pomelo / 5228 posts
@Happygal: @sweetooth: I'm at 37w4d, so getting close! Baby dropped right around 37w, so walking isn't the most comfortable thing anymore... But looking forward to him being out
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@Happygal: That is an awesome NT picture! it's as clear as most people's anatomy scan!
@Mrs.Someone: wow I can't believe you are so close! how exciting!
I scheduled my anatomy scan today for Aug 18 - can't wait! both on the cool ultrasound and the gender. part of me wants another girl to re-use all of LO's beautiful clothes but I will be happy either way!
clementine / 901 posts
@FaithFertility: Love seeing pictures of the little babe! Can't wait to hear what you are having!!!
@ineebee: Congratulations!
@Happygal: OMG!!! I'm so jealous of your NT scan. We opted not to do one, but I want to see the baby so bad. Your LO looks so cute.
@Mrs.Someone: I can't believe you are so close, it feels like yesterday you got your BFP!
@bhbee: Can't wait to hear about your anatomy scan!
ETA: As for me, besides being terrible at keeping up with this thread, I'm trying to figure out if I want to stick with my OB or switch to a midwife practice that delivers at a hospital. I really didn't gel with my OB at my first appointment (he took over for my old GYN last year and I hadn't met him yet). I also order a doppler so I can get some reassurance because I feel like I'm at a weird stage of pregnancy where I am feeling better but don't look or feel pregnant (12w5d). Plus we opted out of the NT scan so I don't get to see the baby again until 18-20 weeks.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@FaithFertility: is it weird I just checked the December board for your news?? So exciting to find out and congrats on baby girl!!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@MrsTal: maybe try the dr one more time and then switch if you have that feeling again? I think it's important to trust your ob mainly in case something goes differently than expected and they are the one to help you navigate. I get you on the Doppler too. It can be a looong wait for the anatomy scan. But then you'll start feeling movement too and it will all get so much better!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@MrsTal: It's def a hard time when you feel good, you question?
The doppler is a great idea! ♡♡
eggplant / 11861 posts
How is everyone?!?!?!
I'm doing well! Gearing up for the first day of school tomorrow!!!!
Baby is good, moving so much more now, but I still freak when I don't feel her for some time.....with an anterior placenta I need to get over it!
We are going to the Dolphin/Patriot game in a few weeks DH is a huge NE fan So sweet he said we need to look for a baby patriot outfit for her
Hope all is well!!!!!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@FaithFertility: Doing OK, thanks! Its a tough transition... I'll post more later, we have ILs staying with us
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@FaithFertility: hope you had a good first day!
we had our scan today and we are team blue. so we'll have one of each! I will miss the girl clothes a little but am starting to get excited about boy stuff.
clementine / 901 posts
@FaithFertility: Congrats on the little girl!
@bhbee: Yay a boy! Congrats!
I scheduled my anatomy scan for September 16, which is sort of unbelievable to me! Unfortunately, we won't know the sex until October 17, when we head to Disney for our babymoon. This sounded like a great plan when we came up with it but I'm sort of dreading it now, haha, I don't want to wait.
I've been feeling more excited lately and it's feeling more real. I feel bad because I haven't been very active on my due date board, I think I was very convinced something bad was going to happen and I didn't want to get too involved. Now I sort of want to jump in but it feels sort of forced. I don't know, it's really hard to relate with people who haven't gone through IF. While I'm more excited, I'm also terrified the growth/anatomy scan will show a problem. We didn't do the quad screen or NT scan and I sort of regret it. I feel constantly worried that this pregnancy won't result in a baby. Ugh, sorry for my ramblings, I guess I'm just trying to say I'm really glad this thread exists.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@MrsTal: Hey...I don't belong here (yet). But I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you...and that I definitely "feel" for you! I'm sending lots of positive thoughts (and hugs) your way! Obviously, life doesn't offer any guarantees (and if it starts, surely you'll let me know?), but I'm wishing you smooth sailing from here on out!!!
And I can't wait to hear your news (
) when you find out!
clementine / 901 posts
@FliegepilzHut: Thanks, friend! I really hope you get to be here soon. I saw what happened and I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing ok.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@MrsTal: I'm doing a lot better. Thanks! Fingers are crossed!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@MrsTal: I say, let yourself join in on the due date board. It's not forced at all - just say hello! Introduce yourself. Share your story if you'd like, or keep your IF stories for this thread, and go over to your due date board and let yourself enjoy this pregnancy. I know it's hard - I really do. I don't feel like I enjoyed my pregnancy enough because after everything it took to get pregnant, I just felt like I couldn't really relax until he was here, in my arms. I'm only encouraging you because it's nice to have support when you are going through IF, but it's also nice to have support as you let yourself enjoy those little moments like what to put on your registry and when you put your crib together...due date board buddies are great for celebrating those little milestones
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Mrs.Someone: Congratulations! I'm so glad your little one is here. Hope you're surviving the inlaws and those early newborn days and nights.
@bhbee: One of each! How fun
@FaithFertility: Congrats on the little girl! Enjoy the football game and cherish those little movements that you feel. Maybe she'll kick like crazy at the game!
kiwi / 742 posts
@MrsTal: I haven't joined my due date thread either! And now that the second trimester will be over in 3 ish weeks, I also feel like it's too late. I have/had the same worries as you, we decided not to do the NT scan and while I was worried for a bit, I realized having it wouldn't have changed where I am right now, and they can still see issues, at your 20 week detailed anatomy scan so it's not a missed opportunity. I kept reminding myself that many more pregnancies are fine than they are not fine it just often feels like on the internet at least, horrible things happen. And after an infertility struggle every moment of our little babies lives are precious to us, and that's good, that's what being a mama is all about.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
Seeing MrBee's new board for Loss and Miscarriage, got me thinking about this board. Do you think it would be helpful to have a board to discuss pregnancy after IF? Maybe name it "pregnancy after IF' and put it in the IF dropdown?
Would you create threads under this new board? Or do you want to keep updating this thread.
You guys are the ones using it so I can't really say much.
Anyway, hope you all are doing well!
kiwi / 636 posts
Ladies, I'm literally shaking as I type this. I've been having dreams of twins recently & actually had names for the twins. Super weird! The last time I dreamt of having a baby, it was the cycle when I had my chemical pregnancy. I took an OPK because I did not want to waste my FRER, saw that the OPK was darker this morning than yesterday, so I used the Babi HPT (the dark blue test with FMU). It seemed faint so I thought, well it's too early anyways. I started craving pickles and waffles (at the same time, sounds gross). I took another Babi just now & the line was faint but much more noticeable so I took out my FRER. This line is so much darker than my BFP that was a chemical pregnancy! Also I think today is 9dpo because my Wednesday progesterone results were only 17.5 & 2.5 the previous Wednesday.
I'm writing it in this thread as I do want to be sensitive to some of the IF ladies who had mentioned it being hard to see BFPs on the IF thread check in recently. I do hope this is a sticky baby & that I will be able to join this thread.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@bluestriped bee: hmm I could see it either way. One thing you see here is we don't update that much so I wonder how much a board would be used. But I am really glad to have this thread at least!
kiwi / 636 posts
@bhbee: thank you! I'm still shaking/excited/worried/nervous/anxious all at the same time. If I hadn't experienced IF or the chemical pregnancy, I'd be jumping for joy right now. DH is thrilled but says not to say anything to family until we've had beta confirmation. How are you doing? Have you been enjoying the Texas heat and being pregnant?
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@lazypanda: That's so exciting!
Was this a Femara (or an unmedicated?) cycle? Best of luck for a sticky LO and a H&H 9months! Will you go in to see you RE for a beta next week? Yay!!!!
eggplant / 11861 posts
@lazypanda: My heart it so happy to see this!!!!! I am praying for a sticky baby for you
eggplant / 11861 posts
@bluestriped bee: I agree with @bhbee: we don't update too much, but kinda wish we did...sometimes I have fears and thoughts that I know are related to having IF and trying for years and I feel others just don't understand
eggplant / 11861 posts
@MrsTal: Not to say I am glad you have those fears, but that is the reason I am glad to have this boars, every apt I get small pit in my stomach and I pray that all is well! It can be hard after trying for so long, having losses, we know the dark side of it all and are not blissfully unaware!
With that I try to just focus on the positive stuff and I talk to her that makes me feel connected!!!!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@lazypanda: whoo hoo! This has made my morning! Let's see a picture! And please don't be shy with sharing your news with IF friends. It can be hard, but you have been so supportive of everyone, and it can also be uplifting b/c you that's what you want to see for others!
pomelo / 5000 posts
My difficult feelings are not so much fear, but still some hurt and frustration, which I know sounds strange b/c I am pregnant.
Here's an example: I follow a great blog, and the writer just got married. Then she shared that, surprise!, she's also pregnant! It was an accident, but she's so happy, etc. I snarled my lip and wrinkled my nose and it got under my skin b/c I had a hard time reading about someone's easy, happy, surprise baby. I remembered the first month when we started officially TTC, and we were so excited about it all. So different to how I felt at the end. I was surprised by my feelings b/c I thought I would be over it, but it sticks around inside you.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@Happygal: I agree with you, it doesn't get easy even when your PG, I had a co worker ask how close we wanted our children, I immediately got defensive, but stayed calm........
kiwi / 636 posts
@FliegepilzHut: @FaithFertility: @Happygal: thank you very much! I wanted to share the news with all the IF ladies first. This was actually my 2nd cycle being off meds. We were debating between continuing with IUIs or going to IVF the next cycle (ETA, we had just decided earlier this week after our IVF consult that we would try for more IUIs). The picture is from last night. I haven't been able to sleep all night (but then again there was also a pretty sizeable earthquake as well). I've already emailed my RE about getting the positive HPT. I know they'll want to see doubling numbers before scheduling an appt for me, since that was the protocol when I had my chemical.
I think the biggest fear is that the numbers may not double. Having the chemical a few months ago was terrible. Our IF journey robs us of the innocence & joy that non-IF ladies get to blissfully enjoy.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@lazypanda: whoo hoo! Those are some beautiful lines. So, so happy for you. Praying that your baby is healthy and all is well. I'll be watching for good updates on the perfect beta #s.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@lazypanda: Your lines look amazing!!!! I am so happy for you! It is truly a SHOCK when that happens after a non medicated cycle!
Cant wait to hear your great betas!!!!
eggplant / 11861 posts
I am cracking up, I just had a sneezing fit and little love is flipping out.....lol like geez mom calm the movement down.....lol
kiwi / 636 posts
Thank you ladies. It definitely helps having others to reassure that I'm not going bonkers. I had a total emotional moment this morning when my digital weeks estimator had the little timer icon on & then fizzed out cuz the battery died. so then I busted out another OPK, Babi HPT & FRER to make sure that I was still pregnant. Thank goodness the FRER was more pronounced than last nights.
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