I don't know if I have a cold or sinus infection or what, but it's been a week now and there is mucus constantly draining out of my head...it's not as bad during the day, but at night I keep waking up with crap caught in between my throat and nose...it's like mucus is trying to drown me. I know that's gross. So I take a hot shower in the morning, blow and hack up a lot of stuff and feel okay all day long, then the next night I'm back to drowning and I hack a bunch of stuff up in the morning.

Any recommendations? I'm drinking lots of liquids. Currently having hot tea. I started elevating my head more at night, which helps a little. My OB says I can take Sudafed or Mucinex, neither of which I'm familiar with--anyone have experience with these and do you think they would help with the mucus problem? I don't have any other cold symptoms and I'm not in pain, so I figured I would just wait it out but it's taking forever!