Hello Bees,

I had my little one earlier this week. I had been on hospital bed rest from 28 weeks on and my kiddo was born at 31 +1 weeks. He's doing great and so am I. It's been stressful, but we're super grateful that things have been going so well considering.

My question is this: How to deal with the Facebook madness?? I'm a pretty private person. I do have a Facebook account, my husband does not. I haven't posted ANYTHING about my pregnancy on Facebook. I prefer to share my big life events in person or over the phone - with my actual voice going into an actual person's ear. I guess I'm old fashioned that way.

Anyhow, since the baby has been born (less than 48 hours ago), people have posted messages about my baby on their Facebook pages - without even a call to me or the new dad to say congratulations. It's totally tripping me out.

The biggest issue I'm having is with a family member. She's so excited about the baby and she's a new Aunt, so I can't blame here for wanting to share. However, she's posted photos of my kid in the NICU on her Facebook page and commenting on the status of his health on her wall. I'm really not comfortable with this. I don't think that anything bad will happen, but I really don't like opening up my Facebook and see pictures of my child that I didn't necessarily want to be broadcast openly to complete strangers (i.e. friends of friends of friends.....etc.) It feels to me like she may as well be posting pictures on telephone polls on the street. Is this crazy to feel this way?

How do I handle this situation? I want to respect the excitement and joy of the new Aunt - after all, this is a big deal for her. But how do I communicate that I'm really not comfortable with the broadcast of essentially my families personal life to people I don't know?

Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!!! Thanks!