Hellobee Boards


What would your ideal spacing between kids be?

  1. Moming About

    apple seed / 4 posts

    My children are 7.5, 4, and newborn. Around 4 years is the ideal spacing for me, though 3 years might not be so bad.

    - Older child was potty trained before new baby arrived.
    - Child understands more of what's going on
    - Two's and even three's can be very challenging, depending on the child
    - Neither of my two older children have shown jealousy or anger when they got a new sibling
    - Still close enough to play with each other (my 4 and 7.5 year-old are great buddies)
    - Child is more self-sufficient, independent, and self-reliant

    - Children are not super close in age, so they may not be as close (friendship-wise) as they get older
    - Closer together means you get it over with (that's sounds harsh, doesn't it?) faster

    I really can't think of many cons because I've had such a great experience with this age gap.

  2. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    It's funny because I feel like time is passing soo quickly. I always thought I'd want my kids 2 years apart, but LO is almost 12m and I haven't even got my cycle back, so 2 years seems pretty unrealistic at this point.

    Then again I think we'll probably only ever have 2 babies, and I'm not ready to be done yet! So I think i might want to prolong the baby making years a bit, haha!


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