hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@MamaG: I respect people who have differing beliefs or don't like Hillary for her policies. But I don't understand and dislike the sentiment that she is morally corrupt, is whiny/bitchy/a yeller, or people that say she's "just as bad as Trump." How?
pomelo / 5220 posts
I would vote for Hilary. I just fundamentally disagree with the insane things that come out of Trump's mouth. I don't want my son learning the best way to solve problems is to implement Nazi style roundups of Muslims or to build walls. I don't want my son to learn that it's okay to call women "fat pigs" and "stupid" and every other vile thing that he says when he's backed into a corner. I don't think the way to build international diplomacy is to call people morons or other names that I wouldn't accept from my 9 year old step daughter - why on earth would I vote for someone like that for president?
clementine / 794 posts
I voted for Hilary in the primary is I'll vote for her again. Hubby however is a Republican and he has already said that he will vote for Hilary over both Trump because he dislikes Him so much.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@winniebee: yes, this exactly. I have no problem with someone choosing trump over hillary because he more closely aligns with their views. but the vacuous personal attacks on Hillary, especially from "democrats", just reminds me that women in positions of authority are held to a far different standard than men.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Pirouette: To be fair, I don't think it's just because she's a woman. I'm not a huge Hillary fan, but if Elizabeth Warren were running for president I'd be clamoring to vote for her! I will vote for Hillary because I think she's the best person for the job, but I don't think her personality is particularly engaging or inspiring.
It kills me when people say that Trump says it like it is, or just is what he is. What the hell is he? He's for torture one minute then against it the next minute, he's for violence at his rallies one minute, says he'll pay legal fees, and then the next time he talks to somebody, he says he never said that. He's pro-choice, then he's pro-life. He won't take support from David Duke in the KKK, then he's not sure if he will, doesn't know anything about white supremacy, no wait now he doesn't want anything to do with them again. How can you know where he stands on anything? He's beholden only to his ego and money.
persimmon / 1447 posts
@travellingbee: choosing the lesser of two evils just doesn't sit well with me. I just can't see myself going to vote and having to choose either Trump or Clinton. And it seems my comment was misconstrued maybe that I'd vote Trump over Clinton, which is NOT the case. I just wouldn't vote for either of them.
At the end of this election, I believe we'll see our first female president because I think Trump is scarier to the majority of the US than Clinton.
nectarine / 2148 posts
I voted for HRC in the primary and will do so again. I really am not a very big Bernie supporter, so she is a no brainer to me.
DH and I talk about Trump all the time. It is my theory that a lot of the stuff he says is for publicity. All anyone can talk about is Trump and I firmly believe that is the reason why he is as popular as he is. I don't know whether he really believes in all the things he says or does it for the free advertising. I heard on the news last night that an economist put a dollar figure to the amount of 'free' advertising Trump has so far, and it amounts to the same amount McCain 'paid' for in his 2008 election. I am really interested to see how his tune changes once he gets the republican nomination because if that is his tactic it won't work against HRC.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@NavyRN2012: Gotcha. I Think a lot of people will choose to sit out this election. Except the ones that are super fired up about Trump I guess.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@travellingbee: haha! i know, right? he tells it like it is, but he's "flexible" in that he changes his mind daily. Trump, as far as I can tell, doesn't have much in the way of policy other than the terrific and great president he would be. But, at the end of the day, I think he'd run the country like he probably runs his businesses - by relying on advisers to tell him what he doesn't know and taking the credit for the ideas. so with him, I think the biggest question mark is who he would surround himself with. If it's sarah palin and ben carson, color me scared!
and re Hillary, I'm not saying it's solely because she's a woman, and I don't think it's true of the people here on HB, But generally, I do think there's a sexist vibe to a lot of the vocal criticism of her.
clementine / 794 posts
So I asked hubby why specifically he would choose Hilary over Trump and his response was "the real reason i dont want trump is that if he pisses off mexico with a wall they will stop letting legos through (most North America legos are produced in mexico)".
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@Eko: like his press conference after one of the primaries when he paraded out all his branded material and spent like 10 minutes going through all his brands? "we've got trump steaks over there! trump wine!" If there was every any question of his press! I thought it really rang true the other night when Cruz called him out on how he makes his supporters pledge their support, and Cruz said "that's not what being president is about, it's about the president pledging his support to you, the country." Trump is all about trump.
pear / 1510 posts
Hillary. I agree that there is a sexist bent to a lot of her opposition. It's not cool to say they won't vote for her because she's a woman, so they'll come up with vague crap and no real reason.
And don't forget that Trump is in favor of curbing first amendment rights. He wants to make it illegal for the press to say "mean" things about him.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
Id have a hard time voting for Hillary but as an alternative of Trump I might be able to vote for her.
her position on guns is nonsensical to me. It's basically super control of guns in the US while sending shit ton loads to other countries, I know she's not unique in this regard but it's still not a position I respect and I think the Clinton foundation has incentive to promote those arms deals.
I dislike oligarchy, hated that a son of a president was president, and think it's ridiculous that we had a brief break then will have the wife of a president. Plus, even as a democrat I didn't like bill Clinton that much, I think his banking and free trade laws set the country up for failure and his foreign policy was poor as well.
Hillary as a Secretary of State I don't think did a good job, or anything to convince me that she isn't a hawkish war monger.
And as for all the times she is investigated that's what happens when you tiptoe the edge of legality. Their business partners in white water went to jail, files were found years later in their closets, and pretending to not know what a server is when you have a private one set up is not a very convincing argument when you're supposed to know how to handle classified info.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
It would be HRC if not for one issue that I have with both democratic candidates (that I won't go into because it'll end up getting personal for me and me giving a lot of explanations and I just don't feel like it...) Trump takes an opposite position on this but has no answers on just about everything else. So ugh. I don't know.
pear / 1718 posts
@winniebee: There are lots of articles online that discuss (some of) Hillary's political scandals, her change in policy on several issues (like gay marriage), etc. (here are just two links):
And that is to say nothing of her involvement in the Waco tragedy (or support of NAFTA, for that matter).
I am not trying to argue with anyone (or to change anyone's mind). At all. I'm just as disturbed about this election as is every other conscious citizen. I don't like her policies (the above links are the tip of the iceberg, so to speak). I would absolutely love--LOVE--to have a female president, but she's not it.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
@pwnstar: I forgot about the Bosnia airplane story and how she changed her story based on what people discovered. i think that's what cemented her as a liar about big things when convenient in my mind.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Maysprout: Thank you for actually having proper reasons for why you don't want to vote for Clinton instead of just like, she sucks, she lies! I'm not well versed in politics, so it's helpful to see other people's perspectives/angles.
Man, I don't know... All I know is that I'm not voting for Trump. I'm leaning towards HRC b/c I honestly don't think write-in's or not voting will be helpful, at all.
persimmon / 1447 posts
@Maysprout: I agree with your last paragraph 100% and really like the article @pwnstar: posted.
cherry / 229 posts
Hillary. Do I love all her policy positions, no. But imagine, Trump in charge of our nuclear weapons, and taking crazy negotiating positions with other nuclear countries. Even if it's a small risk - and I'm not sure it is - I'd really like to minimize the risk of millions of Americans dying of radiation poisoning. There was a time when our biggest fear was nuclear weapons, and we've pretty much forgotten about them, but they are still there and all it takes is President Trump or someone in Russia, China, Pakistan, etc deciding to launch them (or not properly guarding our own weapons, which is a big issue), and the consequences are *horrible*. Not to mention Trump pointing to black protestors at his rallies and saying over and over again, wasn't it great how we used to beat these people up when they protested in the good ol' days. Watch Selma - do we really want to go back to those "good ol' days"? I'm not a fan of some of Hillary's policy positions, at all, but she's no more corrupt than any other politician, and she would not get nearly so much hatred if she were a man. I know sexism when I see it... and I've been seeing it against HRC since I was a kid.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
It's been a disappointing primary season to say the least. I'm actually grateful this year to live in a state where my vote truly doesn't matter (the state hasn't gone blue since '64, we will no doubt vote Trump if he is the candidate I am afraid) because I'm not excited about either possibility.
cherry / 229 posts
Speaking of which, check this out "Confessions of a Republican":
The ad was right, the stakes were too high not to vote: Goldwater campaigned, for example, to nuke Vietnam, which would have probably been World War III. Lots of reasons not to like everything about LBJ, but at least we didn't blow up the world.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@coopsmama: I totally agree, at least I live in a state where I don't think not voting would matter much.
cherry / 188 posts
I'm a big Bernie fan but I'd definitely vote for Hillary before writing in or sitting it out. I learned my lesson voting for Ralph Nader in 2000.
pomelo / 5000 posts
I truly wish the people who answered they'd vote for Trump would share their thoughts!
I'll vote for Hillary.
@pwnstar: I read another article that covered scandals and the Clintons, rating them as not such a big deal to a pretty big deal. I'm actually worried that she might end up in hot enough water that she'll no longer be able to stand as a candidate! Still, I'd take her over Trump, but I'm not excited about it.
@Pirouette: that was so crazy, Trump parading all of his goods. My husband and I kept looking at each other and saying, "Are we SURE this isn't some big joke that has gone a bit too far?"
clementine / 955 posts
@Maysprout: I agree, her gun control proposals scare the shit out of me.
Ummm maybe it's just me, but I feel like WOW, how did it even come to this? Does it even matter at this point whose in office, this nation seems soooo far divided nothing is ever going to get done regardless. I love studying history, and this election cycle will definitly be talked about years to come. I think the real problem here is how as a nation have we become so divided in our way of thinking, and when did it take a turn for the worst?
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
@Happygal: @Pirouette: I watched a little bit of that speech...I was trying to figure out what exactly it is that makes him so attractive to people. But it just sounded like a weird, arrogant infomercial, hawking things that aren't even things anymore, peppered in with declarations of "I'm so great!" I could only stomach about 15 minutes of it, but I think it went on for another half hour or so? And in the meantime MSM ignored HRC's speech in favor of showing the whole thing!!!
I just don't get it!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@pwnstar: anyone can put together a video like that of any politician. To be sure, she's at the center of conflicts and scandals, like any other career politician. I know you aren't trying to convince me of anything, but I truly believe that she wouldn't be the subject of so many corruption accusations if she was a man.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
@Happygal: @Pirouette: Did you see the Daily Show clip on his 'infomercial'? Basically every product he touted was a complete lie! And he challenged the media to actually look into if they wouldn't! He is beyond reprehensible.
I will most definitely be voting for HRC. She may not be my top pick, and I do have genuine concerns about how she is going to hold up during a campaign fight with Trump, but I think overall she will be a good president and I will be happy to give her my vote.
There is not one argument that could ever, EVER sway me to vote for Trump. I have too much respect for myself, our country, and the people who live in it, to ever stoop so low as to vote for such a vile person. I can live with differences of opinion on economics, gun control, abortion, welfare, and a myriad of other topics, but I cannot live with racism, sexism, xenophobia, and policies that are overwhelmingly built on hate and fear.. Unfortunately, Trump personifies all of the latter.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@lovehoneybee: I thought it would never end! I feel like every time he gives a speech, it feels soooo long, mostly because he doesn't say anything substantive and just repeats his catch phrases over and over.
@Ree723: I didn't see it, but I should look that up!
@Happygal: I know, part of me thinks he thought he had no chance and could just say whatever he wanted and just figured he'd get some free press, but then along the way he realized the more he did that, the more popular he got, and it shocked him into continuing on. I'm not sure he actually wanted to be president at the beginning of his campaign, and I think now he only wants it because it would be the ultimate "win" - the highest position of power. Frightening.
apricot / 343 posts
I would prefer Sanders over Clinton, but there is no question that I would vote for HRC over Trump (or any other of the current republican front-runners). I don't understand that she is one of the most corrupt/untruthful politicians in recent history; but even if I did, I would still vote for her. From my perspective, the nature of her corruption is not going to make our country worse for many, many people. I can't even imagine Trump (or Cruz) as president, but in my limited ability to do so, I think it would be a disaster. If that happens, my only hope is that Congress would revolt and there would be complete political gridlock for four years.
This is not an election where I would risk my vote to take a stand on corruption/the political system.
eggplant / 11716 posts
That WND article is totally ridiculous. And racist (or maybe religionist is more correct. Let's just all agree to call it good old fashioned prejudice).. Which is sad, considering it's supposed to be a Christian website, but really? Claiming Huma Abedin is trying to infiltrate the US government to turn it into a Saudi-style country? PFFFFFFFFFFFF
I can't even. Most of the items are complete bunk, but that one takes the cake.
I urge every rational person who can read to look at the source of your "news". This website has a clear bias and objective--Fine if you want to read it, but be aware when reading that this site self-proclaims to want to put Christianity back into the government and publishes books that are fear-mongering and incite hatred of muslims.
eggplant / 11716 posts
@winniebee: I agree with you. But the main thing about that particular WND article is that all their links of each "scandal" are either links to their own agenda-driven "news", or they are links to reputable news sites who tell a very different tale than the WND copy. Like the "scandal" about the Clintons supposedly looting the white house when they moved out....and then the link is to a post that says some staffers (NOT the Clintons themselves) left bumper stickers that were anti-bush, or took the W out of the keyboards, or scrawled a message on the men's room that was anti-bush. And then the article concludes with an official statement that says they can't determine if the total damage was any worse than any other year when the staff changes.
That's probably the single most ridiculous article I have seen in this election. A scandal is that she supposedly didn't report 3 purses she received from Judith Leiber? But then the actual article linked says 1 was donated to the museum, 1 was returned, and 1 was listed.
I mean, really? Only a woman gets that kind of scrutiny. But because she's a woman, people read these little headlines and snippets, don't bother clicking on links or educating themselves, and then come out and say ridiculous stuff like "Hillary is a liar".
The way people make political decisions in this country makes my blood pressure rise. For a living, I teach children how to evaluate online sources for bias, how to find reputable sources, how to evaluate a message based on who it's coming from--but 90% of the adults in this country don't have the skills to do that. It's depressing.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Anagram: Thanks for exposing the ridiculousness of the article. I am sometimes wary to talk specifics. Also...the idea that Hillary is the one responsible for Waco in 1993, when she was FLOTUS is absurd. Linda Tripp of all people spearheaded that smear campaign.
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