I'm 22 weeks pregnant with our third and for the last several days, I have been suffering from what I think is sciatic pain. It comes and goes in intensity (worst in the morning, better by evening albeit still painful) but walking, sitting, twisting, bending, lifting, or even just shifting my weight (ie if I sneeze) causes excruciating pain in my left butt cheek. Walking up and down stairs is killer, and trying to wrangle my tantrum prone 24 month old is absolute torture. Getting in and out of the car makes my eyes water, and any sudden movement makes me literally gasp in pain.

I've done some research, trying to figure out if this is sciatica or pelvic girdle pain, but as it is only deep in my left butt cheek and nowhere else, I'm leaning towards sciatica. The pain doesn't radiate down my leg, it is very localised to one specific spot but it is seriously hindering my mobility....which is not something I can have with a 3.5 yr old and a 2 yr old.

I'm not due to see my midwife for another six weeks but I might put a call in to her to see if there's anything I can do, but in the meantime, just wondering what others experiences with this were like? How long did it last? What helped? Please don't tell me giving birth was the only cure as I will cry if this is what it's going to be like for the next 18 weeks!! I never had anything like this with either of my other two pregnancies so it's totally unfamiliar territory. Also, if you did experience this, did it impact your labour and delivery? And did the pain go away right after birth or did it linger on for a while (please no!)?

Experiences and suggestions welcome! Thanks!