapy. (the Physical therapy aid found my grandpa). The next week or so will be extremely rough for our family and my grandpa will be surely missed.
Also this morning my thought that LO had a lip tie has been confirmed. Baby Nolan has an appointment with the ENT on the 15th.
@JoeysMama: Welcome!
@MRSKC: Good luck with the Nanny interveiws. I hope you find on that you are comfortable with.
@Beebug: I hope the sweats stop soon.
@Hilsy85: Nolan already has his tongue clipped when he was about 2 weeks old and he his getting his lip clipped here in soon. I am hoping that it impoves his ability to nurse. Nursing is still so painful that I would rather pump, (but I love the snuggle time that I get with him). I hope that it all works out for your LO.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Seriously, I want my body back.
Look out, rant coming, I just want to cry.
I didn't type about it last night, but I have some dizziness that I can't shake, like concussion/drunk/vertigo/whole body feels like it's spinning. I can't walk and carry the baby, it's seriously not safe. I have no idea if it's a side effect of the antibiotics, or what it is. It's worse when I talk or I hear sound.....lovely.
AF #3 is still here, I'm not sleeping like usual me, spend at least 2 hours a night lately just laying awake, just laying in bed, mostly a product of C sleeping more and me anticipating her waking, hopefully it passes with time. I have had to change twice a night the last three nights as I am just soaked with sweats. I woke up with a giant, quarter sized cold sore on the right side of my face/chin this morning, so now not only do I have one, but I have to be SO careful around Chels in hopes she doesn't get them too (DH and I both got them as kids and now as adults). My boobs are better -but left side still very sore and splotchy, sweats are still kicking, but yah....throw in the cold sore, tiredness, dizziness and overall unattractiveness from post-preg and dying to get working out again, but now definitely can't as I can hardly see straight, I am so bitter right now.
Rant over.....hoping to catch a break soon, things had been so good and went downhill really quick here, thankfully C is doing well, and DH loves me, lol.
honeydew / 7235 posts
WOW - i missed so much again! @mrskc: thanks for starting a new thread! and good luck with the nanny interview - it's so tough to put trust in someone else, but I guess a lot of us have to do it!
@Beebug: i hope you're feeling better!
@hilsy85: happy belated birthday! sorry to hear LO was up last night! bummer, but good for you for attempting the gym.
OK - here's my summary:
LO's name: James
Gender: boy
Age: 10 weeks on friday
Weight: we go tomorrow for our 2 month check (and shots, waaah ) but I think he's around 13 lbs.
Key milestones: LOTS of smiles! It's the best... Lots of talking too - very cute gizmo noises... He's getting really good with head control too. is STTN a milestone? feels like it.. ha
How's feeding going: Great! We have been really lucky with him being a great eater. We've been doing bottles occasionally to get him used to it and he seems to be fine with them.
How's sleep going: Awesome! For the past week and a half he has been sleeping 8 hr stretches at night! He usually goes down around 9ish, up at 5ish, then back down until 7 or 8.
During the day isn't as regulated yet - but there is usually one good long nap, then a few minis.
WOHM, WAHM, SAHM or on mat leave? Still on mat leave until the end of the month, then back to work... WOHM.
Here's a couple instagram pics from last week (9 weeks) love the confused face :
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@MrsRcCar: Sorry to hear about your grandfather. Makes my rant seem really small.
Also making my rant even more small is a friend I play sports with, her sister gave birth today and the baby passed away, I don't know details, but how awful too
@mrskc: Going with a Nanny, eh? That would be so interesting, I don't even want to think about LO and daycare yet, my boss wanted to nanny share with us, but it won't work out, so daycare it is, we got a lead on another one yesterday, two solid places we were recommended, one will hopefully work out.
honeydew / 7235 posts
still catching up reading everyone's posts.....
@MrsRcCar: so sorry to hear about your grandfather
@Beebug: ugh! sorry to hear this! feel free to rant here obviously... hopefully you're in the middle of the worst of it all - it's gotta get better from here!
@JoeysMama: yay, welcome! I'm also really looking forward to the exersaucer! hopefully in a few more weeks.
@mrskc: wow he rolled over! it's a whole new ballgame!
@Kemma: OMG the smile! so adorable!
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