So I wasn't able to call my OB until about 3 minutes after they closed, so I'm wondering if the lovely Bees can offer any insight!

I'm 10w3d, and this morning I woke up on my right side in bed and coughed. I experienced a really sharp pain right next to my right hip bone. I was really surprised, so I rolled over, and then had a similar (but milder) pain in the exact same spot on my left side.

Is this round ligament pain? It seems to be from internet searches, but all the websites say it shows up in the second trimester. Is it possible to have it in the latter part of your first?

I haven't really had any sharp pains since, but my hips feel a little tender, almost like a pulled muscle. I'll be calling my OB in the morning, but I was hoping that somebody here might have some experience in this!