Twice this year we have been out and about with our son and two separate men have asked me inquisition style why we do not “give him a brother or a sister”. I call them the GFAM brigade. (Go Forth and Multiply).
The first time, I was so shocked that I actually explained to the man that due to medical issues, I cannot carry another pregnancy (I was on bed rest for 5 months with DS and still have recurring pain resulting from complications in my pregnancy, this is almost 3 years later). The man said well anything is worth going through to give your child a sibling, and he has 3 kids, at which point I said “ Let me guess, you’ve been pregnant how many times?” He walked up to my son and told him his parents were denying him siblings to play with at which point I took my son and left.

Yesterday another member of the GFAM gang, after asking if I had more kids told me to have more. I gave him a very dirty look and he ended up apologizing.

Parents of only children, how do you deal with the GFAMs of this world?