pomelo / 5041 posts
@MrsCB: Ya no reason to scare you if not seeing a heartbeat means nothing at that point.
nectarine / 2600 posts
Hi ladies. Well I'm here but super scared! We started trying in Dec. 2011, and have had one MC (March 2012.) A year later, here I am! My doc said we were dealing with "sub" fertility ?? So yeah. DH and I are so scared. I just got my BFP today. Had a few squinters here and there this week, but today with SMU they were dark enough for us to relax just a bit.
I wrote a blog post a while ago about how if we ever do get pregnant again, our first experience will have sucked some of the joy out of it. I know you all will know how I feel! It's like we're scared to be excited How sad.
ANYwho....lots of love and luck to us all!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Congraulations!! It is scary, but hopefuly sometime before the baby is born the excitement will kick in. I'm 19 weeks tommorow and I'm still in quite disbelief.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Congratulations and welcome! Are you going in for any beta tests?
nectarine / 2600 posts
@jetsa: @marionberry: Thank you! No I don't think so...I called the fertility place I had been going to, and they gave me an appointment for April 16!! If all goes well, I'll be 6w3d by then! Seems odd to me. I've had my post ovu. progesterone checked before and it's always been high, so I'm trying not to worry.
We were in the middle of beginning all the fertility testing, so I really don't know what to expect now. I had all my bloodwork, the HSG, and pre-ovu ultrasound. DH went in for a 2'nd SA and they were doing that other test that I think I talked about on the IF thread.
I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do or think! I don't think I'll ever be NOT afraid of another MC, at least if/when I make it out of the first trimester.....
pomelo / 5041 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: As hard as it is, just try to remind yourself everyday that you're pregnant and try not to spend all of your time worrying. Odds are that everything will be fine.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@marionberry: I hope! That's what I'm trying to do...is it bad that I'm praayyying for morning sickness? I never had it last time around, and I don't know if it's an old wives' tale or not, but you know what they say about having ms means it's a healthy pregnancy.
The fertility place just called and moved my appointment back a week more! So now I'll be 7 weeks plus change! Oy. Well, like you said just going to try and be in the moment and be positive. (even though I'll probably be peeing on a bazillion sticks between now and then!)
pomelo / 5041 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: I peed on a lot of sticks in the beginning. Do whatever it takes to feel comfortable. I prayed for ms too but never had any. It is a great way to feel secure in your pregnancy.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: @marionberry: You know how the grass is greener on the other side? I would totally vote for no morning sickness. I was still worried, freaked out when it would disappear for a day (which it does) and worried about what an insult to injury it would be if I miscarried after all that MS!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Grace: That's so funny! The grass really is greener on the other side. While it was hard not knowing if my baby was still doing well on the inside, it was nice not to be vomiting. I never thought about how missing ms for a day or two could scare you into thinking something was wrong. I guess you can't win either way, lol.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@Grace: @marionberry: Yes we can't win I guess! Just gotta go with the flow ::sigh:: Trying to not worry.
nectarine / 2705 posts
I was continuing to hold my breath because I had a slow climb in beta numbers. But today - my 4th beta gave me some GREAT numbers. 2449! After 20 months of trying, I am finally pregnant! So now I have an ultrasound scheduled...for this FRIDAY! They wanted me to schedule for next week but we're away on vacation - so early ultrasound it is! It will only be 6 weeks by the end of this week, so I don't anticipate a heartbeat. But I really hope I get a little picture
@Grace: Thank you!
@marionberry: I know the worries never end, but I do hope I can breathe a little easier now that I'm out of the every other day blood test phase!
@redsmarties: I remember reaching out to you right when I joined HB. I'm so happy to hear that you're 21 weeks pregnant!
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
@sweetooth: Same to you!! Really glad that your numbers look so good! And an ultrasound will be reassuring, even if it is too early for a heartbeat.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@sweetooth: The worries will lessen, but certainly not go away. If you have any questions I'm happy to answer them. We saw our heartbeat at 6w4d so it's certainly possible you'll see one. If you don't though, don't worry. Everything will be just fine!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@brady80: That's great advice from your RE. Thank you for sharing Glad to hear you're enjoying your pregnancy!
@dagret: I remember when I first joined HB and you told me how long it took you to get pregnant I thought you were so strong. Turns out I am almost as strong as you. After 20 months I finally have my BFP. Congrats on your January 2013 baby!
@Mrs Green Grass: And talk about strength - I followed along with your journey and am so amazed at your strength! The pictures of Dylan on your blog are too cute Thanks for reminding me of the PAIL community.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@trailmix: So good to "see" you! I can't believe how far along you are or that you are having a boy and a girl!!! Congratulations Have you ever tried any Circle + Bloom meditations? They helped calm me so much during all of this insanity.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@sweetooth: yay, that's so exciting!! The ultrasound will be amazing. We had ours last Thursday and at 6w4d (baby measured 6w1d) we had a heartbeat. Even if its too soon, you'll have some precious pictures!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@lilteacherbee: Thank you! And I'm so glad to hear that your ultrasound went well!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Thank you!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@GreenThumb: thank you so much! Hope pregnancy is treating you well
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@sweetooth: thank you! good to see you on here - and congratulations on your BFP! So happy for you.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@dagret: thank you!
@Grace: Thanks for making me smile and do a little happy dance of my own You rock
I hope you are doing well with your pregnancy!
honeydew / 7916 posts
Finally coming over with a question! So my clinic is aggressive about betas and is making me do them every other day for a few weeks and then I think once a week through the first tri. (I kind of dread the lady who jams the needle into my arm.)
Today the tech mentioned that at the 5th beta they'll run some extra tests - does anyone have an idea what that might be? I think they've been testing HCG, E2, and P4.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@spaniellove: Honestly your clinic seems really over the top. I got two betas and that was it. Wasn't seen for anything else until a 6-7w ultrasound and another ultrasound at 10. They never ran a single test on me other than the betas. I'm curious as to what they'd be checking other than progesterone and hCG. But welcome to the group!!! SO happy to have you here.
pomelo / 5041 posts
Let's do a check-in!
1. Where are you at currently (pregnancy weeks, kid age X months, etc)?
2. Do you have any questions or current concerns?
3. Do you have any advice for others?
I'll start!
1, 19weeks, 3 days
2. Currently experiencing the occasional braxton hicks contraction. It freaks me out but apparently it's totally normal. I look forward to talking to my DR about it at our anatomy scan on Thursday.
3. Relax when you can! We're getting ready to move and I'm finding myself pushing myself a bit too hard. I really need to remember that baby comes first and it's ok to take a lot of naps and such along the way.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
1. Where are you at currently (pregnancy weeks, kid age X months, etc)? 23.5 weeks (4 days to viability - whoohoo!)
2. Do you have any questions or current concerns? I was a little worried that I haven't gained anything. I'm overweight to start, so apparently, it's great that I'm not, but it's quite disconcerting. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm going to pay with massive weight gain at the very end.
3. Do you have any advice for others? You know, I don't? The only one I can think of is try to breathe, but when you are nervous/anxious about something, I think that's easier said than done (plus, I couldn't do it during my worries, so who am I to advise it).
nectarine / 2705 posts
1. Where are you at currently? 9 weeks, 4 days
2. Do you have any questions or current concerns? I feel like I just made it through 2 weeks of nausea and now I'm moving on to actual, physical morning sickness. I know of ways to combat it - but I just wish I knew when it would end
3. Do you have any advice for others? I feel like such a newly pregnant person, I don't know what I could share from my vantage point. Maybe just a few things I've learned/observed...eat slowly. Very slowly. And often. Walk daily. Sleep. And excuse yourself when your husband is around and all of these new noises are coming out of your body so frequently I'm like a symphony of new noises! Burps - farts - stomach gurgles - moans
pomelo / 5041 posts
@sweetooth: HAHA I love your comment about the new noises! I never used to burp and now not only do I burp but it's so loud. And I got used to doing it in front of my husband (because we're pretty open) but I accidentally did it at a restaurant once without thinking and immediately afterward was like, oh crap, did I just do that?
nectarine / 2705 posts
@marionberry: HAHAHA!! That totally just made me laugh out loud! I, too, let a burp out in public and was surprised because I didn't even try to stop it. I just knew it would help me feel better. But I did the same thing - um, was that out loud? Did anyone else hear that?
My husband and I are pretty open too - but nothing kills the romance like being your own music maker
nectarine / 2705 posts
I just thought I'd check in with this group. I'm doing my best to embrace pregnancy. But last week, after I started to bleed brown, and then red - only to find out that the baby is fine and it's just subchorionic bleeding, I feel a little out of sorts. Initially I was on bedrest, and now it's just pelvic rest. But it still makes me feel fragile.
I had my first OB appointment this week. It was pretty lackluster, but then, I'm used to some great care and attention from my RE experience. The most annoying thing that my OB said to me though, was "I bet your fertility clinic was happy to see you" - uh, what? And she clarified and said "Because you're young and healthy, so it wasn't a complicated case like a 50 year coming in to get pregnant." Um...lady - I think I can see why you're an OB and not and RE. That was the stupidest thing to say. It's as if she just thinks it was a simple IUI procedure and here I am pregnant!
I'm actually glad that my office rotates doctors so you meet everyone before you give birth. I will have whatever doctor is on call the day I go into labor. And while I think my doctor is fine for an annual visit - I'm not sure I'm digging her for my whole pregnancy experience.
I'm 12 weeks now. And the nausea is showing no signs of fading. Please, oh wise and wonderful women who are further along in pregnancy after dealing with infertility - tell me that I will embrace this fully and feel better soon?
pea / 10 posts
@SweetTooth. I relate to everything you've written 100%. DH and I went through 5 months of IVF last winter, took a break between June and August, found a different clinic, a different protocol, cycled in October and god out BFP the week before Thanksgiving.... I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant.
The 1st trimester was filled with major exhaustion, tons of aversions and lots of morning sickness. I actually lost 11 pounds and nobody believed I was actually pregnant. When I hit 16 weeks, I woke up one morning craving vegetables and grains.... a HUGE accomplishment seeing as, up until then, I was on a steady diet of pizza and ravioli.... and that's it. From weeks 16 to 24 I felt fantastic, started exercising again, gained the appropriate amount of weight but still wasn't showing very much. I also had anxiety before everyone appointment with our OB (every 3 weeks) with anticipation of an ultrasound or the fetal doppler that could possibly go wrong. DH finally gave me the go-ahead to purchase one we could use at home and that curbed the anxiety almost completely. At week 25, I finally popped..... a small pop but a pop none-the-less. And then from 25 weeks until now, I started to realize I'm actually pregnant and it's a smooth pregnancy. Oh, I forgot..... I've also been in therapy, specifically regarding infertility and pregnancy since last August and make it a point to talk to my therapist (who also happens to be a doula) once a week, whether I want to or not.
The best advice I can give is to let yourself feel how you're feeling, ask as many questions as you need, share with friends, family and on these boards as much as possible and know you're not alone. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGE HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@sweetooth: I don't think there is any way that I wouldn't feel fragile and all the rest of it, if I had bled. No matter how many times they say it's normal. Hugs. Aren't those OB appts the biggest let down ever? How is it that you have to see them every month, but they don't do anything? As for the morning sickness, there started being days around then where I'd feel good (especially Sundays). It didn't let up for good until 15 weeks. You are sooooooo close!
Oh, plus, I found that it was incredibily difficult to be positive during morning sickness time. I was sick and tired and defeated and blaahhhhhh. And grumpy. And weepy. An when it went away, it's like the fog cleared. I was convinced everyone was telling me stories to make me feel better and that the morning sickness would last forever. But I was WRONG. It went away and it was glorious!! I'm hoping second trimester will be really nice to you!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@CurlyGirlPA: Thank you for writing and relating And congratulations on your pregnancy
It always helps to hear other women's stories. Even though I know each of us is unique - I find hope in knowing that things will change. And soon my diet will improve. Therapy sounds like a good thing. I've always resorted to "free therapy" - aka, journal writing. But maybe one day I will feel like talking to a professional.
Thank you so much for sharing your story and for the HUGS! Hugs right back to you
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Grace: Thank you for relating and letting me know I am SOOO close. I am sooo ready for a change! But also counting my blessings that I am pregnant.
I'm happy to hear that someone else had a hard time being positive during morning sickness time. It really takes it out of me, and makes me not feel like myself. My husband can tell. He always lets me know when the "real me" makes an appearance.
Thanks again for your words Hope you are feeling well!
nectarine / 2705 posts
I had my 1st trimester genetic screen appointment today. I just thought I'd share this with some women who can relate.
I went into the exam room and saw the table with the paper over it, and two regular chairs. I thought the nurse would be leaving the room to give me privacy to get undressed from the waist down to perform the transvaginal ultrasound. I'm just so used to that method of ultrasounds that I didn't even think of sitting on the exam table without undressing first. So I awkwardly sat down in a regular chair and she said, "Oh no, up here dear." And I said, "Isn't this a transvaginal ultrasound?" And she said, no, you're past those now.
I'm happy to be past them I felt like such a newbie not knowing what to do in there. But once we got started (boy is that jelly cold!) I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen
Ultrasounds are amazing.
nectarine / 2765 posts
@sweetooth: that's too funny you should mention the confusion. I had the same experience last week when I wore a dress to the appt thinking it was just easy access. Hiking it up & having an itty bitty towel over my underwear was kinda amusing. Congrats btw!
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