I kept waiting for it but it never happened with LO! I feel gypped!
I kept waiting for it but it never happened with LO! I feel gypped!
nectarine / 2280 posts
I could see her swipe her foot or whatever swipe across my belly. She'd also bunch up on one side and make weird lumps. Crazy baby!
I have video of her kicking.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
Yes it was the coolest thing! I got a few videos of it too.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
Yup. I once took a video of my belly jumping around. It was pretty cool.
nectarine / 2994 posts
Yes I could! It was crazy seeing my belly roll when she moved and saw the outline of her foot a few times.
nectarine / 2771 posts
I never saw body parts, but she hiccuped often, and those movements would be visible, so I have a lot of those videos.
honeydew / 7917 posts
Yes but I don't remember too much. Maybe I'll be able to see again with baby #2.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
I'm 21 weeks and DH just saw him move the other day. I can't see it yet because he's still so low that the bump is in the way!
honeydew / 7283 posts
Yup! DH and I used to just sit there and watch her. I didn't get any video though.
clementine / 959 posts
My belly looks like an alien is trying to pop out of it. Every evening!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
Yeah it's crazy and it happens a LOT at this point (37 weeks). I haven't gotten a video yet though-- as soon as I remember to grab my iphone, baby calms down.
pear / 1693 posts
My belly moves around like crazy. Sometimes I can see bulges when the butt or foot is.
kiwi / 726 posts
Yup! I've been seeing baby move around a lot. I just wish I could tell what body parts were moving.
papaya / 10570 posts
I have seen a few little twitches over the last few weeks but nothing like you ladies have described, no big belly movements. I can feel the hiccups but I can't see them.
pomelo / 5073 posts
Yup!!!! First time I was about 21 weeks. I didn't think I would because my belly had some padding. Yesterday she was all on my right side. My belly was lopsided.
pear / 1787 posts
Yes! I saw it for the first time a few days ago (I'm 23 weeks 4 days). It was amazing!
eggplant / 11287 posts
Yes. I am seeing it now, and I am almost 20 weeks. I didn't see it last time with LO until maybe 25 weeks or so, but I have less belly fat this time around and I don't have an anterior placenta this time!
By the time I was 32 weeks + with DD, My belly moved likE CRAZY! people could see my stomach moving through my shirt from across the room. It was super freaky.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
I didn't really see her move so to speak, but she preferred one side over the other and I oftentimes had a very lopsided belly! Never really got to see any crazy movements though...
olive / 72 posts
Man, I have anterior placenta. I'm sure I'll be happy to have extra padding in the future but it took a couple extra weeks to feel Paris (short for parasite, we haven't decided on a name yet) move. At about 30 weeks I'm feeling quite a few kicks and tumbles, but can't see nada on the surface.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@regberadaisy: Yep! That's so strange...my whole belly would move!
pomegranate / 3398 posts
Oh yeah. All three of my pregnancies I was able to see them from the outside. I have videos of this latest pregnancy of my crazy belly.
ETA I also had an anterior placenta.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
I have an anterior placenta as well and can see her move all over the place as I type this! It's so cool & creepy at the same time.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
Yes! I loved it . . . especially her almost twice daily hiccups, and her nightly midnight dance partay!
grapefruit / 4213 posts
Yep, I see her kicks, hiccups, and she often goes to one side or the other so I have a mound of baby on one side of the bump.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
yes! so many videos and photos of it. I miss baby movement
pear / 1554 posts
Saw it all the time with LO. With this one, just yesterday, I saw my belly twitch and felt a kick.
grapefruit / 4823 posts
Both times I could. DS was much more active than #2, but it's super weird to be sitting there and then seeing your belly bounce around.
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