Not angry venting. Just pregnancy hormones + lots of real life venting.

So... Since Monday morning: I'm signing a lease on a house in the next 2 days and we start moving next week, I just found out that my grandpa qualifies for hospice, my best friend is having heart surgery within the next few weeks (thankfully not open heart surgery this time, but pretty much as extensive), she's moving to the other side of the country 3 weeks after the surgery, my parents are coming to help us move and drop off my stuff that's still at their place (they live halfway across the country and they are driving), I forgot my godson's and dad's birthday (gs was yesterday, dad was today, but no gift for either), and I have my first real doctor's appointment to the wee one tomorrow (and of course am somehow convinced that we won't be able to find a heartbeat.) I haven't been sleeping well this week, as every time I close my eyes, I'm thinking about cleaning/repairing the apartment or packing or decorating a nursery or whether Grandpa will live until I see him again (and if that'd be in his best interest), or thinking that I need to get up early to call the realtor/landlord/ISP, or if my friend's heart surgery will work properly this time (she had open heart surgery 3 years ago, and the valve is collapsing again) or what the heck I can get for my dad.

And somehow I didn't understand why I broke down in tears at an online video about some baby.

To clarify, it may be sad that my grandpa is officially in his last months, but it's really a good thing. He has advanced Alzheimer's - he has not been himself for years, and it's been heartbreaking to watch him devolve. And my friend is moving to a better climate for her heart, will be minutes from a Mayo clinic, will be close to her family, and is moving into her dream home (and she's 8 hours away as is). So these are all GOOD developments (aside from forgetting birthdays), just emotionally charged.

I feel guilty for wanting to curl up in a cool, dark room and just not think or feel for a while when I should really be calling my grandma or getting ready to move. And I can't even get calm enough to nap!

ETA: a friend who is due three months ahead of me is ALSO looking for a house in the same area and price range, and she HAS to move before the end of the month (whereas there was nothing REQUIRING us to move), and she looked at the one we got as one of the few that'd take a large dog and a cat. I actually asked her if she minded us snatching that one right then, which she was OK with as it wasn't her #1 choice... and then her top choice (ours being her second) was already off the market by the time she got there! So I'm now not only concerned for her house hunt, but I feel guilty about snatching up one of her VERY few options. Pointless to feel this way, but dang it, can't she get some good luck for once???