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Trump vs. Hillary - WWYD?

  1. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @Anagram: you can not like the source but they did return over $100,000 in furniture and payment after they came under scrutiny.

  2. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    I would vote for my toddler before I voted for Trump. I am a huge Bernie supporter but I would have no qualms voting for HRC. My husband, on the other hand, HATES Hillary and refuses to vote for her so he will likely do a write in for Kasich.

  3. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @Anagram: I think this is a good article explaining what people have/are getting riled up about with the Clintons: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/03/tracking-the-clinton-controversies-from-whitewater-to-benghazi/396182/

    I read it b/c I wanted to be knowledgeable about what people are talking about when criticizing her.

    I was amazed at the article they referenced that details just how deeply people hate the Clintons. They have dedicated everything to bringing them down. It would be so strange knowing there are people out there who basically think you are the devil.

  4. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @pwnstar: I have not read all the posts yet but I couldnt agree with you more...Trump is no where near "good" but I feel he is much more transparent and wears his colors on his sleeves at least...HRC is the worst of the worst and deceitful and it terrifies me that people dont see it...

    Plus the way I see it - Trump will be hiring the best of the best advisors...I think he accepts his "short comings" enough to know he needs a troop of experts. Whereas HRC actually thinks some of the deplorable things she has done are just and ok. Terrifying.

  5. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @Mrs D: I don't know about hiring the best advisors....I mean, when asked who he consults with on foreign policy, he said "myself." He feels he has very good instinct for these things. Yikes. This doesn't sound like a person who is humble enough to reach out to others and actually listen to what they have to say.

  6. Mama Bird

    pomegranate / 3127 posts

    @Mrs D: ya he's a straight shooter. But he's not shooting for you, or me. He's only shooting for himself. And he'll change his story a dozen times depending on who he's talking to, just like any good politician. He only sounds more honest because he has a potty mouth.

  7. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts

    @Adira: Just checking you aren’t looking for an accurate representation of America with this poll, right?

    Because we are women on a pregnancy/baby/children forum, and we are way different than the tons of people that are voting for Trump. It really does scare me that Trump could be president and I’m not sure if anyone can stop it because he seems to have a lot of supporters….

  8. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Happygal: I guess I just am looking at Trump the business man. You dont get to where he is by not being humble enough (I understand humble and trump dont go together - just using it as a figure of speech) to accept hiring a solid team to support you.

    As for the comments about a female president. I was called a racist many times during Obama's first election - because clearly the only reason I wasnt voting for him was because of his skin color. I have received similar comments in this election "how could I not support Hillary as a woman"...because I so fundamentally disagree with her policies AND because I (like others have said) find her deceitful and morally bankrupt. Not to mention the email situation just baffles my mind to this day how 1) she could either be that dumb or 2) that arrogant to think it was ok to do that. There are a list of issues I have with her - all leading to me not wanting to see he fail as the first female president much the same way I feel sad to have seen Obama fail as the first African American president. I would love to vote for a woman - but will only vote for the right woman not just any.

  9. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Raindrop: Very good point...this poll is no where near representative of the population at large. I chuckled when I saw the results...

  10. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @Mrs D: Just curious, is it really inherently better to "wear your colors on your sleeves" if those colors are hateful, racist, manipulative, sexist, rude, hot-tempered, and so many other things that would make a person a terrible, non-diplomatic politician? I just don't get the idea that people (and this isn't directed just at you) like Trump because he "tells it like it is" when the stuff he's telling is reprehensible. There are many times, as a politician, where you need to be diplomatic and bite your tongue for the sake of the greater good. Telling it like it is, wearing your colors on your sleeve, or what have you is not going to make someone a good politician or very popular on the international stage.

  11. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Raindrop: Oh yeah, definitely! The forums majority are democrats, so I knew Trump probably wouldn't get a lot of votes in my poll! I was more curious what the Bernie fans would do, since I've heard it been said Bernie fans might like Trump's anti-establishment message!

  12. petitenoisette

    pear / 1521 posts

    @Mrs D: Trump is indeed transparent about being all of the following: a bigot, a racist, a misogynist, a fascist, a xenophone, a bully, and an egomaniac. How do none of these qualities not automatically disqualify him from being our president? I truly do not understand.

    I've been trying to tell myself that there's no way he can win but then I read threads like this, which are obviously skewed against Trump but where we still have perfectly reasonable people who are equating Hillary as equally as evil. I find it terrifying.

    Also pretty sure @Adira doesn't think she's running an official poll here.

  13. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @MrsSCB: This is usually the question I get in response to my opinion. I guess for me it is easier to respect someone who is at least honest...even if I dont think what they are saying is right. The reality is - some of the ridiculous things he says or claims he will do are just not realistic - so I take it with a grain of salt. Our gov't is F-ed up enough that I dont worry about some of his off the wall comments becoming "policy". Plus - lets not act like other world leaders are always acting politically correct - and I dont mind having someone in office who is willing to stand up strong for America when need be.

    As for some of his comments - not those made in broad day light during his campaign - I think some things he has said have been taken out of context. Specifically the breast feeding comment...there were like 20 versions of that story going around. Only those in the room know what really happened or was said.

    Lastly - for the way he speaks bluntly/honestly. I have said before on here that I am just not that caught off guard by it. I view him as a CEO of this country (if he were to win). I work in a male dominant industry and have significant exposure to our CEO (Fortune 100 company)... to an extent this is often how men as I have seen in these positions act. They dont have the time/patients/desire to sugar coat things or worry about having someone write for them the perfect way to say it. Again...not saying he is right AT ALL in some of what he is said...I guess these are just the reasons he does not shock and disgust me the way he does some...

  14. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @petitenoisette: I guess my response would be (and truly I am not asking this or trying to argue - everyone has their own opinions)...how do you know what HRC truly thinks? I personally dont feel I can trust a word out of her mouth...so I dont know that she too isnt all those things secretly/in private? When she talks - all I hear is her saying what she thinks I want to hear...I dont feel she is ever saying a word from the "heart" so to say...so I feel I have no idea who she is behind the persona she has created for political reasons.

  15. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    "I feel sad to have seen Obama fail as the first African American president."@Mrs D: hmmm... You state as a fact that he's failed. How did he fail? Because he didn't cater to the right? I think he's done well! If you look at polls from the Democrats, most people think that the next president should continue Obama's policies, or be more liberal.

  16. Raindrop

    grapefruit / 4731 posts


    That is an interesting point what are Bernie supporters going to do?

    It's like vote for the person you hate the least. Haha.

  17. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Mrs D: How do you know what Trump really thinks? He changes his mind daily and contradicts himself left and right!!

  18. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Mrs D: he might speak bluntly but he certainly does not speak honestly--he says whatever will garner him support from people in that moment, and then has no issue changing his mind an hour later. Not to mention telling flat out lies. And he doesn't "tell it like it is"--he tells it like he wants to see it or wants people to see it--which usually means fear mongering and stirring up divisive, xenophobic attitudes.

    Not trying to change your mind, it just drives me crazy when people label him as "honest". Could not be farther from the truth.

  19. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Anagram: THANK YOU for posting that about the WND article. I hate when people post stuff without digging into it to see if the site/source has an agenda.

  20. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @hilsy85: thank you! Exactly! http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/five-big-contradictions-of-donald-trumps-candidacy/

    Oh and almost every statement he says in debates are fact checked and rated false. He exaggerates wildly and just makes up numbers.

  21. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Just want to make sure that we (the Democratic majority) don't make @Mrs D: or other Trump supporters feel attacked for contributing in this thread! I know it can be hard to contribute when you're in the minority and we all appreciate getting some insight into how the "other side" thinks.

  22. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Adira: it's a fine line! I hope I haven't offended anyone. HB readers / posters are smart. It's fun to debate these issues here.

  23. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @winniebee: Agree! And I don't necessarily think anyone is attacking @Mrs D:, but I also agree with the majority, so it's hard not to always see if something is coming across as attacking from the other side.

    I definitely want to know more about why @Mrs D: and others think Trump would be a good President (or better than Hillary), but I also know it can be frustrating if you put out your reasons and then only feel like they are being picked apart.

    I appreciate the discussion and hope it can continue! Let's all just be civil and watch our tone as we continue to discuss!

  24. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @travellingbee: there are many reasons I as a republican think he has failed. Most importantly I think his extreme policies have started the large divide in this country and created the mess we are in w trump. If so many conservatives weren't as disgusted as they are with what the extremes they have seen over the last 8 years trump would not have the support he has!!!

    @travellingbee: standard for DC...still to me he does not seem any where near as deceitful as HRC...just difference of opinion!

    @hilsy85: I do not agree with his fear monger kmc techniques - and I agree I dislike that about him. I guess I still just see him as more truthful that the likes of hrc and many others career politicians!

    @Adira: thanks for this...I know I am in the minority when I speak here on political topics. I just think it's always good to hear both sides! And just to be clear - I am not a trump supporter...I voted for Kasich and would have loved Rubio too. My perfect world would be Romney/Rubio or Kasich! My vote for trump should really be viewed more as a vote against HRC...it's a lesser of two evils for me!

  25. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @Mrs D: "Lastly - for the way he speaks bluntly/honestly. I have said before on here that I am just not that caught off guard by it. I view him as a CEO of this country (if he were to win). I work in a male dominant industry and have significant exposure to our CEO (Fortune 100 company)... to an extent this is often how men as I have seen in these positions act. They dont have the time/patients/desire to sugar coat things or worry about having someone write for them the perfect way to say it."

    Do you think if HRC were saying the things that Trump is saying that you'd be praising her for being blunt and honest? Doubtful. My guess is people would be calling her all sorts of names like b*tch and c*nt. Hell, they already do call her that. Here's where the sexism comes in...

  26. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @Mrs D: how did Obama fail? What does him being half white and half Kenyan have anything to do with your perceived failures of him?

    All presidents campaign on lofty ideas and when they get into office they realize they are not king. Our political process requires cooperation and compromise. No side is going to be 100% happy with what happens during a president's term or Congress's term.

    If all the other white male presidents can only get so much of their agenda accomplished why is Obama held to a higher standard? Heck he's half-white. Why would we treat Hillary any differently than the men?

  27. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs D: haha, thanks for the clarification! I think that's a good distinction that you're not actually a Trump supporter, just that you won't vote for him over Hillary.

  28. Mama Bird

    pomegranate / 3127 posts

    @Adira: @Mrs D: yeah sorry, didn't mean to sound like I'm piling on you personally! And thanks for elaborating! I do see what you mean, even though I still see the guy as the worse of two evils

  29. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @lawbee11: I am the furthest thing from sexist...my distaste for her has nothing to do with her gender. I hope that is not the intent of your comment.

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I'm simply pointing out that I despise when I am accused of not voting for someone based on their race/gender...which I receive a lot of - inspite of the fact that their beliefs are completely opposite mine.

    With regard to go he has failed - obviously this is biased by my own personal conservative beliefs. And I don't think its in line with the topic of the post...I inderstand that some people will feel he has been successful - I simply disagree and feel he has polarized many people. What this country needs is a middle of the road president which doesn't appear to be in the cards for us! Sadly...

  30. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    Hillary is the lesser evil of the two. My husband is going to do a write in. I voted yesterday with a grace period registration while he refused to and remains apathetic.

  31. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    I can't stand the "wife of a president" argument. As if her accomplishments as an outstanding student, Ivy League educated lawyer, activist, children's defense lawyer, Senator and Secretary of State mean absolutely nothing on their own. She's the hardest working woman in politics and has been for 30 years. Like her or not, trust her or not, name me one other woman who has been in public service and in the public eye as long as she has? I will spoil it for you, there isn't another one.

    Are her positions allowed to change over 30 years? Of course and we should celebrate that. Check in with me when you are a grandmother and tell me now how you will feel about an issue you could not even foreseen existing (gun control over automatic weapons in the hands of the public, gay marriage, etc.). People are allowed to evolve and grow and should not be labeled liars for doing so. It's such an archaic fantasy to think otherwise.

    And for the not so subtle dig about Obama's failed presidency, I would argue that with his approval rating at over 50% and every major economic indicator saying otherwise, that is a pretty weak opinion disguised as fact.

    I am completely joyful over the fact that she will likely be our next President. You really don't need to look much further than the voting trends from the last two major elections that Republicans simply don't have the numbers to carry their nominee to the White House any more. The right is now so far right that Clinton is more like a Reagan moderate. I don't believe a republican can win until the party seriously shifts back to center where it used to be.

    Now it's time to turn our collective attention to something even more politically important than the presidency, it's taking back control of the Senate. There are 10 red seats that are up for re-election and only 4 blue seats and it looks like democrats are polling well in most of those contests.

  32. mrsjazz

    coconut / 8234 posts

    I'm voting Bernie in the April primary but I'll be with Hillary Clinton if she wins...of course!

    It's funny to see a comment like President Obama failed stated as fact.

    Normally I can disagree with my friends during election season and we can go on being friends. Not with Donald Trump. I'd rather unfriend or be defriended. That man is evil...and yes I think that's a fact.

  33. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @Mrs D: "And just to be clear - I am not a trump supporter...I voted for Kasich and would have loved Rubio too. My perfect world would be Romney/Rubio or Kasich! My vote for trump should really be viewed more as a vote against HRC...it's a lesser of two evils for me!"

    This! Except I voted for Rubio (but like Kasich too). But when looking at the potential of a Trump/Hillary race, Trump is the lesser of two evils for me. That doesn't mean I support him. This entire election has been so frustrating to watch.

  34. hb3233

    cherry / 229 posts

    @Anagram: That's appalling about Huma Abedin. I'm so sick of prejudiced bs that politicians perpetuate for their own political advancement. And Muslims really take the brunt of it... it's so depressing.

  35. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @shortcake: you don't have to like the argument but it is a principle I think our country was founded on and it's ridiculous like when a couple families ping pong back and forth the presidency. It has nothing to do with who's qualified, it's that political power staying in the hands of the same families increases corruption. There's plenty of good women participating in politics, that's just silly to claim she's the only woman who's been in politics and public service for 30 years.

  36. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    I think it's funny that I say "I as a republican think he failed" and people read it as me claiming its a measurable fact. It's an opinion guys - all of this is opinions!

  37. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs D: I think your follow up statements have been clear that you're just stating your opinion. Your initial post about him failing did make it seem like a fact though, which you have cleared up!

  38. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @shortcake: You don't chime in often, but when you do, you say it well

  39. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Adira: I'm a Republican and @winniebee knows it yet I have felt like this has been a great conversation. I was actually thinking earlier today about how great it was to have a refreshing political conversation with people on here who have differing views as me and we were able to do it without snipping at each other.....and then page 4 happened.

  40. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @mediagirl: I feel like whenever a thread gets to page 4, it goes to hell, haha.

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