So, this has been weighing on my mind a lot lately, and was further inspired by Mrs. Pinata's post today. We recently announced our pregnancy to our close friends. As far as we knew we were the first to start trying and so we didn't think to take any of the measures mentioned by Mrs. Pinata and other commenters. But one friend seemed to not take the announcement very well at all and seemed angry or upset the rest of the evening. This makes me wonder if she and her husband have been having difficulties that they've kept secret from the rest of us.

What I'm wondering now is how to proceed? Since she hasn't personally chosen to divulge her situation, I'm not sure if its my place to ask. I sort of wish I had been able to get her one-on-one on the evening of the announcement to just ask if she was okay and leave it open to her to share or not. Now I worry that its not appropriate since a week has passed and I'm not sure if I want to bring it to the forefront of her mind again. Any advice?