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Super Annoying Name Associations

  1. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @FutureMrsMcK: Baby name explorer on Baby Center you say?? Heading over now We've been stalled on boy names for FOREVER.

  2. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Running Elley: love Addison! Though it's VERY popular all of a sudden.

    @Minnie_Girl: hahaha I have a boy - I thought boy names were sooo much harder than girls. We had 5 top girl names we loved easy and couldn't decide between. We couldn't even come up with a boy's name!

  3. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    I'm not saying any of these are going to work for you because I don't know your taste but I've always loved these names and can't name them because we're doing only Greek and/or Arab names to keep our culture alive

    - Samantha
    - Estelle or Estella
    - Eva or even Ava (both are greek just too common on my dad's side)

    I reeeeeally like Harper and I don't think it'll be bad with Holler....I mean I know this sounds mean but she's going to get married in her 20's maybe and change her last name anyways so for the majority of her life she won't be Holler (I KNOW YOU DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT THAT YET!)

    And I like Landry a lot too but I see it as a last name way too often. You could still do it though--screw the association!

  4. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    Oh, I like Ellery, too.
    Also, we didn't have a girl, but this was my list if we did:
    (middle name list)

    (I have very weird taste in names)

  5. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    I definitely have weird name associations. But I'm not quite so bothered about the first-name-last-name-same-initial. Our last name begins with an "I" and one of the names we're considering is Ilaria. But we've also considered changing it to an Elaria or Alaria, cuz it seems to bother Hubs more than it bothers me.

  6. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    You guys thank you so much for all of the suggestions! I am in stupid meetings all day but I'm going to run some of these by DH tonight! I like Emery- I had asked DH about Emerson, and his annoying association was that his tv in high school was Emerson. I kind of thought the same thing, even though I never had an Emerson tv:). And here's how nuts I am w/crazy associations...Ellery=Celery. I swear, my brain is going to explode:)

    I do like Addison and a few others! Thanks, girls!!!!

    ETA: DH just nixed Addison. Elley's little nephew had said he wanted them to name their baby Boy Boy. I had joked and said that ours will be named Girl Girl at this rate. And in my head, I've already nicknamed her GG. I really hope we come up with something else to put on her birth certificate!

  7. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @jholler25: a friend of mine named her daughter Giuliana and they call her GG... maybe you need to find a "G" name, haha!

  8. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @jholler25: I am a long-time lurker and have been following your story for awhile, so just wanted to say congrats on your baby girl!

    Honestly, I really like Landry! I saw in your other thread that someone referred to your husband as "K," so I assume his name begins with a K? My dad's name begins with a "K" and my mom's name begins with an "L," so they gave me a "J" name and my brother an "M" name. Growing up, we signed all of our cards "J, K, L & M" and I always really liked that. My brother and I used to fight over who got to sign the card! So, if you named your daughter Landry (or any other "L" name), you would be J, K, & L!

    I am also from Houston and went to college in New Orleans, so I am very familiar with Landry's. I didn't even think of the restaurant until you pointed it out, so I wouldn't worry too much about the association. I would spell it "Landry" and not "Landree," though. I have a VERY common name (Jessica) and while I never liked having such a popular name, I loved the fact that I never had to spell it for anyone, and I think Landree would constantly have to spell her name out.

  9. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @Rachel: I actually love Giuliana! But that's a DH-nix:(

    @lawbee11: Thank you! That is an adorable idea with the letters!!! Unfortunately, DH basically nixed Landry. He likes it but thinks we can do better.... This is crazy hard!!!!!!

    Soooooo here's the list DH and I are at right now. These are our non-annoying word association possible names:

    McKenzie (Kenzie for short- so cute!)
    Isabella/Isabelle (DH came out of nowhere with this one!)
    Taylor (this is an old fave of DH's)

    I came up with Briella and was excited about that, but it got MAJORLY shot down by my family! And my bf's name is Brianna & DH thought it was too similar. I thought I was so clever:(

  10. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @jholler25: love these!!! A girl I work with had a girl they named Isabella and they called her izzy. I love kenzie. I also love mckenna. Maybe call her Kennan?

  11. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts


  12. cyneswith

    persimmon / 1202 posts

    @jholler25: Makenna Taylor Holler sounds nice to me!

  13. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    @jholler25: What about something like Kinsey? I used to work with a girl named Kinsey and she was super cute. It's similar to McKenzie but way less common.

  14. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    @jholler25: I really like McKenzie and Taylor!!!! I think Kenzie Holler sounds super cute

  15. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    I love Taylor!
    I also like the "G" name idea....Gia?
    And I like Kenzie alone...can't you just do that and be unique? Like a PP said: Kinsey?

  16. Mrs. Cowgirl

    blogger / nectarine / 2687 posts

    @Jennimac: i'm so with you, i have so many name associations from previous students i've had!! mr. cowboy's favorite boy was a "HELL no" from me because of a particular student i had -- ha!

    @jholler25: that is the coolest last name!! i like mckenna holler...i love the name isabella, but i have had one in my class every year for the last five years! and i kinda think the the double l's in both first name and last name might be a little much?
    naming is so hard!!! mr. cowboy and i were at a total standstill with names and he pretty much just let me win. love him. i thought we'd have to go through it all over again with our second, but lil' CB ended up coming up with a name out of nowhere and it stuck!

  17. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    @pastemoo: I don't think you have weird name taste! Much of our list was similar to yours You've got one of our girls' Hebrew names on your list and many of our other favorites.

    @jholler25: I'm going to have another vote for Harper Holler. It rolls off the tongue so nicely and now I have it stuck in my head. Pick a cool middle name and it's totally perfect!

  18. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @jholler25: Our last name ends with "or" and I hate that we we won't be able to use any names with "er" at the end! I feel your pain

  19. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: We cannot shake Harper! It's wormed it's way not only back onto our list, but it's actually at the top. I'm struggling with loving it, and people thinking it sounds silly with all of the alliteration. I keep thinking of a really simple middle name, like Harper Jane Holler, and it makes me like it more. But she won't be called Harper Jane Holler ever, she'll just be Harper Holler. Gah!

    I made a new thread with our top 3 on a poll here:

    @zippylef: My ex has a daughter named Kinley and I kind of feel like that's too close? Ugh- the associations!!!

  20. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @pastemoo: I love your name list!!
    My little sister is Norah- love that name! I also LOVE Poppy. When we were pregnant we considered Zinnia for a girl and would call her ZiZi. Flower names are beautiful.

  21. MegWag

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    @jholler25: My family is Mike, Mary, Matt, and Meg. And my maiden name started with an M. It was cute and no one really ever gave us grief. We even used to sign cards "From The M&Ms" or "The Four Ms". I wouldn't worry about it too much- Harper Holler is super-cute!


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