For me, it's been easier in some ways and harder in a lot of ways. Here's my 30,000 foot perspective from 23 weeks preggo.


- I had an easier first trimester than I had envisioned (no morning sickness!)
- I have felt pretty normal in the second trimester!
- I haven't truly felt the need to "slow down" yet (at 23 weeks)
- My only annoying physical symptoms have been really sore boobs the whole time, very hungry (like since day 1), and increased peeing.
- No complications to speak of yet (risk assessments low, no blood pressure issues, etc.)


- I have been much more of a worrier about the health of the baby than I thought (perhaps due to a prior miscarriage).
- I didn't think I'd feel so big by this stage.
- Insomnia starting around 19 weeks has sucked.
- I didn't think I'd miss wine and beer so much.
- I have craaa-zay mood swings. Crazy. Didn't really expect that.

I think if I had had a rough 1st tri, I would be saying "eh it's what I expected." I know I have a ways to go still and my perspective could change.

What about you? Is it what you thought?