Hellobee Boards


Where do your pets sleep?

  1. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @autumnlove: omg so funny you say that, my pup Bella is in love with mine. ..lol I tell her it is hers one baby comes

    This is her all in it......lol

  2. alohaorchid

    persimmon / 1404 posts

    They both sleep on our bed. They have their own beds in our bedroom and occassionally they will use them, but most of the time they are with us.

  3. Synchronicity

    grapefruit / 4089 posts

    @FaithFertility: Your dog is beautiful! What kind?

    Our dog is supposed to sleep on her bed in our room, but she generally waits until we fall asleep and then creeps up with us. She's definitely not small, so I'm glad we have a king!

  4. tlynne

    apricot / 317 posts

    Where ever LO is, our cats tend to follow. Sadie sleeps with him at nap, but on his floor at night. Two of our cats sleep with us (our Siamese prefers to be under the covers, too). One of our cats prefers to sleep with the dogs. All 3 dogs sleep in utility room on cold nights, outside on warm nights.

  5. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @FaithFertility: My dog growing up was crate trained so I thought that would be the best option for our pug. I kinda regret it. Yeah, it's his "safe place," but he's also SO laid back (duh - pug) and sleeps a TON (again duh lol) so he would've likely be totally fine sleeping on a bed all night. Oh well, next time, I guess!

  6. MediaNaranja

    pomegranate / 3244 posts

    They sleep on the bed. When we had two dogs, one snuggled up between my husband and I, and the other slept at the foot of the bed. Now that the snuggler has passed away, the other little guy moved into her place He loves it, lol.

  7. youboots

    honeydew / 7622 posts

    I caught her in the baby's room again this morning I covered it up last night so that she wouldn't get hair on our white couch

  8. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Synchronicity: American bull dog/pit mix.....good old fashion pound hoind we call her, but she is the best!

  9. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    They both sleep on our bed. Having a king sized bed helps most of the time, unless they both feel like sleeping in awkward positions and I just sleep around them.

  10. Synchronicity

    grapefruit / 4089 posts

    @FaithFertility: I thought at least part pit, but I didn't want to assume. She's beautiful and looks so sweet

  11. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Synchronicity: Thanks she is a huge love bucket

  12. MenagerieMama

    pear / 1547 posts

    Our two dogs sleep on their own beds right next to our bed in the bedroom. The two cats are locked out and so who knows where they sleep! Probably the couch in the living room or futon in the office/cat room. They used to sleep on or bed with us, and one slept under the covers, but locking them out was the best decision we ever made!

  13. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    I sleep with a pillow in between my legs, and our little pup curls herself up in that little space between my stomach and legs. It's great until I want to roll over and she growls at me

  14. renee

    cherry / 181 posts

    My dog sleeps with us in our bed! She always loves to sleep right in between us with her head on my pillow haha

  15. Bluemasonjar

    clementine / 920 posts

    Our dog goes to sleep on his bed in our room but sneaks into ours once we are asleep. Usually not until around 6 am though so we let him stay. Generally he is supposed to be invited but he is too cute when I wake up and find him cuddled near my feet. During the day he sleeps on his pillow that I keep in the living room next to the couch or in his crate if we aren't home.

  16. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    Our dog sleeps right in between us in bed.

  17. Imabee

    grape / 89 posts

    @FaithFertility: ah, this looks just like my house! Our 65 lb pit mix sleeps between us He is beyond spoiled.

  18. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    One cat sleeps in our bed religiously, and is still there in the morning, although she sometimes switches between sleeping at the bottom to by out sides - whoever she thinks will wake up first to rub her. The other alternates between bed and making a nest on the floor if we've left clothes there overnight. Sometimes she'll sleep in the clothes basket if we haven't put everything away yet.

  19. ElbieKay

    pomegranate / 3231 posts

    Our cats are in and out of the bedroom at night, but one of them is almost always sleeping on my feet when I wake up. The other one usually finds another spot to snooze in our bedroom (usually on the dresser). When my husband is not there, then the second cat is usually sleeping on his side of the bed when I wake up.

  20. BoogieBea

    pomegranate / 3503 posts

    Our dog starts off under my son's bed then comes into our room in the middle of the night.


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