I was talking to a friend who used to work as a bartender, and she said that her boss used to require all the employees to go on a run for one hour a day! They would all go for a run together before the day started.

My first reaction was that this is totally ridiculous! I can't imagine being forced to work out by my employer. I was outraged on her behalf! It was so far out of my experience that at first, I couldn't even process what she was saying. There isn't great labor law protection here in the Philippines, so stuff like this happens way more than it should.

My second reaction took some time to develop, and it surprised me. I kind of wish that someone would force me to work out! If they paid me for the time, even better. I have a hard time motivating to workout, but love the results.

What about you: if your work required you to work out for an hour a day (and paid you for your time), would you do it?