This is the second year we will get a live Christmas Tree. Last year we got it over Thanksgiving weekend and although I thought it was a bit too early, it ended up working out great. I was exhausted after all those set up and decorating I needed 4 days! I think I will kill myself if I were to do it over a 2-day weekend. We cut the tree ourselves last year and it lived through Christmas fine, it would have continued to live if we don't dispose it.

I am thinking we'll do the same this year but I had that feeling of it being too early again. Plus we are not going to cut it live ourselves from a farm, and I also worry if the tree may start withering sooner.

What are your plans for getting your tree this year, and any tips for me? Any specific type of trees I should get (I am thinking fraser fir)? We live in Atlanta GA but our house is quite dry.

Happy Thanksgiving!