I went in for my 38 week checkup Tuesday afternoon and my midwife checked my progress. I wasn't originally going to be checked at all, but I felt a few short but painful contractions the two days prior and I was supposed to go out of town this weekend, so we agreed it might make sense (I know, I know, it's not a predictor of labor, but it did help give me an excuse to not go to the wedding to someone who doesn't know better).

Well she checked me and I was 1 cm dilated, 80% effaced. Hooray, my body knows what it's doing, but who knows when labor is coming. Anyways, I left the appointment, walked down the street for dinner and felt my undies were soaked. I thought (TMI) "hmm.. that's a lot of discharge!", got back to my car, checked and my undies were stained through with bright red blood. I called the midwife on call, and she asked me a bunch of questions and basically told me it's not uncommon and the midwife could have ruptured some blood vessel (or something like that). So, I stopped worrying.

BUT. It's now been two days since and I'm still spotting. Albeit, much darker blood and much lighter spotting, but I was just wondering - anyone have thoughts / experience with this? I thought the spotting would dissipate at least by the next day.