I guess I should preface this by saying that I know things could go either way with this in the end, but I'm just looking for some comforting words.
I'm 6w3d and I've been having brown spotting for the past 4 days. It has generally been very light, mostly only when I wipe, and occasionally a few spots on a liner. The exception to this is if I'm on my feet or doing an activity (which is often with a 2 year old boy haha). Then the spotting tends to increase a bit, but still stays brown.
I called my midwife earlier this week when it started. She had me come in to get a rhogam shot. She said that there's really nothing she can do at this point and that really I just need to wait until my first appt on the 28th.
I'm trying to be positive and not over think, but that's really not me. I worry about low pprogesterone (still nursing) or a missed miscarriage. I've thought of going to another Dr, but I'd really like to deliver at the place I'm going to now. I've thought of going to the ER, but I'm not sure if it's worth it for the bills.
Any words of wisdom? Calming advice? A chill pill that anyone knows of? Thanks for listening, if nothing else.