Hellobee Boards


What gender is your OB?

  1. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    Male- he's wonderful!

  2. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    There are three females and one male at my practice - haven't met the male yet, but I've heard he's great.

  3. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    My whole practice is female. Not that I wouldn't feel uncomfortable with a male, but I feel like females understand other women better and it's what I prefer.

  4. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    My midwife was a female, but both OBs I saw the hospital (the one on call when I was admitted and the one who actually delivered E) when I was in labor were male.

  5. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts


  6. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    There are 3 men and 2 women OBs in my practice, but the 1 I see the most is male. I saw all of the doctors during my hospital stay for LOs birth.

  7. Mrs. Coral

    clementine / 812 posts

    Female , but I will rotate through all the doctors, some of whom are male.

  8. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    I usually see a female CRNP/midwife but when I was pregnant I alternated between her and a male OB. I really like them both.

  9. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Was male last time but he just retired, so now female

  10. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts


  11. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @ValentineMommy: haha - I loved The Cosby Show! I've always had female docs, but chose a male OB and am so happy with my decision.

  12. yin

    honeydew / 7917 posts

    Female. DH isn't comfortable with me being seen by a male doc, but I don't have a preference. I just want a good reliable doctor

  13. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Male and he's awesome.

  14. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    I don't have a specific preference, but I have seen both men and women, I don't select a doctor based on their sex and I wouldn't require my husband to either...if he needed to see a urologist and the best one around was a female, that wouldn't be off limits.

  15. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    I have always seen females in the past, but when I started infertility treatments, I ended up being seen by male REs. I quickly got used to it, and my current OB is a male.

  16. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts


  17. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    Male...he's great! He's relatively young and DH and I are both comfortable being around him, plus he has a lot of kids so we know he's been through the experience several times as a dad.

  18. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    My practice uses a rotation model of both males and females. A male delivered me. For gyno stuff I typically see a female but I might switch to the guy that delivered me now.

  19. NavyRN2012

    persimmon / 1447 posts

    Male. I work with all of our doctors, so I chose based on who I felt would best take of me, not sex.

  20. fairy

    persimmon / 1343 posts

    There are 2 male OBs and 1 female OB (and a female NP) in the practice I use. I like all of them! I think that for exams, the males are more gentle (other than when I was in labor and I was wishing the cervical checks were done by a female or a male with smaller hands!), and a male did my c-section, but the females were warmer and always seemed more excited about pregnancy/birth lol.

  21. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @looch: yay!

    My previous OB before I moved was male and he was awesome. I definitely would have stuck with him had we stayed. My new OB is female, but I only chose her based on friend's recommendations.

  22. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    My RE is male but will be moving onto my female OB in a few weeks.


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