Hellobee Boards


Speeding ticket

  1. katdevargas

    kiwi / 718 posts

    I have gotten, well, a lot of speeding tickets. but none of them have ever showed up on my record - I've either done defensive driving or deferred adjudication. I personally have never gone to court to contest one, but I have lots of friends that have & have been successful. that's the only law breaking I do though, promise. I'm in TX, so I'm not sure how the laws here vary from where you are

  2. erwoo

    pomegranate / 3053 posts

    It always never hurts to show up at court. Most times they will either take off point(s) (depending on where you live) or reduce your ticket amount or both. I went 17 over (20 over is considered wreck-less driving and really bad) once and went to court and got both reduced but still had to pay the court fees. End up paying a little over $100 (b/c court fees were like $60 something). I would have paid a lot more had I not gone. It just sucks to have to go there and confront the cop who pulled you over. If you're lucky, he/she doesn't show up! Mine did. Grr... Haha!

    Oh, and depending on where you live, you can get points taken off by going to traffic school. I know they do that in CA from when I lived there before. Depending on how many points you get it could go back to your insurance and then your premiums might go up. I live in VA now and the laws are a little different here. We actually have good driving records (1 point for every year you don't get a ticket) so I was lucky that I had enough good driving points that brought me back down to zero where I want to be at.

    Good luck!


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