for when the ultrasound technician tells you that you are having twins! DH and I went to our consultation appointment this morning with the midwife group at our hospital. It was intended to be just an informational meeting and to schedule our week 11 appointment where we would hear the heartbeat and get a physical. Since I had been on BC in the past 90 days prior to getting pregnant they recommended getting an early ultrasound to get a better EDD.

The technician was quiet while moving around the instrument on my belly. It took her awhile to say anything. I was getting nervous because she wasn't confirming if she saw an embryo or yolk sac or anything! Then she breaks the silence and says I see two embryos! DH and I were shocked. We still are. We were able to hear both of their heartbeats and I did end up getting my new EDD as a result :). Just had to share with hellobee.