I've posted a few times already, but was told I should introduce myself so here I am I used to post on weddingbee before DH and I got married, but that was back in 2008/2009 so I was unaware that hellobee had started up until I was googling something baby-related and came across it!
Anyway, my DH and I have been married a little over 3.5 years and are expecting our first little one. I'm currently about 12.5 weeks along. So far, it's been a pretty easy, uneventful pregnancy...of course, now I need to knock on wood that it stays that way!
Other things about me...I'm 31, a lawyer and work for a government agency. I like to sail, hike, knit, travel, read, cook and bake, and work in the garden. We made a cross-country move to our current city for DH's job about a year and a half ago, and I like it but I'm still trying to make friends here. DH and I are an international couple and my family is on the other coast of the US, his is a 16-hour flight away. So we're going to have a well-travelled child (I just cross my fingers that he or she will travel well...)
Not sure what else to say, but I'm happy to have found this community and I look forward to chatting with you all over the next few months and beyond!