Well, I woke up at 6:30 this morning with really bad epigastric pain (like tears in my eyes made me want to vomit bad).Considering all of my complications (PIH/GD/hyper emesis), I thought it would be best to be seen ASAP, so I went down to LDR to be assessed and spent a good chunk of my morning there.

I am back at home now. They did all the PIH/HELLP blood work, which all came back well. My urine showed some protein, but based on my blood work they aren't too worried about that at the moment. My BP was fairly high, but that could have been just due to the pain. I also had an NST and I was having some mild contraction activity, but that wasn't related to the pain, and baby was doing well heart-rate and activity wise.

After some head scratching, and pulling up my old medical records. They think that pain is likely to be from a surgery I had 7 years ago (I had an orange-sized tumour removed from my diaphragm), now that baby is getting bigger and stronger, he/she was stretching and tearing the scar tissue, causing the pain.

There is really nothing to do about it other than coax the baby away from that position, and hope that he/she stops poking at the scarred areas.

But, pain in that general area can be a sign of HELLP syndrome, so if it happens again I still need to go in and have a BP/NST/urinalysis and bloodwork. It was a scary morning, and terrible to wake up feeling that searing type of pain. I am just hoping baby decides to be kind to me!

My poor Mom was visiting, and she was in bed so I went in and left her a note, so she cleaned the house and moved stuff for me while I was gone, and then unfortunately she had to head back home shortly after I got back home.