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What do you really think of gender reveal parties?

  1. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    Huh, I never would think bad on the idea of a gender reveal party?
    We had a small dinner/ reveal with a cake with family and a few close friends

    As for gifts I would have never expected a thing at ours nor would I expect to bring one

    Now if the parents to be registered I might frown on that.....

  2. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    I think it depends. Definitely not a fan if gifts are expected. But, if it's family and close friends I wouldn't mind! Depending on how many family and friends you have it could feel like a party. If it was for someone I cared about then I would celebrate with them then think they were trying to be attention grabbing. I would imagine though if there were gender disappointment that would be awkward.

  3. Amelieisme

    persimmon / 1361 posts

    I think gender reveal party is fine! Didn't have one for my kiddos (I don't like being the center of attention) and I certainly would make sure gifts weren't involved, but don't see the big deal otherwise. It's exciting and if you want to share the excitement with friends and family, go ahead.

  4. reverie

    kiwi / 661 posts

    I kind of like the idea and sort of wanted one, but our family is very small and it didn't seem like the type of thing that I would invite friends to so we skipped it. I think if you have the right type of people to invite it would be really cute.

  5. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @ChelseaRose: I always think the same thing...but then I guess "sex reveal" sounds like a very different kind of party

  6. wonderstruck

    pomegranate / 3791 posts

    @FaithFertility: I've been invited to two. They both involved registries and they both still had a shower later on. I majorly side eye that kind of thing.

  7. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    You asked for an honest opinion... I think they're a little self-indulgent. Also, I feel like most people don't really know that they're a "thing" and won't really know if they should bring a gift or what... ETA I've been to a gender-reveal "get-together" with literally 6 people who were super super curious about the gender of the baby. It was a lot of fun! And not so self-indulgent.

  8. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    I don't like them. I think they come across as attention-seeking, especially when they're basically an elaborate staging for a Facebook photo. Also, I don't like having so much importance placed on biological sex, and all the gender binary pink/blue/princess/little man crap that comes along with it.

  9. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    Small events with just close friends and family are fun. No gifts or invitations. I hear a lot about them, but only know one person who has done it. Very informal--show up wearing pink or blue, eat some food, hang out for the reveal.

  10. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    We had a small one for our first and everyone thought it was fun. We made it a football watching/find out the gender party. We already knew the gender so it wasn't a surprise. We had pizza and I made a cake. People voted what they thought it would be with little colored swizzle sticks. There were no presents. My nieces were super excited. We had immediate family and close friends. Probably a total of 20 people. Very casual. E-vite style.

  11. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    Agree with @ms.line: completely. Definitely not my style. We told people the sex of the baby when we saw them or when they asked, but there was no party. If you have family locally and want to invite them over or whatever that's great, but the staged FB/pinterest stuff drives me crazy. Apparently a girl I went to high school with just did one (and they're pretty rare where I'm from), and when she found out she was having a girl, she jumped up and down screaming with joy, saying "it was SO easy, it didn't take us long at all! I am SO glad it's not a boy, I don't know what I would have done if it was!" Now I know her reaction isn't normal, but I feel like it's a bit odd to put that much importance on the sex of the baby. I feel like it's putting the cart before the horse, I guess.

  12. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    I'm not a fan, because I'm not a fan of the weird obsession with gender in the first place.

    ETA: pp beat me to it!

  13. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    I think it's cute and fun to celebrate exciting news like gender, and share the moment with loved ones! I've never heard of these kinds of parties including gifts.

  14. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    I find them slightly annoying, but only really in situations where we're just coming off of celebrating a couple's wedding/shower/bachelorette etc. If it's less than 2 years since I came to your wedding and all the trappings that came with that, I have no interest in coming to your gender reveal.

  15. Mamasig

    pomegranate / 3565 posts

    I'm not really a fan. I agree that it just seems attention seeking. To me having a baby is what needs to be celebrated. Why do we want to place so much emphasis on boy or girl? Plus I'm impatient. I basically mass texted my family as soon as we found out.

  16. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    Fun! I've never known of one where giving gifts was a requirement. We did something fun with family both times, and didn't do gifts.

  17. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: Oh wow. That girl sounds like a peach. 😐 Although I did hear of one where the mom had a huge preference for a girl and cried when she found out it was a boy. I just don't think that's a good idea to find out for yourself in front of all your friends and family if you really have a known preference!!

  18. Keybee

    kiwi / 735 posts

    I wasn't a fan, had been invited to a couple and didn't care enough to go. However, when it was time to announce our baby's gender my husbands family was so excited they suggested we do one. It was very simple, just family. We had a cake with the gender color that we cut and ate with ice cream. We had fun!

  19. farawayyama

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @youboots: I had the same situation. They really, really wanted a little girl and found out they were having boy #2. The mother spent the party barely holding it together and the father outright talked for the rest of the party about how this now meant they had to have a #3.

    To make matters more awkward I was pregnant with DD at the time and she knew (we told a few, close friends only). She started saying how it's not fair that I and her pregnant sister in law (standing next to me) got girls, when she only got boys. Awkward all around.

    The reality is that he's almost a year old now and they wouldn't change him for any girl. They needed to be able to process their disappointment in private though, and having a giant party didn't allow them to do that.

  20. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    I've never been to one. I just told my friends whenever we were out together for dinner. No big deal!

  21. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    I like the idea of a gender/sex reveal moment. Having family over for a normal dinner and announcing/revealing at dessert etc. Or doing an announcement/reveal at the shower. A themed party is way over the top for me.

    My Skype gender reveal with my parents went really horriblely so maybe I'm just bitter.

  22. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    I don't mind doing a reveal at the shower, but I give a side eye to throwing a big party just for the gender (a small dinner with a colored cake or whatever doesn't count).

  23. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @birdofafeather: Yep. Definitely not a friend of mine even though I've known her since 1st grade. How tacky!
    @farawayyama: Yeah....this is such an issue with these parties. Many people claim "we don't care! We just want healthy!" and then if they don't know beforehand, it's hard to mask true feelings. Another friend of mine posted pics of when she and her husband opened the box to reveal pink balloons. She's clapping and smiling and her husband looks pissed. I personally know/have talked to a lot of people who admit to having to digest the news themselves before sharing (including me!), and it makes it sooooo awkward to be in public.

  24. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    Not a fan of all of the fuss. I think "gender" (i.e., sex) reveals are incredibly self indulgent, no matter if gifts are involved or not. I just don't get people that are disappointed/relieved when they find out the sex of their baby. I was relieved after my anatomy scan, when I found out that my baby was developing normally. The fact that I found out we were having a boy was still great, because I could definitively picture a little boy versus a little baby in our future. We didn't have a problem telling people we were having a boy right away. It would have been months before we could have had a party to reveal that, and also logistically difficult with friends and family spread across the country. Still, it's not something we would have done, anyway. I also didn't want a big baby shower, with games and all. We had a low-key family get-together instead. And while there was lots of talk about the baby-to-be, the focus wasn't all on me.

  25. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @Corduroy: So you mind sharing how your Skype gender reveal went horribly?

  26. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    We did one for just our parents because my husband really wanted to. He had wanted to be team green, but conceded bc I could not wait. However, he still wanted to "announce" it (I think like he pictures husbands do in movies after delivery). So once we found out, we had both sets of parents over for dinner and he told them. Everyone else we told normally over text/ in person.
    I was going to be equally happy with either gender, but I still can't imagine finding out for the first time in front of a crowd of people. that seems like it could be really awkward, and lead to a lot of people trying to read into things.

  27. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    So the more I think about it, how can it really be gift grabby if you haven't told anyone the sex yet? Like, sure people are likely to get you cute pink or blue clothes, but it's not like they can bring them to the party anyway. So attention grabby, sure, maybe, but not really gift grabby.

    @MrsSCB: lol at "sex reveal" party!

    @ChiCalGoBee: we had a friend who would say things like "ugh I'll kill myself if this is a boy. I only want girls!" When she was pregnant with her first. Really. And, she then found out it was a boy. It was so weird. But I'm happy to say she chilled out a LOT and is really happy with her now two sons and never says things like that anymore, at least in public.

  28. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    They don't bother me. I did a mini one at work, where I brought in cupcakes with pink flags on them and left them in the kitchen.

    If it bothers you, don't go or participate. Babies are something to celebrate and everyone does it differently.

  29. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    @Astro Bee: My mom had a completely irrational meltdown because we were (in her mind) forcing her to know the sex of the baby and she wanted to be surprised. She cried for 45 minutes before we were able to tell her the sex. She's not normally crazy or dramatic so this was totally unexpected.

  30. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @Corduroy: Oh, that's sad. I think it's always a surprise, no matter when you find out. Sorry your mon reacted poorly. I thought my mom would be a little disappointed by a boy, since she'd bought a few little girl's outfits before we even got pregnant. Up until we called her after the anatomy scan, she was convinced I was having a girl. Still, she handled it beautifully, and denies being disappointed. She absolutely dotes on her grandson. Not sure if your LO is born yet, but I'm sure this will be the case, too.

    ETA: I just checked your profile and see you have two LOs. Was it for the boy or the girl that'd you'd done the Skype gender reveal? Did she react differently the other time?

  31. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @Corduroy: Wow!!

    I'm not really into making a huge deal about the sex and I think it's a little silly to do so, but I've also never known anyone who did a huge party with gifts and invitations to do this. I'm wondering if that phenomenon is a myth that only exists on Pinterest. We had our anatomy scan and then that same afternoon I sent out an email to a handful of friends inviting them to our place the following evening. We had about six people and I made a plate of cupcakes stuffed inside with pink frosting. We already knew, obviously. Then I opened a bottle of rose champagne and we watched a movie. It was laid back and a lot of fun to hang out. We attended a reveal last week that was similar, but with a lot more people. Just some snacks and beer and dessert, no gifts. I enjoyed it, and I liked getting excited about the sex with the couple.

    [ETA] I also put the DVD with the scan photos in so everyone could see them blown up huge on the TV, which was entertaining since I have some friends who work in medicine. They got excited.

  32. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    @Astro Bee: It was the first which turned out to be my girl. She was thrilled to have a granddaughter once she got over having to hear the sex. She was more relaxed about hearing #2 (her #4 grandchild). I think she wanted another granddaughter but wanted girl/boy for us so ii tt was win/win for her.

  33. Mrs.KMM

    grapefruit / 4355 posts

    @PawPrints: they definitely exist. I've seen the photos from FB acquaintances (big party, mailed invites, lots of cutesy decor, etc).

  34. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    I was planning on doing one mainly because we're moving across the country when I'm 6 months pregnant and most of my friends will never even meet my baby It seemed like a fun way to celebrate the baby with the people I care about.

    But we've had some issues with my pregnancy and I've been really not feeling great so it kinda freaks me out to celebrate the pregnancy.

    I'm in the camp of if it isn't your thing, don't participate.

    Under normal circumstances I love hosting themed parties (even if the theme was just boy or girl, lol). When I initially sent out a text invite people seemed really excited, haha.


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