pomelo / 5041 posts
@sweetooth: Ultrasounds are amazing! So glad you finally got to the transabdominal ones! And I'm sorry to hear you had bad morning sickness. I didn't have any, so I'm not good to relate to, but I can't imagine how rough that would be. They did say though that at least it meant your baby was healthy. Sometimes not having any morning sickness made me question that.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@sweetooth: haha omg cold jelly sux! My ob had cold ones but the high risk doc had it all warmed up, it was SO nice! Also, hang in there, it really does get better. Although for me, it took 15 weeks. I really had to remind myself I really wanted the pregnancy. I was so miserable.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@sweetooth: Whoohoo! Me thinks you are getting close to the fun part of pregnancy!
@marionberry: You never got any MS?!!? Lucky!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Grace: My mom never got any either. Apparently it runs in the family. But after such a long time trying to get pregnant I almost would've rather had it so I knew for sure there was a baby in there and he was doing well.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@marionberry: unfortunately, ms doesn't mean baby is good. I had such bad ms and found out baby stopped growing 3-4 weeks before. My body didn't know, apparently.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
I keep having horrible dreams about losing the pregnancy lately. That and of someone "kidnapping" my dog. The pregnancy dream is always before the dog dream like the one triggers the other. This happening to anyone else? I feel like its the result of a previous mc and infertility. Plus I know two women in real life lose a pregnancy at 20 weeks so its on my mind. Blah.
ETA: I was also in a car accident Tuesday so had to go get baby checked out. Maybe that freaked me out more than I thought.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@tequiero21: I'm sorry to hear that.
@ladybee: sorry about the bad dreams! I've not had any dreams like that but I agree it's probably on your mind because of the accident and that's ending up in your dreams. My dreams are always just really weird.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@ladybee: I had dreams about forgetting to feed the baby and letting her starve. And there's been anxiety about the baby strangling on the cord in utero or just some other weird thing. I just have to keep reminding myself that most babies are just fine and there's no reason mine won't be.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@ladybee: I'm sorry to hear about your car accident, that had to be scary. Maybe it's a combination of the things on your mind (I don't think mc or infertility ever really go away in your mind) and the car accident?
It can be hard to think about those two women in real life who have had a loss so late in their pregnancy. But everyone is different. You are YOU!
Maybe finding some good stories about healthy, full term pregnancies will help your mind. And your dreams?
nectarine / 2705 posts
@LMOG47: Thanks And thank you for commiserating. Your story made me laugh
Easy access makes perfect sense!
@marionberry: I do try to appreciate the reminder that I am pregnant - but boy, could I do without this constantly sick feeling. I'm hoping it fades in the next few weeks and I can get on a healthier kick with food and exercise. I'm glad you were spared the morning sickness.
@tequiero21: It totally sucks! Sorry to hear you experienced morning sickness too. It really does test you, doesn't it? I know I need to be grateful, but boy is it hard when I've felt so crappy for so long.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Grace: The cute picture from my ultrasound is definitely a good focus point as I brace for a few more weeks of morning sickness. Thanks for the cheers! woohoo!
pomelo / 5041 posts
I always thought I'd stop worrying about this pregnancy after I passed 12 weeks but it still continues. I swear I google once a week some new worry. I really look forward to my second pregnancy because maybe I won't worry so much knowing one went completely normal. This is my biggest frustration with being a previously infertile woman. Anyone else continue to worry well into their pregnancy?
pomelo / 5073 posts
@marionberry: I'm all about the worry. I start thinking that maybe, just maybe I can get excited, but then I worry that it's all going to be taken away again. Things are different this time around. Our quad screen came back normal this time and I've been feeling the baby move. We go next week to possibly find out what the baby is and I wanted to order a cake or something to show off what we are having. But, then my paranoid mind thought what if I jinx things by planning something. Goodness. The craziness of my mind.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@marionberry: I worried until the end. The worry never stops, unfortunately. Even now, I worry that something bad will happen to the kids. I think even when the kids have left the house and have families of their own, I'll still worry.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Jennimac: That's such great news! Try not to worry too much about jinxing things though. Do your best to celebrate the moment and not worry about the what-if's, even though it may be hard.
@Tequiero21: I guess that's all part of being a mom too right? We're always going to worry that we could lose them, even as adults.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@Jennimac: Yea! Glad to hear it.
@marionberry: Honestly, I can't wait until Baby gets here and I can see if she's ok with my eyes.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@marionberry: well, baby is telling me to to worry. I can feel it kicking from the outside now.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: me. I'm so excited to have reached viability now though, I'm hoping that will quell my fears. Also I am finally feeling the baby on a regular basis which is helping a bit.
@tequiero21: does any of this extend to your husband? I worry about mine like crazy now, I just don't think I could do this without him. It just terrifies me because I dont want to be that crazy overprotective mother.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@jetsa: u mean about the worry? I don't think so. He doesn't really think about it. I know we were both really worried throughout the pregnancy. To make ourselves feel better, we pulled out the Doppler every so often to make sure the kids were ok. But now that they are here, he doesn't seem to worry like moms do.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@jetsa: o, lol not really. I definitely don't think I could do this without him, but I definitely don't worry about him like I worry about my kids.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@tequiero21: ahh I see. I wonder if it'll change when the baby is here.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@jetsa: I think it's because especially now, the kids are so helpless. But also, they are and will always be your lil babies. Even at 80 lol.
pear / 1531 posts
Hi Everyone. Sheepishly dipping a toe in here. For those who don't know me, I have been TTC for 19 months (endometriosis, MTHFR, high prolactin), including 3 failed IUIs, 1 failed IVF, and 1 FET resulting in a chemical pregnancy. Second IVF was successful, thank god, and my beta at 13 DPO was 41 followed by another at 15 dpo at 120. The next step is an ultrasound this Thursday (5 weeks). I wish there was a book about pregnancy after infertility but am thankful for this community. Oscillating between complete joy and utter terror at the moment.
pear / 1531 posts
This blog post resonated with me. http://www.blogher.com/pregnancy-after-infertility-neither-here-nor-there
nectarine / 2705 posts
@raintreebee: So glad you're here I hope everything goes smoothly on Thursday. A little breathing technique I learned from Circle + Bloom is thinking positive as you breathe in, and negative as you exhale. Just keep bringing in lots of positive thoughts, sending them right down to your baby
And try to let the negative release from your thoughts on every exhale. It's something that helps me feel "in control" during the transition from IF to pregnancy. Plus, deep breaths really help to calm your body and mind.
Thanks for sharing that link. It really spoke to me, I'm having a hard time getting into any baby purchases.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@sweetooth: yes! We are having another little girl. suprisingly, that makes me feel calmer than more freaked out, considering. Today I'm 21 weeks pregnant which is the farthest I've ever been!
@raintreebee: I'm so happy to see you here!!!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Jennimac: Congratulations on the news of your little girl, the calm feelings and on the milestone!
pear / 1531 posts
@sweetooth: @Grace: @Jennimac: Thank you ladies! It feels good to be here!
@sweetooth: did you buy the circle + bloom for pregnancy? I have the ivf one and loved it. i want to buy the pregnancy one to calm me down but think it is too early to buy pregnancy related stuff. catch 22, I know.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@raintreebee: Welcome!!! I know that at first you spend much of your days worrying that something will go wrong, but it's important to try and really rejoice in this pregnancy. Today you are pregnant! And as each day passes you'll feel much more at ease.
@Jennimac: Congratulations on your baby girl! I love that you're past that dreaded 20 week mark.
@sweetooth: I bought lots of baby items before pregnancy (in fact tons during our infertility struggle) and have bought a good number since. It hasn't proven to be bad luck at all. I actually recommend it from a practical stance, because there's so much to buy and who wants to be paying for it all at the end?!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@raintreebee: I did buy the C+B program for pregnancy. But I purchased it before they expanded the recordings. I think that what they provide now sounds really helpful. I wish I had all of those recordings for the first trimester. I think I waited until my 4th beta to buy it because I still couldn't believe it.
@marionberry: I've come to accept, during the 20 months of my fertility journey, that we're all different. I don't think buying baby items before pregnancy is "bad luck" - I just know myself and I'll feel more comfortable bringing the physical items into my home a little later in pregnancy. But it hasn't stopped me from researching And I'm not worried about the timing of the purchases. I'm glad you're doing what's right for you!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@sweetooth: I think I'm like u...didn't buy nothing until like the last 2 months. I registered pretty late too...
coconut / 8472 posts
@sweetooth: Did you do the maternit21 test? I found that it was HUGE in putting my mind to rest about losing the baby. After getting the results that everything looked good and the chance of Down's was 1 in 40,000, I stopped feeling every day like the pregnancy was going to disappear. I also stopped having days where I just had to use the doppler to make sure he was ok.
I can't imagine how you don't buy stuff though! But then, I was buying gender neutral things pre-pregnancy. DH and I are shopaholics, I think.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@MrsCB: My OB wouldn't do the Maternit21 test. We'll find out the sex at the end of this month though. The 1st trimester screening went well. I don't think it's any sort fear of loss that's keeping me from making purchases. Truthfully - I'm struggling a bit because I'm a design snob. And a lot of this baby stuff is either super ugly (in my opinion) or so expensive that I can't stomach it just yet! I'd rather put our money towards one more home renovation before the baby comes.
We'll see where I'm at in another month
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@sweetooth: I didn't start buying things until after the 20-week ultrasound. There's lots of time to buy things....plus, I like the idea of leaving things until after Baby is here to have excuses to leave the house. haha! And I just literally LOLed at your ugly baby stuff comment. I sometimes feel that when I walk into a store, but it is possible to pick and choose. Your stash will look cute and sophistimicated all at the same time.
pear / 1531 posts
@sweetooth: lol. love your comment. I am very picky design-wise too. I like minimalism as well (and am in a NYC apt) and the thought of all the baby stuff makes me feel a little claustrophobic. Maybe my baby will be a minimalist too.
pear / 1531 posts
So I am 5 weeks 4 days today and still not feeling much. I am perhaps more tired than usual, have some weird twinges and very mild cramping, and perhaps slightly more emotional, but other than that no nausea. I did have intense hunger last week, but that has subsided somewhat. Anyway, my 5 week ultrasound went fine (saw gestational sac), but I won't see anything more until the 6 week one this Thursday. My levels were also above normal and progressing nicely (34 hour doubling time). BUT I am still freaking out, convinced the next ultrasound won't go well. We almost got into a bad car accident on Friday when a tire flew off from a car in front of us flew off and nearly hit us, and I worry that my panic from that moment did something (although we didn't even break, I just lost my breath and was utterly stunned). I know this all sounds irrational, but that's why I am posting it here! Anyway, I guess I am just looking to voice my anxieties. I thought I'd be so happy once I got to this point, but instead I am terrified. I do POAS every other day or so to make sure the lines are still dark, and that relieves some of the panic. And it doesn't help that we are moving this week, so another fear I have is that moving stress is going to cause harm. ARRRGH! I hope I feel better after seeing the heartbeat. Sorry for the novella!
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