Did any of you moms or moms-to-be get the TDAP while you were pregnant? A girlfriend of mine got it at the hospital after delivery (I think that's typical), but she said her arm was so sore for the next few days and wished she had done it sooner. Her sister was given the OK by her OB to get it done during the 3rd trimester.
My OB seemed to prefer for me to have it at the hospital, but I read up, and the Mayo Clinic, ACIP, and CDC both are OK with having it giving during late pregnancy. My OB seems to think that I'll have a hard time finding a place that will administer it to a pregnant woman (she doesn't do vaccines in her office).
Any experiences/tips? I know it won't be the end of the world if I get it done at the hospital, but I'm thinking getting it beforehand is one less pain/sore/annoyance I can do without once the baby is here.