kiwi / 636 posts
Holy Smokes! 156!!! Now I just have to stick a pill up my vagina which I'm not looking forward to.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@lazypanda: That's a good number! The progesterone in the vagina isn't too bad. It's better than the PIO shots
pomelo / 5000 posts
@lazypanda: Wow! You may remember that mine was much lower first time round. I hope that's a reassuring number to you. Progesterone isn't fun--panty liners are your friend.
pear / 1750 posts
@lazypanda: awesome number! The progesterone isn't so bad. I'm on the standard Crinone post-IVF and I imagine I will be for a few more weeks. It's not that bad, but I will admit its giving me terrible acne breakouts.
My test is darker today! 3 more days til my beta, I can't wait!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@lazypanda: congratulations! I'm so happy for you.
@Happygal: I have the same feelings sometimes. I struggled for so long to get pregnant while one of my good friends got pregnant on her first try. This time around they got pregnant as an accident. The first thing I could think of was how unfair it is that some people have it so easy. Now she talks about IVF to ensure she has a boy if she doesn't this time. I think if she understood what normal people have to go through to have a baby especially if they get to IVF, I don't think she would use it just to make sure her family is perfect.
As for me, I'm struggling with my recent pregnancy. Not seeing a fetal pole at my early ultrasound definitely has me worried. My hCG numbers were good but waiting for my ultrasound next week has been a killer. I honestly am acting like I'm not pregnant because it's what I fear will be the result. I believe the saying that God only gives us as much as we can handle and he must perceive anyone who deals with IF as really strong. It's a complement I guess but it still sucks.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@marionberry: Awww it is such a hard time!!!! Take it one day atva time and busy yourself, I tried to not even think about it then!
Easier said then done!!!
I'll be praying for you and just ask God to put his hands on your bababy!!!!!!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@marionberry: thinking of you and hoping the time passes quickly... Early pregnancy is rough on us IFers...
pear / 1750 posts
@FaithFertility: thanks!
@marionberry: I'm sorry you're feeling anxious. I hope you get the best possible result from your next ultrasound.
I have a question for you ladies, especially those who did IVF or other treatments. Did you tell certain people right away? Did you wait until the end of the first trimester to tell everyone else?
I'm asking because of course there are a few people who know I did IVF and will be asking about the results. So far I've told my mom and my friend who went with me for the ER. After I have my beta, I'll probably tell my pregnant friend and my pilates teacher, who both know I did IVF. And then there's DH's physical therapist, who also knows and she can advise me what I can safely do with him. That seems like a lot of people! And of course my mom told my brother about the IVF....
I plan to wait a while to tell my In-laws and SIL, since they don't know about any of this. After that all that's left is Facebook, I guess. Anyone else have this problem?
eggplant / 11861 posts
@macintosh: When we did our rounds of IUI I told friends/co workers pretty much when we got our BFPs becasue they knew we did the procedure and were praying for us!!!!
I say tell who you are comfortable telling and tell others when the tine is right for you :)))))
pomelo / 5041 posts
@macintosh: We told our parents and siblings and a few coworkers who knew we were doing iui. We waited until 11 weeks to tell anyone else. This pregnancy we've only told two people because of the situation. Once we see a baby I'm sure we'll tell most people.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@FaithFertility: @Mrs.Someone: @macintosh: Thank you for thinking of me. I'm just hoping work stays busy so that the days fly by.
pear / 1786 posts
@macintosh: personally, I felt like I needed/wanted to tell the people who knew we were doing IVF, so I did. I was pretty open about our IF by the time we did IVF, so that was a lot of people (most family and all my close friends). I didn't other people until about 12 weeks and the employees at work until about 16-18 weeks.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@marionberry: I hope you get good news with your next U/S!
Do you mind if I ask how early your first was? Thinking of you!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@lazypanda: not really! Ugh! We have a few on a list, but nothing set in stone!
@FaithFertility: thx! And so true!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@FliegepilzHut: By my last period the estimate was 6w2d. In all fairness I think their ultrasound machine sucks because it was pretty fuzzy. All we saw were two sacks but the OB said it was probably just too early. Now I should be about 7w3d.
persimmon / 1316 posts
Hey Everyone! Thought I would join in here. I am going to be 7 weeks tomorrow and just had my first ultrasound after our first IVF and found out we are having twins! Very excited but of coarse have my worries too!
Anyone else here having twins?
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@lazypanda: 156 woo!!!!! If you're doing endometrin it's not bad at all. Only a little messy
@Mrs.Pinecone316: congrats on twins!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: Congratulations! At my first early ultrasound I had two sacks so there's a chance for twins. No idea yet. I want to invite you to our April Moms thread though. I'm just a few days over 7 weeks myself!
kiwi / 636 posts
@FliegepilzHut: @brownie: @FaithFertility: @macintosh: @Happygal: @MrsTal: @marionberry: @tequiero21: Thanks ladies! After getting a follow up email from the RE nurse (the one I really like), I'm starting to feel better. She'll be calling me on Thursday to schedule our u/s to see the heartbeat if my numbers increase like they would like.
@macintosh: I told a few close friends about the chemical pregnancy, which was partially unhelpful since they didn't really value that it was a loss as they said its normal for chemical pregnancies to occur. My thoughts were were, well, how can you say it's normal when you didn't have a chemical.. with this BFP, I've only let a few friends who have had rainbow babies know because I feel them to be supportive & understanding of this situation. I think when I am halfway through pregnancy, I may "out" myself & share my struggles with IF in case there are some friends may feel alone in their struggles.
@marionberry: I hope your next u/s appointment will show a clearer picture! My RE said that the fertility clinic's u/s machines are much clearer than an ob's machines. The re nurse said that they like having their patients to come in for their u/s between 6.5-7.5 weeks because that is when the heartbeat first shows. They'll have me come in 7.5 weeks because I may have ovulated much later. I hope that may be the case for you! And wow! 2 sacs =twins right? Do twins run in your family?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@lazypanda: Not at all! I'm not sure how we got two sacks. With already one baby under 1 two sacks is a bit alarming but we'll love our babies regardless. I'm not sure my beta numbers support two babies so one may be a blighted ovum or vanishing twin. I'm glad your RE said their machines are better. That's what I figured but didn't know for sure. Good luck on your u/s!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: having only one this time, but I now have twin toddlers!!! Good luck! Hope u gave lots of help!
@marionberry: good luck on the next us!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: Twins is my dream. I would love twins but alas, it is two single pregnancies (my son who is 3 now, and this one).
@macintosh: I didn't tell anyone for our IVF cycle that was successful. They didn't like this so we were more open on our FET and that was a chemical pregnancy. It really sucked to have to tell people. So this time around we haven't told anyone that we were even trying. I did tell my sister a few weeks ago because I needed to talk to someone. But she has had similar struggles.
I am not sure when we will tell everyone else. I go back and forth between now and never.
persimmon / 1316 posts
@bhbee: Thanks!
@marionberry: exciting! When is your next ultrasound? Hope it all works out the way you want!
@tequiero21: Thanks:) If you have any pointers for twin pregnancies please share:)
@brownie: Thanks! Yeah I always thought twins would be fun, I have twin brothers and loved the twin dynamic. My main worries are just the pregnancy part of it.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@tequiero21: Thank you!!!
@Mrs.Pinecone316: Next Tuesday the 2nd. I've been waiting over a week now so I'm very anxious.
persimmon / 1316 posts
@marionberry: Waits are the worst! I've got 2 weeks before my next one...
eggplant / 11861 posts
@Mrs.Pinecone316: Double the congrats!!!!!
I am soooo happy to see new faces!!!!
God is good!!!!!!
eggplant / 11861 posts
Anyone experience a pregnancy first this week????
Me.....well I sneezed and peed a little yesterday at 24weeks I thought already?????
But tonight I gagged on salad and well did it, DH saw and actually cracked
kiwi / 636 posts
I am now getting very excited, beta #2 today was 481! More than double beta #1! I'm finally feeling better about this BFP!
@Mrs.Pinecone316: @tequiero21: what were your betas for the twin pregnancies if you don't mind me asking? I've got this feeling that I may have twins but if I don't, I'm just happy to finally believe that I am on my way towards a normal/healthy pregnancy.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@lazypanda: Congrats! I did some reading a while sounds like the range of normal betas for singletons & twins is huge and there's a lot of only an U/S can tell you reliably.
FX extra hard for one (or two) healthy LO(s)!
persimmon / 1316 posts
@FaithFertility: Yes he is good! So I had a first this week going off your salad gag haha. I was carrying stuff to my car and it was breezy and a single strand of my hair got in my mouth and I started gagging thinking I was going to throw up until my hands were free to remove it haha.
@lazypanda: my 1st beta at 9dp5dt was 261 and my 2nd at 11dp5dt was 580. My other clue was that I got such bad OHSS which I know twin pregnancies can make it worse. When is your ultrasound? what were your betas? Yeah I know what you mean, I would have been happy with 1 or 2 for different reasons!
kiwi / 636 posts
@FliegepilzHut: thanks! I'm excitedly anticipating the end of the year when you do your FET.
@Mrs.Pinecone316: I'll be calling my RE's office tomorrow morning to schedule my u/s. I actually got an email from my RE at 7 pm to inform me of my betas! Beta #1 was 156 and I believe 11 dpo (from the last positive OPK). I'm thinking twins because it does run in my family, albeit on my dad's side of the family, & I believe I ovulated twice this cycle.
persimmon / 1316 posts
@lazypanda: My 1st beta is equivalent to 14 dpo so if yours kept doubling every 48 hrs it would be REALLY high at 14dpo so you could be! My friend also is having twins and her betas was only in the 100's at 14 dpo so you never really know what can happen. Were you on fertility drugs? Being monitored to see how many follicles you had? Hope you get your u/s soon!I know not knowing whats going on in there is hard.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@lazypanda: That is great!!!!!!! Praying for your babe/babies ♡
I do not have twins but my
#1 70 something
#2 330 (48hrs later)
#3 7,000 (62 hrs later) from #2
pomelo / 5000 posts
@lazypanda: excellent. That makes me happy. First ultrasound is surreal.
@Mrs.Pinecone316: congrats! Happy to see you hear.
@marionberry: thinking of you and hoping for lots of good reports.
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