Ugh. I swear I had the most uneventful pregnancy up until 34 weeks. Now I can't keep myself out of the hospital or drs office for a week...and I'm not even sick!

Well this past week I've noticed some excessive swelling in my legs and feet. At my doctors visit on Thursday, my urine was clear. BP has been up to about 137/87 averagely which is high but not unexpected. It's been slowly crawling up there from a decent 119/80 for a few weeks. Doctor didn't say anything except that if I make it to my 40 week appointment this coming Thursday that we will schedule an induction.

I also noticed some blurriness to my vision earlier that day, but I had been on the computer most of the day working on our budget so I thought I just got too much screen time. It went away after awhile so I forgot to ask my doctor about it.

After I ended up in the hospital Friday for severe stomach pain and then eventually false labor, I had my urine checked twice (Friday and Saturday) blood pressure taken often (stayed at about 137/87) and had a fair amount of swelling. I didn't think much of it...I figured the staff would have said something if they suspected anything of it. Like I said, this pregnancy has been completely uncomplicated so I had no reason to believe I was suddenly developing issues. I also left the hospital with no baby and no explanation to the severe stomach pain I had been having. They gave me some medicine to ease it away and that was that.

Which brings me to TODAY. My swelling in my legs and feet got pretty intense today. Worst I've seen it, but I'm sure nothing any other pregnant woman hasn't seen. Then that blurriness came back and I started to put two and two together. I don't know if I have pre-e, but maybe my BP is too high? I don't have a way to check it at home. I've got my feet propped up now and sipping on water (I'm well hydrated) and it's getting better.

The reason im asking HB and not calling my doctor is that I'm hesitant to call the doctor because 1.) my doctor isn't seeing patients today and I didn't care for the doctor I got in the hospital Friday and 2.) I've been in and out of the hospital and drs office so much in the past 3 weeks that I do not want to go in AGAIN! Because I have nothing to show for all of my trips. No baby, no diagnosis, no nothing. Gah. What to do? Should I be worried? I feel okay.