Hellobee Boards


Pregnancy After IF Support Group #2

  1. Mrs. Pinky

    cherry / 120 posts

    @Amorini: any update?? Sending positive vibes!

  2. waiting4you

    apricot / 344 posts

    This was my "uneventful" u/s pic from today. So fuzzy!!! Was excited and expecting to see something a little more clear today (19dp5dt or 5 weeks 4 days). Hopefully the next one in 10 days will be clearer (and I'll be sure to have an empty bladder, thanks to the advice of you all)

  3. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @MrsKRB: @waiting4you: @Mrs. Pinky: @agold: Thanks for the support, ladies! The discomfort is still kind of there, but much improved and no more spotting. And we saw our little blueberry, with a healthy ticker and all. So yeah! Safe and sound and right on track. Next u/s is 2/29....graduation day already.

    Feeling amazingly grateful and fortunate today. We have beaten some odds just getting this far. Afterward I said something to my RE like, "I can't believe this is what you get after going through all of that!" They were like, "Well, that IS the point!" Of course, that's the point but the emotional roller coaster is so crazy that I could never emotionally grasp that this was all for a baby. And I guess I still can't grasp how something so crazy can make us a baby, but a million hoorays anyway!

  4. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @waiting4you: Oh yeah, another great scan! Loving the good news! It was pretty clear today that we just have one in the oven, so I'm pretty sure your next scan will show more and also be clearer if there are other sibs in there. So glad you are on the mend!! Are you back at work?

  5. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @TeamJH: @Mrs.Pinky: Good luck with your scans this week!

  6. waiting4you

    apricot / 344 posts

    @Amorini: So so relieved to hear that all was well today. Must have been amazing to see the tiny ticker of your blueberry! My heart swells for you just thinking of it. I'm definitely feeling much better. Still had some fluid from today's measurements but just about back to normal. Now to get my energy going so I can start walking and doing some exercise.

    How have you been feeling? Morning sickness? Anything out of the ordinary as far as symptoms? Once I started to feel better from the OHSS I really haven't felt much of anything except for headaches later in the day. Oh, and I completely quit drinking coffee. I had already cut back to decaf going into this cycle but now coffee just doesn't do it for me. I've tried a few times to make a cup...take about 2 sips and pour it out. Considering how much I enjoyed my coffee in the past, this is definitely odd.

  7. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @waiting4you: It's a good sign if you are able to see exercise on the horizon. Even with my mild OHSS, it was a good six weeks after retrieval when I started to feel like a normal person. But I wasn't knocked-up! You sound so, so much better than before. I'm glad little bean wasn't fazed!

    I have quite a few symptoms that are pretty undeniable, but at the same time, they aren't horrible. I'm vaguely nauseous quite a bit but I can mostly "eat through it" and also drink -- that makes me feel better. I have cravings and aversions that are interesting/funny. Like I'm wanting foods I liked as a kid so I've been ordering off of the kids menu. Complex flavors (ie, the adult menu) give me bad gas and the runs! Sore boobs and bloated... I have (already?) a few limits on how I can sleep comfortably and where I need the pillows to go. Oh and emotional!!! Do you have to go back to the RE to have your abdominal fluid checked?

  8. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @Amorini: Yay, so glad your scan went well - it's so great to see that heartbeat!

  9. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    Hello lovely ladies! Congrats to all of you. I really hope I can join you soon- IF blows. (This isn't meant to be a woe is me post, I'm just glad to see all you "graduates." It makes me hopeful I'll get there someday.)

  10. Mrs. Pinky

    cherry / 120 posts

    @Amorini: awesome awesome news!!!! A million hoorays exactly!!

  11. waiting4you

    apricot / 344 posts

    @Amorini: so funny you mention the sleeping position thing. I feel like I'm already moving around quite a bit trying to get comfortable. However, my super sweet husband already purchased me one of those giant pregnancy pillows to try and make me as comfortable as possible from the start (bday present since my bday is tomorrow). He also got me belly butter for valentines day. He's over the moon excited as you can tell.
    I agree with the "eating thru it" to try and feel better. Even if I can eat just a few bites, it usually helps get me thru.
    As for going back to the RE: to check fluid. He's comfortable having me wait the 10 days to be seen again since the fluid has been steadily decreasing and I'm a lot more comfortable. If anything comes up, he's really good about squeezing you in right away.

    Now to find a new OBGYN. I LOVE the girl I go to but she only delivers at a hospital that is now about 30+ minutes from our new house (with no traffic). That being said, we have a hospital directly across the street from our home that is beautiful and just opened 14 new, gorgeous, postpartum suites. Need to get on that and get an appointment made soon.

  12. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @Crystal: You're always in my thoughts - sending you tons of love and light.

  13. mrsjd

    clementine / 777 posts

    @Crystal: Your miracle is coming. I just know it. I can't wait for the day you get to join us.

    I am unbelievably grateful to be where I am right now (10 weeks, 4 days). I never thought I'd make it this far and the end of the first trimester is in sight. My next appointment is a week from today. The weird thing is that beyond some slight queasiness and insomnia/getting up in the night to pee, I told my husband this morning I barely feel pregnant. I'm down 4 lbs, which has begun to worry me a bit. As a good friend of mine said though, being a mother is all about worry. It's the new normal.

  14. waiting4you

    apricot / 344 posts

    Ok, here's a question for you all. What have been your thoughts on BD'ing now that you're in the early stages of being pregnant? Have to admit, it makes me nervous. It's been a little since we have because of the OHSS, but still want to get back to it. I know every book and dr says it's ok, but I'm still cautious. Thoughts? Fears? Reassurance?

  15. TeamJH

    pea / 11 posts

    So my first ultrasound was yesterday at exactly 6 weeks. We were only able to see the gestational sac and yolk sac, but no fetal pole. I thought maybe because it's so early on as it seems most people do the scan at 7-8 weeks, but my RE seemed really concerned, which of course freaked me out. He also mentioned because my placenta looks thicker than how far along I should be, he thought it might be a molar pregnancy. I went home and bawled my eyes out last night. I kept googling online and it does seem that for a lot of women, it's normal not to see the fetus at 6 weeks. I did a blood test yesterday too to check hcg so am waiting for the call. I'm so afraid right now...but keep trying to hope that it's just too early and that baby is just hiding from us.

  16. TeamJH

    pea / 11 posts

    @waiting4you my clinic says no BDing until after the first ultrasound. I've had some sexy dreams about DH but we've been holding off just in case

  17. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @waiting4you: I'm almost 14 weeks and all the way through 12 weeks I was on a "no sex" order from my RE. But maybe like around 12.5 or 13 weeks my husband and I had a little sex - nothing too fun or rough and we only did it for like 2 minutes because then we got nervous. So anyways. Next day - red spotting with clotting. Spotting isn't new to me, but I've never had clotting before and red spotting always makes me nervous. So we are totally scared to have sex! Alternative sex it is!

    ETA: Sucks you had to find a new doctor. I'm in that positive, too, but for different reasons. And also, the hospital I'm going to deliver at is 30 minutes away without traffic. I just like that hospital best so I'm okay with the commute. Best of luck finding a new doctor!

  18. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @TeamJH: I'm so sorry your doctor said all that to you. That's pretty awful. He should have told you it was too early and asked you come back next week. Did you hear back about your blood results yet? So I think 6w0d is just too early for the fetal pole. I did see my baby's fetal pole at 6w4d, but 4 days is such a huge difference that early in pregnancy. So try to be calm and think positively. I really think you were just too early.

  19. TeamJH

    pea / 11 posts

    @agold: I got a call yesterday afternoon and found out my hcg level is within normal range. What a huge relief! The normal hcg level rules out a molar pregnancy for now since hcg levels te usually much much higher, thank goodness. I have another ultrasound at next week at on Tuesday at 7w0d, but thinking of pushing that appointment to 7w3d just to give the bean more time to grow, plus the time works out better for us.

  20. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @TeamJH: I'm so glad your numbers came back good. Phew. And by 7 weeks, 0 days or 3 days, you will definitely be able to see something. I saw my little baby! I'm so excited for you!

  21. waiting4you

    apricot / 344 posts

    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing? Any news? When is/are everyone's next appointments? Looking forward to hearing the updates. Our next appointment is Friday, which will be 7 weeks 2 days.

  22. mrsjd

    clementine / 777 posts

    My next appointment is tomorrow at 11 weeks 4 days. I'll get bloodwork drawn for the Harmony test and hopefully get to hear the heartbeat again! No ultrasound tomorrow.

  23. waiting4you

    apricot / 344 posts

    @mrsjd: Soooo close to the end of the first trimester! You must be getting excited for that milestone! I'm not even half way there and I feel like I'm counting down the days till the 1st tri "safety zone" is over. May I ask what the Harmony test is? (I haven't been keeping up with the reading of my What to expect when you're expecting book )

  24. mrsjd

    clementine / 777 posts

    @waiting4you: I am excited! I've felt really good for the last 2 weeks or so and finally got back to the gym this morning. I'm hoping to get back to my normal routine now that morning sickness has lessened. The Harmony test is one of the genetic blood test screenings. I'm not advanced maternal age, but since the prior loss my husband and I would like to get a head's up if something is wrong. Plus it'll be so fun to know the gender super early on!

  25. waiting4you

    apricot / 344 posts

    @mrsjd: I'm jealous you're getting back to your normal routine, and the gym. I feel like the morning sickness has just started to really kick in for me. That's been one of my fears once we found out we were pregnant....becoming a sea cow! With the LONG year of IUI's and IVF cycles leading up to this successful one, it wasn't exactly easy to work out and I've gained about 10 lbs. Now that we're finally successful, I want to jump back into getting fit. Morning sickness is telling me otherwise though. However, I found a great series of Tracey Anderson pregnancy workouts on Youtube that I started yesterday. Hopefully I can keep that up till the end of the first tri and maybe get back to the gym. Wishful thinking! As for the harmony test...sounds like a good idea. Did insurance cover or did you have to pay out of pocket? Probably something my husband and I are interested in doing. How soon will you get your results back?!!! Any feelings either way on boy/girl? So exciting!!

  26. mrsjd

    clementine / 777 posts

    @waiting4you: I will have to pay out of pocket! It should be about $130. I didn't work out at all from about 6 weeks until now. I think it's more important just to listen to your body and mine was like, NOPE. I am looking forward to getting some of my tone back though, because I was a 3-4x a week crossfitter prior to this. Everyone is different of course but my worst morning sickness (all day for me) was 6-9 weeks. Mine eased up around 9 weeks 5 days.

  27. Amorini

    persimmon / 1132 posts

    @mrsjd: Good luck at your appointment! Time is flying -- you're almost 12 weeks. Wow! Have you joined the September board or will you?

    @waiting4you: I hear you on feeling totally out of shape and having a few extra pounds from IVF. Especially all of that OHSS weight gain ... I never quite recovered to my baseline before it was time to do the FET. I only started exercising again a few weeks before and then was told to stop after FET. I'm up at least 7 pounds and I just feel gross and so unfit ... Not where I wanted to be in the early stages of pregnancy, but it is what it is. Now my body is definitely telling me not to do anything but sleep when I get the chance! Hopefully this will pass soon. I have some fantasies of long, healthy walks at least...

    Glad to here that m/s tapered off by now, @mrsjd. I'm 8w2d and I wouldn't call it "sickness" as much as "queasiness." I'm having tons of aversions and, while I can eat a lot, I'm just not interested in eating much of anything ... Plus I'm over-the-top tired. Yesterday I slept/laid down from 3 pm until it was time to go to bed ... and then I slept solid until 5:30 am this morning.

    I have a first appointment (plus u/s) with the OB this Friday and my last RE u/s a week from today. Gulp. Other than the physical symptoms of pregnancy, it all seems so far, so good.

  28. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @waiting4you: Hi! I'm so excited for your appointment. Mine next appointment is on this upcoming Thursday. Its with a new OB. I don't know if I'll get an ultrasound or not. I'm hoping to hear the baby's heart beat and find out if I can exercise/have sex/travel. I'll be 14w5d. Also, finding out gender on Thursday night with cake reveal party!

    @mrsjd: Good luck at your appointment tomorrow! I had an early genetics test like Harmony done also. It's a nice relief to know that the baby looks good as far as what can be detected at this point. It made me confident enough to skip the NT scan. And so great that you got back to the gym. I haven't been cleared to exercise, per se, but I did go on two easy 1.7 mile walks this weekend and felt great. It didn't cause any bleeding so I'm hoping I'm in the clear finally. What kind of exercise did you do at the gym?

    @Amorini: I'm so glad your pregnancy is going well. Exhaustion hit me hard at the end of January and I'm still feeling like I want to sleep at least 12 hours a day.

    Oh girls... when will the PIO pain go away? I thought I was fine and someone bumped into my hip on Friday night and I nearly cried out in pain. Still numb, but obviously not numb enough since the pain shows up every now and then. And its still swollen, providing me a little extra muffin top which is totally not appreciated.

  29. waiting4you

    apricot / 344 posts

    Loving all the appointments this week! Can't wait to hear all the great news!
    @agold: Gender reveal...so exciting! Any feelings either way..boy/girl? That will be fun to celebrate with those close to you!

    @Amorini: I hear you on the not wanting to eat anything. Everything sounds gross. When I do decide on something I'll eat it without too much trouble but finding something to eat is a chore. I'm probably lucky in the sense that I have no sense of smell (lost it from a traumatic brain injury when I was 18). So I don't really have to deal with the "funky smells" that make people sick. My only food issues are visual and mental.

  30. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @waiting4you: My husband and I think that its a boy based upon a little glimpse we got at our 12 week ultrasound where the baby was moving so much and our doctor showed us the baby's little leggies. Oh, I love baby leggies so much! But it wasn't a definitive shot so I can't say for sure. It will be a surprise either way! We've had gender results for a couple of weeks since they came back with the genetics testing results. We just havent opened the envelope! And wow... you lost your sense of smell. I hope everything else is okay. Sounds like a crazy accident you had.

  31. mrsjd

    clementine / 777 posts

    @Amorini: Thank you! I have joined! Which is fun, especially to see how different everyone's experience is. For example, I have not had the crazy fatigue some have had.

    @agold: Thank you! Yes, I'm definitely hoping for that same sense of relief. I know a recent hellobee friend that unfortunately found out some awful news with hers, so I'm trying to prepare for anything. I'm so impressed you've been able to wait to see the gender results. We live away from all our close family/friends and the vast majority don't know we're pregnant so I'm hoping to actually share the news and the gender at the same time. That's also great that you got out and active without incident. I did crossfit which is what I've done before. My husband was with me, which is always fun. I dramatically reduced weight/intensity because (1) I haven't been in a month, and (2) I'm pregnant and I sometimes get a little queasy/lightheaded if I push too hard. I have been fortunate other than a little brown spotting due to vaginal suppositories at 5-6 weeks, I've had no bleeding/spotting. Just praying for a good heartbeat tomorrow.

  32. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    Hello Another graduate here. My two boys are currently upstairs sleeping while I slowly drink my second cup of coffee.

    I'm so happy for all of you. And happy that this support system is still in place. I do think that conceiving after dealing with infertility does put your head in a different place than someone who had sex and bam - preggo!

    I was pretty on edge the majority of my first pregnancy (IUI/injectibles #3) and I regret not enjoying more of it. For my second pregnancy (IUI/injectibles #2) I let myself jump in to the due date boards and all of the fun a lot sooner. And I'm so happy I did. The journey you go through with infertility will forever change you, but you deserve happiness and joy as much as someone who "sneezed and got pregnant".

    So my advice is to continue to process the natural feelings that come with infertility and make some space for those happy, "I'm PREGNANT!" thoughts that come with this next stage

  33. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Amorini: Afterward I said something to my RE like, "I can't believe this is what you get after going through all of that!" They were like, "Well, that IS the point!" I have thoughts like this now that my babies are here. I think to myself on hard days, "I stuck a needle in my tummy for this?!" It's crazy how much of an event the infertility journey is, and how some people have no idea when they get pregnant so easily. And then it's followed by pregnancy - another event in itself and then obviously - birth (HUGE event!) and raising your kiddo for life! Just wanted to say that your comment struck a chord with me

  34. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @waiting4you: My next appointment is this Friday, I will be 30 weeks! I am supposed to be counting kicks now, which brings more anxiety, but when I do feel movement it is seriously the best thing ever. Little bub is starting to really kick and roll which is soooo cool.

    @agold: Yay for gender reveals!! We are team green but it has been sooooo hard. At this point I kind of want to know so I can mentally bond with it more, but we've come this far, might as well wait

    Also, you know what's been bothering me lately? The cutesy cards and jokes that equate pregnancy with a fun romp in the sack. ie, I saw an instagram post where someone mentioned being pregnant with all her besties and said, "last summer must have been an exceptionally romantic one!". Nope, not for me. I'm pregnant, but definitely no romance last summer! Try lots of pressure to have sex at the right time (so incredibly NOT romantic), followed by millions of appointments, dealing with insurance, hormones and needle sticking. I know no one means any harm, but I'm at the point where I do find it insensitive. People have to know how many people go through IF before getting their bumps, right? I almost feel like I don't belong in the knocked-up club sometimes

  35. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    *sticks head in* Oh, my IF peeps, I am just a big old mess! x

  36. mrsjd

    clementine / 777 posts

    @jaguar: thinking of you constantly and sending you lots of good wishes!

  37. agold

    grapefruit / 4045 posts

    @mrsjd: Yes, the early genetics testing is great to provide relief, but it can also reveal any problems. I wouldn't abort regardless of my baby's issues so I wasn't initially wanting to take the test. There's so many problems a baby can have that can't be detected with that test so I just didn't want to be caused any extra worry. Its tough to decide what to do. I hope your friend's baby is okay. And good for you for doing cross-fit! My preferred work out is a megaformer pilates machine. Its a lot of bending and such. I worry about bending and squishing the baby! So walking for me is all I will do at the moment. Hopefully spin soon. You are awesome with cross-fit!!

    @sweetooth: Congratulations on your two boys. What a sweet scenario you depicted. That's how I envision motherhood at its best - peaceful sleeping babies and me slowly sipping coffee!!

    @YogiRunner: Ahhh... I wanted to be team green too! It was my husband who wanted to know. How far along are you? And yea... I totally understand not liking all of those ignorant comments. I try to remember that most people do actually get pregnant so easily so they really don't know to be sensitive to IF girls. I really don't think that the majority of people even think about IF at all. If they didn't have trouble, or one of their close friends didn't have trouble, then they would never know. I have a close friend who is dumber than rocks with regards to getting pregnant and she's just announced that she is pregnant with her 4th. And hey- you DO belong in the knocked-up club! You are totally knocked up!!! I try to reason with myself that I'm not actually really IF because I actually did get pregnant!

    @jaguar: Hi, you. How are you doing? (Aside from being a mess) When is your next appointment?

  38. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @waiting4you: I'm just about 25 weeks! I don't have another ob appointment for 3 weeks, but my glucose tolerance test is in 2 weeks! I'm oddly looking forward to it, it seems like one of those 'pregnancy right of passages' things haha. The first trimester was sooooo long for me, I feel like it might even be longer for us IF girls because we have been trying for so long.

    @agold: so exciting to find out the sex! I thought this babe was a boy too when I first glimpsed, but she's a girl!

    @YogiRunner: I couldn't imagine being team green, more power to you!


  39. mrsjd

    clementine / 777 posts

    Appointment went fine. Had a tense moment where the doctor couldn't find the heartbeat on the doppler. So, she brought in a quick handheld ultrasound and we got to see the heartbeat so everything seems fine. I still get so nervous. We will probably tell our parents this week.

  40. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @jaguar: Hi! You've definitely been on my mind, rooting so hard for you to have an easier road ahead. You've had a harder time than many to get where you're at today, and we all know different variations of the stress that comes with a pregnancy post IF. So please do stick your head in and often so we can give you lots and lots of and support

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