I am an optimist and Bee is a bit more of a pessimist! In the grand scheme of things, it's a really healthy balance... but day to day, I think we're both surprised at how the other person can be such an optimist/pessimist haha!

Who drives the other person more crazy:

* an optimist in a relationship with a pessimist - The optimist has to hear negative takes on all their rosy scenarios, crushing their enthusiasm and varied hare-brained schemes. But some babies may get thrown out with the bath water... i.e. some great ideas might get lost in the mix.
* a pessimist in a relationship with an optimist - They have to hear all these crazily positive slash possibly delusional scenarios, and constantly have to be the bad guy and bring things back down to earth.

Who drives the other person more crazy: an optimist or a pessimist? And while we're at it: are you and your SO both optimists, pessimists, or are you guys mismatched?