My mom and I have gone back and forth on shower dates, trying to work around my tax season schedule and her schedule without getting too close to my due date.

My mom mentioned to my aunt that she was thinking of a couple of dates and my aunt told her that she couldn't do it on one of the dates because that's my cousin's kid's birthday party. She shot down another date, saying that my cousin was working, then told my mom which day it had to be because of various scheduling conflicts for my cousins.

Well, I have a training at work that day that I can't miss so my mom told her that date wouldnt work. My mom and I picked a date that works for her and I and fits in with my due date.

Now my cousin messaged me on Facebook accusing me of intentionally picking a date she couldn't be there. Wtf?

I'm kind of thinking of ignoring the message but I don't want her to get the wrong idea. This aunt is quite petty and I'm sure she told my cousin that we chose that date so she couldn't come. She does stupid stuff like that. She loooooves to stir the pot. She tried to tell some of my relatives that LO was an oops.

Ugh. So frustrating.