apricot / 288 posts
@maysprout: a male child inheriting a political legacy is one thing, but it has never happened that a woman has been qualified on her own OR through nepotism. That is my point. Nepotism was never extended to a woman before in politics for the highest office, so how can there be any precedent?
grapefruit / 4800 posts
@shortcake: so because it's a woman it's ok and doesn't make it corrupting? And yes there's been queens before, no female president but besides for the bush's it only happened one other time so we're not working on big numbers as far as US precedent goes.
pear / 1521 posts
@Mrs D: Definitely not trying to convince you that you should vote for Hillary! I get that is kind of a gamble when voting for someone, how do you really know what they believe. I get that to you Hillary feels more untrustworthy than Trump. I just don't get why if you believe Trump when he says what he says, how his positions don't disqualify him from the presidency. I mean the breastfeeding thing, yea maybe that's been twisted out of context. But he has said so many other disgusting, vile, non-presidential things. If I were a conservative who could not in good conscious vote for Hillary, then I'd be sitting this one out or waiting for a 3rd party candidate that I could support. I really am not trying to attack you here, so I hope this doesn't come across that way.
@Mrs.KMM: Voting for Trump IS supporting him.
@shortcake: You are absolutely correct that the outcome of the presidential race is not really the most important issue here. I think that the political system is currently broken and our country is so polarized not because of Obama but because of what the senate and more so House have been up to the past 8 years. And it's not going to change unless the tea party/obstructionist Republicans are voted out.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
@mediagirl: I donno. I've been offended since page 1. Numerous people have made the claim that disagreement and dislike of Clinton is primarily due to sexism.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@petitenoisette: so what you're saying is our system is broken because we don't have Democrats in the oval office, senate and house. Not that we don't have one party in all three, right? Things will only get better if we have all three majority Dem?
eggplant / 11824 posts
@shortcake: Just needed to say that I love everything you said.
nectarine / 2667 posts
I admit I am not as informed in Hillary as many of you who commented. In my semi-ignorant opinion, I feel like she projects an "image" and I don't fully feel like I know who she is, which makes it hard for me to trust/like her. I believe this likely stems from being a women in politics for so long and I don't begrudge her that. I will vote for her.
Trump is a flaming garbage person. His goals are clearly 100% about himself and cares not at all for the American people. His flip-flopping and abhorrent attitude are proof enough of that. I cannot understand how he's the "lesser" evil to Hillary, since she does not openly invite violence and hatred upon others. I cannot stress that enough: *Trump tells Americans in explicit terms to HURT other Americans!* Him being president would be literally life-threatening to Americans (his campaign already is).
@Mrs D: I'm not trying to antagonize, but to be fair you said "There are a list of issues I have with her - all leading to me not wanting to see he fail as the first female president much the same way I feel sad to have seen Obama fail as the first African American president." So I can see where people thought it was a fact-like statement. But I also know how easy it is to get ideas misrepresented in print.
coconut / 8472 posts
I'm at work so of course I'm switching back and forth between HB and Facebook . At the top of my feed is a story with the headline, "Donald Trump uses a dramatic reading to compare immigrants to venomous snakes."
So I'm going to come right out and say it. If you vote for Trump, I judge you. If you think this guy is the lesser of two evils in ANY comparison, I judge you. You people that vote for him are no better than the people who went along with the Nazi party in Germany and Austria. I don't care if we're supposed to be "nice" and not say things like that.
pomelo / 5298 posts
@petitenoisette: I echo everything you just said expect the house and senate comment. I think it extends further than the recent 8 years.
No matter who gets the office, I really worry about our country in the next 4 years. As a conservative, I will not vote Trump. Please bring in a good third candidate.
Eta: I missed the last sentence. I don't necessarily think any one party needs full control. I think we do much better when we are more middle of the road than vastly divided in the extreme right and left.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@mediagirl: I think @petitenoisette: was more trying to say that the Tea Party was part of the problem, not all Republicans.
Our country works best when both parties can COMPROMISE with each other. Lately though, there's been a lot of unwillingness to even talk to the other side, which is causing a lot of problems and one of the reasons Trump and Bernie are so popular with their anti-establishment messages!
pomelo / 5509 posts
@Maysprout: Agree with all that you said.
I really don't want to vote for Hillary. It will be hard for me to do so. I don't agree with a lot of her policies and there have been too many times she's been caught in a lie and been found to have changed her story to fit her agenda - and this has nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman. I have felt the same way about many male politicians too and felt like I had to make a decision between the lesser of two evils.
Which is what I'd be doing in a race between Hillary and Trump. The difference this time is that the evil has never been AS evil as Trump before. I'll do almost anything to keep him out of office, including voting for Hillary.
I'm voting for Bernie in my primary next month. I'd LOVE to be able to write him in during the general election but I'm too scared any vote that wasn't for Hillary would basically be a vote for Trump. Which is so so sad to me.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@Maysprout: yeah, same type of stuff happened 8 years ago. "You don't want to vote for Obama because you're racist."
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@mediagirl: I've actually heard it spun the opposite way about Hillary too. "Oh, you're only voting for her because you're a woman." There's no winning on either side!
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@Mrs D: on the flip side of what you encountered, a former co-worker of mine sent me tons of links for a black candidate in her area suggesting I support him. First of all it was a local race that I couldn't vote in anyway and second of all he was Tea Party, which is not my cup of tea. Ever since Obama has come on the scene some people think black people just started voting and we vote on color and not policy.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@mediagirl: I think it's because there is SO MUCH HATRED for her. Moreso than any other politician ever it seems (unless you count Trump, but he's not a politician). Politicians have done and been far worse than her, and people just effing hate her, including democrats! So, in some instances, it's an inevitable conclusion that she's being held to a different standard than men.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@petitenoisette: my personal opinion is that I cannot sit it out...it's too much a duty I think we all need to fulfill...and I can get behind some of his ideas just not all. I just don't see eye to eye on anything w her.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Just more proof that racism and sexism are still very much alive and flourishing today, unfortunately!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@IRunForFun: I would really hope that isn't the case. While I can't vote for either, I can't see Trump getting more than Clinton in a general election...even with a ton of write-ins or independent votes.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I just think it's sad when race/gender come in to play at all...it's like we need the voice for politicians in order to avoid people interpreting why we are voting for who we are voting for.
Between these comments and the people who assume I am conservative simply bc my parents were I just find it so offensive for someone to imply I am voting a certain way for some reason other than my alignment with their policies/goals for while in office!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Can I ask of those who are conservative, who would you LIKE to see as president? Even if they aren't in the running now. Is there a Romney push? Kasich seems to be pretty popular here too. Or maybe I'll start a separate thread w/ a poll : )
grapefruit / 4800 posts
@winniebee: You think there's more hatred and conspiracy theories about her than the bush's or past presidents? I disagree. Seems par for the course.
pomegranate / 3890 posts
@Mrs D: just curious what views do you agree with thst trump supports? I'm genuinely curious to hear from someone who doesn't support him but will vote for him if he wins the nomination.
coconut / 8234 posts
I'm a feminist and I've heard from a lot of people that because I am one it should be a no brainer that I vote for Hillary. I want to see a woman president and like I said will vote for her if she wins the primary but just because I don't like some of her politics doesn't mean it's because of sexism. I have been appalled by some of the sexist reactions to Hillary (not here) but I'm not voting for her in the primary because Bernie's my guy. I align more with him.
8 years ago from Republicans and Hillary supporters it was...you're voting for Obama because you're Black.
grapefruit / 4355 posts
@petitenoisette: I'd be all for voting for a good third-party candidate. Have one enter the race! Honestly, I think it is needed in this election. But we were not discussing third-party candidates so I did not speak to that.
Just because I hate both candidates doesn't mean that I am going to sit out the election. I believe it is my civic duty to vote even if I hate my options.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@winniebee: I said before Romney, kasich and Rubio are all people I could actually support. As a woman option - I always wished Condy Rice would run...
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@winniebee: you should create a new thread on that one. I'd like to see the results! I'd also like to hear from people who are undeclared if there is anyone they would have voted for if the ones left weren't the only ones left.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@Mrs D: for once we agree on something. As Clinton voters like to say: I'm with her. lol
persimmon / 1447 posts
@Mrs D: Oh Condy is fantastic! Every election season rolls around and she doesn't run, I die a little
pomelo / 5509 posts
@mediagirl: I want to believe that. I really do. BUT a few months ago I believed Trump would barely get any support/votes and his whole campaign was a joke so...I don't know what to think anymore!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@stargal: fiscally I agree with a lot of what he says. Fiscal and trade policy is where I worry most w regard to politics. So I am comfortable with him there.
With regard to immigration - I do not agree with his extreme statements and suggestions. I do however agree with what I brlieve the realistic and attainable outcome of his "policies" will be. Meaning - I don't think he will be able to accomish some (most) of the off the wall stuff he says - but I do agree with a milder approach along the same lines...which j think is the reality of what he will be able to get done. Does that make sense? I feel it's hard to explain...
grapefruit / 4355 posts
@winniebee: Honestly, I have yet to see a politician that I feel I truly agree with. Probably because while I am conservative when it comes to fiscal matters, I am liberal/libertarian when it comes to social issues.
That being said, I was happy with the prospects of both Rubio and Kasich.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
So, obviously this isn't conclusive since it's only taking into account the primaries that have already occurred, but so far, here are the total votes Hillary and Trump have received:
Hillary: 8,673,981
Trump: 7,542,184
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@NavyRN2012: right? And the fact that she doesn't run almost makes me like her more bc you know she is going "I'm not getting in to that mess" which I just can't blame her for!!!
grapefruit / 4291 posts
As somebody living on the other side of the world and not really understanding how U.S. politics works, Trump as your country's head of state is just a joke. I just cannot see him having the diplomacy, tact and skills to meet, greet and talk with other world powers. I feel like Hillary at least fits the bill when it comes to that side of the job!
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@Kemma: This. Someone being "genuine" about having no morals doesn't go in the "plus" column in my book.
pear / 1852 posts
Another Canadian here: I'd vote Hillary, anyone is better than TRump.
Just because she's running though, doesn't mean she stays President for 8 years. People can always vote for someone new in 4 years. I understand though that she would probably still be the democratic candidate? But this is a good option for people who usually vote republican, but can't stomach TRumps idiocy.
grapefruit / 4712 posts
DH and I talked about this the other night. We are both more moderate then anything else. We both think this looks like a circus. Neither candidate is ideal and we will likely write in. I have a hard time with politics because the whole thing just feels slimy. I can't handle Trump for a lot of reasons and I don't like HRC either for a lot of reasons. Too much to ask for a do over right?
nectarine / 2148 posts
I am prefacing by completely saying that I am not voting for Trump. However, my DH is a complete supporter of his. Not even in a I think he is the best of two evils kind of way.
He definitely appreciates the fact that Trump is a successful businessman. With some of the stuff he says, he does not believe a lot of it is true, or it is exaggerated for free press. Which, I actually tend to believe quite a bit as well. Also, Trump has made sooo many business deals with nations across the whole world that if he truly was as nasty as he is, I am sure he would not be as successful as he is. What it also boils down to is that for DH too, his main topic he cares the most about is the economy, to which he thinks based on that Trump would be the best at. Some of the other points he may not agree with as well, but the economy is his voting stance.
My sticking point though is I feel like trump has an angle and I don't know what it is.
What I find interesting is so many people saying that they can't believe anyone is voting for Trump. I certainly can see how people are voting for Trump and it is not surprising whatsoever that he has so many supporters. I think Trump gives a lot of shock and awe that many people won't stop and listen to why people support him.
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