pomelo / 5073 posts
@raintreebee: I totally get it. We've all been there and are still there. I'm glad y'all are ok! Just remember to take breaks and not lift anything while you are moving. At 5 wks , I didn't feel much more than you are feeling. Each day I felt more and more. Hang in there!!
coconut / 8472 posts
@raintreebee: The beginning of my pregnancy was exactly the same. I had nausea the first couple days after I found out, and then nothing except I was a little more tired. I never really got morning sickness. And no matter what symptoms have popped up, I never feel pregnant. And it was really hard those first few weeks to always be waiting for another test, and waiting for the shoe to drop.
One thing that helped me a lot was getting a fetal doppler. We started using it at 6.5 weeks (which is early) and it always made me feel better, whenever it seemed like it was too long between getting assurance. The maternity 21 test also helped me to feel confident about the pregnancy.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@raintreebee: Yeah, I didn't feel pregnant that early either. The weird thing with morning sickness too, is that it can hit you like a ton of bricks and also just go away for a day or two. It's really a terrible gauge of how pregnant you are. Fwiw, my trick at that stage was to say outloud, every time I had a worry "today, I'm pregnant". Over and over. Yes - I played mind games with myself.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@raintreebee: so sorry about your almost accident freaking u out! Good luck Thursday! I can tell u I had horrible ms starting 6 weeks and my ms was bad!! And I agree w @MrsCB: about getting a Doppler. We got a good cheap one for like 50 bux and it gave us such peace of mind. But we didn't find the heartbeats until around 9-10 weeks.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@raintreebee: I was the same way, sure that any day the other shoe was going to drop. I almost didn't get on an airplane at 6weeks pregnant because I thought it would hurt the baby. Only time will heal your worries, but I agree that getting a doppler is key! I still use ours from time to time if he doesn't move around enough in a day. And I agree with @grace! Reminding myself that I was pregnant each day really helped...and I peed on sticks for at least a month after I found out too. Do whatever it takes to keep your mind at ease.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@raintreebee: I just thought I would add to the chorus of "I know how you feel" Honestly, I had no symptoms at all until right at the end of 6 weeks. So it was practically 7 weeks before I was like, hmm, is this a pregnancy symptom? And that was the beginning of morning sickness that lasted for another 7 weeks.
Take comfort in the good appointments. And try to rely on the knowledge you may have gained from Circle+Bloom to keep your mind calm. I'm sure that near accident had to be scary - I'm glad you three are ok. And as for the moving, do try to take it easy and ask for help.
Definitely continue to voice your anxieties here and get them out of your head. We're here for you It's totally nuts when you have a long journey to get to this point and then once you're here it's still a new kind of crazy. Lots of hugs to you
pear / 1531 posts
@Jennimac: @MrsCB: @Grace: @tequiero21: @marionberry: @sweetooth: Thank you ladies! Your experiences and thoughts made me feel a lot better. I bought the Circle + Bloom pregnancy meditation and am going to see my old therapist to deal with the anxiety. I didn't see her for infertility anxiety because she is pregnant, which was weird, but now I think she will really be able to help me. I will try to take this all one day at a time and not beat myself up about feeling worried. And I will certainly take it easy during the move. Once I got the BFP, we changed plans and basically hired movers to do all the packing, moving, and unpacking. At least the planning part is out of the way.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Grace: I think the morning sickness monster reads hellobee I definitely noticed an improvement at 14 weeks and felt like a brand new me. But lately, I've had some unpleasant mornings. Still - 10x better than it was and yes, ah-maze-ing! Thanks for asking
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@sweetooth: Lol - that happened to me too. At 9 weeks I told someone that I *had* morning sickness. Aaaannd then it came back. But like you, it wasn't as bad, and there were good days mixed in.
pear / 1531 posts
Hi ladies! I had my six week ultrasound, and we saw the yolk sac, the baby and the heartbeat. Everything measured perfectly. I am soooo relieved. Thanks for helping me get through the longest week ever!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@raintreebee: yay!!! I'm so excited for you! Isn't hearing the heartbeat the best feeling ever?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@raintreebee: Yay! That's awesome! That 6w ultrasound totally helped me feel relieved for awhile. And good news is you'll likely get another ultrasound in a few weeks (if not less) to help continue that feeling of relief. Now you can relax a bit.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@raintreebee: Oooo! *happy dance*. That is so completely awesome. Congrats!!
pomelo / 5228 posts
I think I can now dip my toe in here I got my first beta result: 72 (14dpo)! According to this site, its above average, yay! I go in for another test tomorrow.
The less good news is that my progesterone was only 10.5, so I'm being put in 400mg/day, yuck! But whatever will make this baby stick...
pear / 1531 posts
Just had my 8 week ultrasound, which went well. Should be graduating to the OB soon. Still don't feel that pregnant (no ms) but am starting to look it!
How is everyone else doing? Happy fourth!
persimmon / 1081 posts
@Mrs.Someone: congratulations!
@raintreebee: yay for a good u/s! I hope you have a ms-free pregnancy!
I am spending this 4th fuming a little bc I made a special trip to the Korean market yesterday in the pre-holiday traffic to stock up on all the foods I've been craving...then DH invited our neighbor over last night and they ate all the BBQ. I ate a little bit but it was horribly over cooked bc DH was too busy drinking beer and hanging out. I'm in the second trimester now and getting dead serious about my food. I was so mad I slept in the guest bedroom. Normally I'm the more the merrier type and love having ppl over, so I know this is just hormones but I'm still mad and embarrassed about being mad. Ok end rant.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrs.someone: Congrats to joining this group! Your beta number is really close to what mine was at 14dpo. So happy for you!
@raintreebee: I'm happy you had a great ultrasound. I remember when I "graduated from my RE" and it was an amazing feeling. The lack of ultrasounds and appointments as often at the OB kind of sucked though.
@mrsmate: Sorry your husband ruined your night. It may have been hormones that made it worse, but that doesn't mean his actions were warranted.
AFM, it's baby marionberry's 29 week birthday today. 11 weeks to go!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@mrsmate: Ugh, people should know not to mess with pregnant ladies!
@marionberry: Yay, getting so close!
@raintreebee: Great news!
Today I'm waiting for the results of my second beta, hoping that it at least doubled. Waiting for the phone to ring isn't fun! But I've been a little reassured because of the mild MS that I've had since 13dpo.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs.Someone: Let us know what they say! I hate waiting for betas, it's really stressful. How many are you having done? In my clinic I only got two but some ladies get a bunch.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@marionberry: For now I'm under the care of my ND, so I think this will be the last one as long as it looks good. She seemed pretty willing to give me whatever test I asked for though I also have an order for a 6w ultrasound, so that will be a long wait! After that I'll start seeing a midwife.
Also, as of today I am officially past when my m/c started, yay! (4w2d)
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs.Someone: That was the same path we did. 2 betas and a 6w ultrasound. The wait is really hard in between so do your best to stay busy. I'm so glad you're past the mc date!
persimmon / 1081 posts
The protocol at my RE was 3 betas and an u/s at 7-8 wks. They said 3 betas to rule out an ectopic.
My u/s was at 7w1d, which was when I had my MC last year. I didn't even let myself consider myself pregnant the whole time bw the last beta and the u/s, even though I was starting to feel MS. Luckily I have DD to chase after, I don't know how I would have gotten through those 3 weeks.
pomelo / 5228 posts
Boo, for some reason the doc never called today I even tried calling just before the end of the day and didn't get a call back. She isn't in again until Tuesday, but the lab's system may send me the results before that.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@raintreebee: Congrats on your 8 week ultrasound! Graduating to your OB is a big step - I wish you the best and hope for no MS for you!
I had another OB visit this morning. It went well. I'm gaining the appropriate amount of weight and my little guy has a strong heartbeat. I love hearing the heartbeat...makes me teary every single time.
pear / 1531 posts
Just saw the baby move today at 9 weeks! Crazy!
Those of you who bought a home doppler, any brands to recommend?
pear / 1531 posts
@tequiero21: I finally ordered one. It took me awhile to find the heartbeat but eventually did. Thank you!
Took the Maternit21 test two weeks ago. Today I got a call that there was a lab error on my sample. Beyond irritated!!!!!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@raintreebee: i just realized it says so online instead of sonoline lol@ipad. glad u were able to find the heartbeat! so exciting, right? because i had a previous miscarriage, i was obsessed with finding the heartbeats. so hard finding 2! especially since they move around and they aren't always in the same spot. also, i'm like so am i measuring the same kid or different kids lol.
what is the maternit21 test? is that like a nuchal test? can they redo it or is it too late? so annoying!
pear / 1531 posts
@tequiero21: it's a new blood test that tests for chromosomal defects with like 99% accuracy using the fetal blood that circulates in the mothers blood. It also tests gender. I have to redo but will wait another two weeks for results!!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@raintreebee: wow, even within a year technology has improved so much. unless they offered it during my time but didn't offer it to me. never heard of the test but sounds awesome! ugh @ waiting an extra 2 weeks. one of the worst parts of pregnancy is all the waiting!!!
pear / 1531 posts
Hi ladies, Here is a post about the bad news I received yesterday. http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/coping-with-a-very-high-risk-pregnancy
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@raintreebee: No!!! I'm so sorry. I'm not familiar with this test, but looking at the responses on the other thread, it looks like everything may be fine? I'm going to hope hard for you. That is so not fair! Hugs.
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