LO has croup. He's never had it before, but it seems like it's a pretty bad case. The steroids didn't help at all. Monday he threw up on me five times, yesterday once (from coughing so hard).

We have over a foot of snow on the ground so I've only left the house since Saturday to go to the doctor.

LO cut three teeth this week!

My plan for sick child care fell through and so I had to take the week off work. I had a big project due. But goodness I would looooove to go to work today and just be able to SIT!

DH couldn't take off because he is asking for a raise this week. I'm kind of nervous. I don't know if they will give it to him, but he is so underpaid that he will probably have to look elsewhere if he doesn't. Which means starting a new job and no paternity leave!

My FIL is coming to stay with us Friday. My floors need mopped so badly, they are disgusting!

On the bright side...we find out the baby's sex today!! We were green last time, so it will be interesting to see how this experience is. (Though its totally DH who wants to find out - I could wait. But if its a GIRL I have some newborn summer dresses I'm gonna start knitting TONIGHT! I think a boy will get booties.)