Hellobee Boards


POAS September!!!

  1. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Anonysquire Just looked at the site and, well, I'm never going to know if I'm pg... I'm moody and emotional all the time!! lol. Good luck for your test.

    @MrsDoily - Lots of baby dust to you too!

  2. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @Ali: Lol, well I get all nervous cause I rally am not feeling symptoms yet except for like heartburn, maybe nausea once when I was starving and heaviness in my dang bladder. But some people had no symptoms and others had a lot more. Thanks!

  3. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @anonysquire: I stalk that site too and I have almost zero symptoms except sore boobs right after O for a couple days so... feeling pretty discouraged but I'm already gearing up for the next cycle! I think it's probably best not to stalk those sites bc we all either get all amped up or really discouraged, but who am I kidding, no one will stop us from doing stuff like that lol

  4. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    So AF came today, 5 weeks after my m/c and I'm so ready to move on!! Hopefully I will be POAS in September (if my cycles regulate... Before I got preg they were still regulating from the pill) I started temping a couple weeks after the m/c and I ovulated on cd 25 and that's the earliest I have ovulated since being off the pill. I'm hoping they continue to get shorter.

    Good luck everyone

  5. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @anonysquire: Oh dear lord I should never have opened that link. 0_0 I'm going to be looking at it for my symptoms all day LOL!

    I really have no idea if my symptoms are SYMPTOMS or just the fact that my university started school this week and work got cray-zay. I'm going to be pessimistic and blame it all on stress. Maybe I'll have a nice suprise

    but... my temps are much higher than they were this time last month soooo...maybe?

  6. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @chibee: @Bookworm: I know, I shouldn't look at the website but must check another symptom lol. I am making myself crazy!

    @Bookworm: And I am trying to not get too excited and just think that it isn't my month. With all the BDing we did if this month doesn't work out then I don't know what my next options are though. I feel like this month decides our next treatments or whatever. That's exciting to be starting up school!

    @lilteacherbee: Good luck!!! Keep us posted so I can add you to the list!

  7. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    1 day ago

    9/1 Ambular1o25
    9/1 Grace
    9/2 Hanzabelle
    9/3 Chibee
    9/3 Alison206
    9/10 Jennkam
    9/11 bookworm
    9/12 Mrstiz
    9/12 Icebergmom
    9/13 Mrs. Lovejoy
    9/14 Jenso125
    9/14 Mrsnana
    9/16 Jojogirl
    9/16 Maybebaby
    9/16 Mrsdoily
    9/19 Futuremama
    9/19 Ocean girl
    9/19 Dr. Pepper
    9/20 Mssally
    9/20 April_showers
    9/20 Macintosh
    9/22 anonysquire

    Mrs. Bird ???
    Red Smarties ???
    Ali ???
    Lilteacherbee ???

    Let me know if I have missed anyone!

  8. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    Anyone feeling any symptoms today?

    I think I am 3-4DPO and I am feeling so bloated and gassy (cute I know!)

  9. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Good luck, ladies! Many wishes for BFPs for all of you.

  10. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Highwire: Thank you! 12 DPO but no BFP yet. I could use the good luck.

  11. futuremama

    clementine / 854 posts

    @lilteacherbee: This is my first post-mc cycle too. Good luck!

  12. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    I'm symptom spotting like a crazy person... But I did take a test at 9dpo in the middle of the day ( yeah I have no idea why .. It was obviously a BFN) anyways its calmed me down a bit... My expectations are a little more realistic... But still. Speaking of symptom spotting... A felt really faint yesterday and my DH keeps saying I'm pregnant, i could sneeze and he was like you're pregnant! Lol !...So I had a stern talkin to him.... Stop gettin my hopes up!! anyway I'm 11dpo today.. I'm testing Sunday which will be 13dpo. Goodluck everyone... Lucky September! Lucky spring! (or fall I guess for you northern hemisphere people )

  13. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @ambular1025: are you testing everyday!?

  14. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Hanzabelle: I have the same problem as you...a hubby who says I'm pregnant every day and begs me to test. I was testing about every other day but my hubby convinced me to test this morning as well. Since it's always been a BFN I'm going to wait until Saturday or Sunday now. I really get sad when I see the BFN. You're right. It knocks you back to reality.

  15. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @ambular1025: I'm testing Sunday which is fathers day here.... Let's hope thats a good omen!!

  16. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Hanzabelle: That's very cool! Sadly it's no cool holiday here until Monday. Although "Labor Day" would be pretty funny to get a BFP on.

  17. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @Hanzabelle: @ambular1025: Good luck ladies!!!

  18. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @ambular1025: goodluck!! I hope it's good news for us both!!

  19. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Anonysquire: Thank you!

    @Hanzabelle: Good luck to you too! I would be over the moon to see us both get BFP's. You better update HB as soon as you get any good news.

  20. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Ambular1o25 - Labor Day! Hahahaha!!!!!

    I've got my fingers crossed for everyone! I, on the other hand, have still not O'd. Humph. Silly body! At this rate I'll be POAS in October!!!!

  21. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @teacherbee @futuremama: We are currently TTC after our mc in May. The first cycle was discouraging because I still felt so weird and my cycles were wonky. This cycle is a little more normal. Best of luck ladies, I know it can be hard!

  22. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    This month is so different symptoms-wise... Last month was the first month of BC, and I felt AWFUL. I had terrible cramping all during the TWW, sore boobs, etc. This month I feel totally fine in THAT area, but I think I'm coming down with a cold and I'm super tired I still have a nice lovely temp jump! Just glad that the horrible cramping,etc was maybe just because I was coming off BC. No fun! I bought myself a pack of wondfos off of amazon, so i'm all prepared lol!!

  23. sylvie_b

    apricot / 458 posts

    Sending lots of love and baby dust to all you lovely September ladies!!!

  24. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @futuremama: I'm glad there's someone on here that can relate (well not really, but you know what I mean) what cycle day ate you on? Today is CD 2 for me and I was happy/sad at the same time when AF came yesterday. I'm excited to have another chance but Im scared at the same time.

    @alison206: @anonysquire: Thank you

  25. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @Bookworm: same as you! Last month I had every symptom in the book and several BFNs. This month I am still getting a couple symptoms, but I am so tired, more tired than I have been in my life I feel lol. I have to take naps all the time! Oh and excess saliva, nausea, heartburn up the hizzy, kind of sore boobs.

    If I am not pregnant this month I am firing my body!

  26. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Anonysquire: I'm pretty sure I'm out. Spotting and a huge temp drop this morning. With my shorter cycle, you can move me to 9/29 though.

  27. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    @ambular1025: Ok, keep us posted!!!

  28. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    urgh 13dpo BFN.... AF due anyday now so I guess time will tell. I'm sad.

  29. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    If someone wants to take over this thread that would be great. I won't be back. Thank you for everyones support and advice!!!

  30. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    Well, this isn't a good way to start Sept, but I'm out. It'll be weird for me though - if I have another short cycle (ie. a normal length cycle), I may be back!! Good luck, Ladies!!!

  31. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Hanzabelle: That's no good. We didn't get the outcomes we wanted (well probably, you still have a chance!). Try not to be sad, although I felt super sad too. Once AF hits just focus on trying again this cycle.

  32. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @Hanzabelle: I'm in the same boat, 13dpo and a BFN. FF thought AF was due today and she has not shown, and my temps suggest she won't. I'm sad too. Only time will tell, but it's cruel to keep messing with us!

  33. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Alison206: That was what made me mad! My cycle went longer than normal and my temp stayed up when FF said I was supposed to meet AF. My body gave me false hope. I should've believed the 5 BFN's prior, but since you know you got a BFP later last time you still have hope. Maybe we should start figuring out how to create a much earlier pregnancy test...like 2 dpo and make lots of money!

  34. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    Today I am 1dpo, so the TWW starts. All I really wanted to do this morning was take a super hot bath, but since that's not uterus friendly, I watched the Hunger Games instead. Obviously no symptoms yet, but I'm going to do my best to try and not obsess on things and try to keep busy and make these two weeks fly by!

  35. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Oh, big hugs to those ladies who are facing disappointment this month. Let's not think of it as "being out", think of it as a rollover month (like the lottery!).

    Right, let's get this thread updated:

    9/1 Ambular1o25 - Rollover
    9/1 Grace - Rollover
    9/2 Hanzabelle - Rollover
    9/3 Chibee - Rollover
    9/3 Alison206
    9/10 Jennkam
    9/11 bookworm
    9/12 Mrstiz
    9/12 Icebergmom
    9/13 Mrs. Lovejoy
    9/14 Jenso125
    9/14 Mrsnana
    9/16 Jojogirl
    9/16 Maybebaby
    9/16 Mrsdoily
    9/17 Ali
    9/19 Futuremama
    9/19 Ocean girl
    9/19 Dr. Pepper
    9/20 Mssally
    9/20 April_showers
    9/20 Macintosh
    9/22 anonysquire

    Mrs. Bird ???
    Red Smarties ???
    Lilteacherbee ???

    Let me know if I've missed anyone out or got anything wrong!

    Buckets of baby dust to those ladies still to POAS in September!

  36. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @ambular1025: I agree! FF is screwing with me too. This stupid points system and how many people felt that symptom. How annoying! Sometimes I hate that I was pregnant before because I am on high alert for the same feelings. The biggest thing was I was SOOOO bloated with horrible acne. 6 weeks pregnant and needed that band because none of my pants would close. Well right now I am beyond bloated and my skin is horrible. But at the same time, AF could send those gifts as well. AHHHH. It should be an instant thing. "Oh you ovulated 7 days ago, well guess what, it took! congrats!"

  37. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Alison206: I had insane intense cramps at 9DPO which I've NEVER had and swore it was implantation. Well with AF I know that was just some weird freak accident. I hate the signs thing too! I was up to like 69 points before AF. That was only 11 away, lol. So close and yet so far!

    @Ali: I have short cycles, so instead of rolling over I should be 9/28. Thanks for keeping the thread going!

  38. April_Showers

    cherry / 245 posts

    @alison206: @ambular1025: I hate that "feature" too. It's horrible at giving false hope. I was up to 77 last month and AF showed up!

    @Ali: thanks for keeping the thread going!

  39. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Ambular1o25: Great, thank you!! I've moved you to your new place on the list!

    9/1 Grace - Rollover
    9/2 Hanzabelle - Rollover
    9/3 Chibee - Rollover
    9/3 Alison206
    9/10 Jennkam
    9/11 bookworm
    9/12 Mrstiz
    9/12 Icebergmom
    9/13 Mrs. Lovejoy
    9/14 Jenso125
    9/14 Mrsnana
    9/16 Jojogirl
    9/16 Maybebaby
    9/16 Mrsdoily
    9/17 Ali
    9/19 Futuremama
    9/19 Ocean girl
    9/19 Dr. Pepper
    9/20 Mssally
    9/20 April_showers
    9/20 Macintosh
    9/22 anonysquire
    9/28 Ambular1o25

    Mrs. Bird ???
    Red Smarties ???
    Lilteacherbee ???

  40. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @April_Showers and @Alison206: About FF's "signs" I think you should have to hit like 150 because while we're purposely trying I think we think everything is a sign or symptom, where normally a belly ache just means something didn't settle well.

    @Ali: Thank you!

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